
tào zhòng
  • interplant;interplanting;under sow
套种 [tào zhòng]
  • [interplanting] 在另一种作物中间种植一种作物

套种[tào zhòng]
  1. 景泰灌区适宜与玉米套种的牧草品种比较试验

    Comparison between herbage varieties suited to interplant corn in Jingtai irrigation area

  2. 蚕豆与胡萝卜套种高产栽培技术

    High Yield Culture Technique on Interplant of Bean and Carrot

  3. 运用~(15)N示踪技术研究了麦棉套种条件下棉麦氮素吸收和运转分配规律。

    Using 15 N tracer technique , the N utilization and distribution of interplanted wheat with cotton were studied .

  4. 套种小麦、玉米及套种作物总WUE均随灌水次数和灌水量的增加而明显下降。

    The WUE of intercropping wheat , maize and total WUE decreased significantly with the increasing of irrigation frequency and irrigation amount .

  5. 但是伊利诺伊大学的FabianFernandez说,有些证据表明套种的益处。

    But Fabian Fernandez at the University of Illinois says there is evidence for some s.

  6. 共生期土壤水分对麦棉套种冬小麦比叶重、WUE和产量的影响

    Effects of Soil Moisture during the Co-growing Period on Leaf Specific Weight , WUE and Yield of Winter Wheat in Cotton and Wheat Inter-cropping

  7. 采用高稳系数(HSC)法,结合稳定性系数和适应性参数对1998年河南省玉米区试(套种组)15个品种进行高产稳产性综合评价。

    Using the high stability coefficient , the high yield stability of 15 middle maturity maize varieties in Henan regional test was synthetically evaluated according to stability parameters and adapt parameters .

  8. 青菜套种毛芋与青菜田(CK)相比青菜上平均落卵量和幼虫量分别减少39.13%和52.17%;

    The average oviposition and larvae of P. litura were reduced by 39.13 % and 52.17 % respectively , in Chinese cabbage fields interplanted with taroes compared with that in Chinese cabbage fields ( CK ) .

  9. 结果表明,百合植株叶片的生理指标及单位面积鳞茎产量和大鳞茎产量比率均是:稀植>中度密植>密植。板栗林下套种百合以30cm×30cm密度为宜。

    The results showed that all the tested physiological index , unit area output and big bulb percentage at the density of 30cm × 30cm were the best .

  10. 幼林以套种西瓜-萝卜模式为佳,其年公顷净收益增加6000元以上,林地有机肥增加37.5~45t,竹林出笋增加35%。

    Interplanting Water-melon-radish in young forest increased net revenue by 6 000 yuan , organic manure increased 37 . 5  ̄ 45t , shooting increased by 35 % .

  11. 平托花生还有改善土壤理化性状的作用,果园套种平托花生3年后,0~20cm的土壤容重为098g/cm3,土壤空隙度2573%,土壤含水量225%;

    Pinto also improves soil physical and chemical character . After 3-years intercropped , orchard soil bulk density in 0 ~ 20cm was 0.98 g / cm ~ 3 , soil porosity was 25.73 % , water content was 22.5 % ;

  12. 从生产饲料的角度,经模糊综合评价,得到景泰荒漠绿洲区最佳玉米牧草立体种植模式为:燕麦与箭舌豌豆混播与玉米套种,带幅150cm。

    From the view of fodder production and analysis of fuzzy , the optimum model in Jingtai Desert Oasis area was oat mixed sowing with vetch and intercropping with maize , and 150 cm between rows .

  13. 3幼龄龙眼果园套种绿肥及清耕处理土壤表层(0-20cm)酶活性(除多酚氧化酶外)均比亚表层(20-40cm)高,呈现较明显的层次性。

    The enzyme activity ( except polyphenol oxidase ) of surface soil ( 0-20cm ) was higher than those of sub - surface soil ( 20-40cm ), showing that there was obvious different layers in enzyme activity on young Longan orchard .

  14. 花生与药材套种对土壤微生物区系的影响

    Effects of intercropping peanut with medicinal plants on soil microbial community

  15. 麦田套种玉米的群体结构特征分析

    An Analysis of Characters on Wheat / Corn Compound Canopy Structure

  16. 闽南山地木荷林套种南方红豆杉的试验

    Interplanting Taxus chinensis Undergrowth of Schima superba in Fujian Southern Mountain

  17. 麦田套种棉花促早栽培技术研究

    Studies on Forwarding Culture Techniques in Wheat Field Intercropped With Cotton

  18. 大同市春小麦套种玉米的立体种植试验

    Experiment on Interplanting of Maize and Spring Wheat in Datong City

  19. 杉木幼林套种经济植物的模式

    The interplanting patterns of economic crops with young Chinese fir plantations

  20. 双季莲藕套种慈菇高产栽培技术

    Highyield cultivation techniques for double season lotus rhizome interplanting with arrowhead

  21. 麦玉套种条件下大穗型玉米适宜密度与施肥量的研究

    The Effect of Interpolating Density and Fertilization of Big Ear Maize

  22. 小麦辣椒玉米套种的效应与栽培技术初报

    Effect And Culture of Wheat , Corn , Hot Pepper Interplanting

  23. 秋玉米免耕套种高产栽培技术初探

    A Primary Research on High-yield Cultivation Technology of No-tillage Autumn Maize

  24. 果园套种绿肥对果园土壤改良的效果

    Effect of Interplanting Green Manure Crop in Orchard for Improving Soil

  25. 不同套种作物对朝天椒产量的影响

    Influences of different interplanting crops on yield of capsicum frutescens var

  26. 1粮+复种结构的经济效益比套种结构平均提高73.75%。

    The economic benefits of interplanting can averagely increases 73.75 % .

  27. 油茶林套种效益分析

    Analysis on Effect of Interplantation in Oil - tea Camellia Forest

  28. 玉米套种红板油椒高产高效栽培技术

    High-yield and High-Efficiency Cultivation Techniques of Corn Interplanted with Red Pepper

  29. 马铃薯与玉米不同套种模式的经济效益评价

    Economic Evaluation of Different Intercrop Pattern of Corn and Potato

  30. 合理套种牧草对山地果园生物环境和土壤肥力的影响

    Effects of pasturage intercropping on bio-environment and soil fertility in hilly orchards