
  • 网络sodium stearoyl lactylate;ssl;sodium stearyl lactylate;S.S.L;SSL SSL
  1. 硬脂酰乳酸钠(SSL)是一种阴离子型食品乳化剂。

    Sodium stearoyl lactylate ( SSL ) is a kind of anionic food emulsifier .

  2. 通过硬脂酰乳酸钠的IR测定,对制备产品与市售产品进行对比,得到产物相应的官能团吸收峰。

    Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate through IR measurements of the preparation of products and commercial products for purposes of comparison , be the product of corresponding functional group absorption peak .

  3. 本实验对向面包粉中单独添加大豆分离蛋白和添加大豆蛋白及乳化剂(硬脂酰乳酸钠,SSL)混合体的面包面团的流变学特性进行了比较研究,结果显示,后者明显优于前者。

    The result showed that the latter surpasses the former obviously by conducting the comparison research of the rheology characteristic of the mixture pasta by increasing the soybean protein isolated , mixture of soybean protein and emulsifier which is sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate , SSL to the bread powder separately .

  4. 硬脂酰乳酸钠对面粉品质特性及馒头品质的影响

    Effect of Sodium Stearoyl-2-Lactylate on Wheat Flour Characteristics and Steamed-Bread Quality

  5. 硬脂酰乳酸钠0.2%;

    Sodium stearyl lactate ( SSL ) 0.2 % ;