
qǐ shì
  • notice;advertisement;announcement
启事 [qǐ shì]
  • [notice;announcement] 公开声明某事的文字。多刊登出来

  • 结婚启事

  • 征稿启事

启事[qǐ shì]
  1. 这条启事能把闲人拒之门外。

    This notice should keep unwanted visitors out .

  2. 这是商店入口处的启事上所承诺的。

    For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised .

  3. 这一请求刊登在今天全国各大报纸的启事栏里。

    The request is published in notices in today 's national newspapers .

  4. 他将在《每日电讯报》的个人专栏上登一则启事。

    He will place an announcement in the personal column of The Daily Telegraph .

  5. 玛丽的家人很高兴,就在当地的报纸上登了一则启事来感谢他们。

    Mary 's family were so pleased that they put an announcement in the local paper to thank them

  6. 所有相关者,这则启事通知,燕子将受审判,在下一次鸟类审判中

    To all it concerns , This notice apprises , The Sparrow 's for trial , At next bird assizes .

  7. 启事:通告所有关系人,这则启事通知,下回鸟儿法庭,将要审判麻雀

    NOTICE : To all it concerns , This notice apprises , The Sparrow 's for trial , At next bird assizes .

  8. 启事上写着:“请记住,每个星期都有一位可以免费购物的顾客。也许,今天就是您的幸运日!”

    It said : " remember , once a week , one of our customers gets free goods . This may be your lucky day ! "

  9. 进化心理学择偶心理机制假设的跨文化检验&以天津、Boston两地征婚启事的内容分析为例

    Verification of Evolutionary Hypothesis on Human Mate Selection Mechanism in Cross-Culture Context

  10. 本市的住址簿上查不到登启事人留下的那个回信地址.此为f。O。b。横滨实盘,有效期为本地时间星期一收到回电。

    The city directory showed no such return address as the advertiser had left . We offer firm FOB yokohama for your telegraphic reply here by monday our time .

  11. 如果你看看极受欢迎的视频网站youtube,你会在那些广告中找到谷歌的招聘启事。

    If you look on the enormously popular video site , youtube , you will find , among others , a recruitment advertisement for Google .

  12. 根据全球自由职业者市场网站PeoplePerHour(PPH)在美国对5000份英音招聘启事的分析报告显示,玛丽精致高贵的口音在众多声音中最受欢迎。

    And Lady Mary 's cut-glass upper-class accent is the most popular of the lot , according to PPH 's analysis of 5000 job adverts requesting British-sounding voices in the USA.

  13. 苹果内幕(AppleInsider)网站于本周二发现了一份招聘启事,此前外界对苹果正倾力打造新的在线服务系统的猜测如今得到了证实。

    The source : Apple , which confirmed speculation the company is hard at work on new online services in a job listing first spotted by AppleInsider Wednesday .

  14. 至于刊登在商标条例下的公共启事,则需夹附知识产权署所发出的表格ip185正本。

    For an advertisement placed under the trade mark ordinance , a copy of the form ip185 issued by the intellectual property department must be attached .

  15. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。征书广告,征求书刊启事栏

    It has many advertisements and many different sections . publications wanted

  16. 我看到报纸上有一则启事,宣布了他们成婚的消息。

    I saw a notice in the paper announcing their marriage .

  17. 他们的结婚启事已见报了。

    The announcement of their marriage appeared in the newspaper .

  18. 我从报上的一则启事得知他已去世。

    I learned of his death through an announcement in the newspaper .

  19. 你想登份那种启事吗?

    Are you taking out one of those personal ads ?

  20. 他翻开一份报纸开始浏览征婚启事。

    He opened and a newspaper and began to peruse the personal ads.

  21. 高校教学与技术应用:第四届北京国际研讨会邀请函与征稿启事

    4th International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

  22. 我们从网络的招聘启事上收到很多回应。

    We received a lot of responses from our Internet ads.

  23. 信中指明了张贴启事的时间和地点

    It told me when and where to put up the poster .

  24. 窗户上贴满了有关专供退休者居住之平房的租赁启事。

    Its windows were filled with announcements about retirement bungalows .

  25. 一般还会在当地报约上刊登订婚启事。

    Engagement announcements also will appear in local newspapers .

  26. 我从阳台抛下了上百张启事;

    I threw hundreds of messages from the balcony ;

  27. 所以就是在我浏览征婚启事时,而他就在那里。

    So there I was , browsing the personals and there he was .

  28. 西方有关择偶启事的研究和论争

    Studies and Disputes on Personal Advertisements in the West

  29. 她张贴了一则寻狗启事。

    She posted a notice about her lost dog .

  30. 他的征婚启事是这么写的:

    Here 's his announcement looking for a bride .