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  • assessment report;evaluation report;appraisal report;statement
  1. 根据SQA,QC和工程技术人员共同完成的供应商考察评估报告,建立合格供应商清单。

    Create approved vendor list for each part according to the supplier appraisal report finished by SQA , QC and Engineering .

  2. 关于资产评估报告有效期的探讨

    Research on the " Validity Period " of Appraisal Report

  3. 我将为你准备一份经过修正的评估报告。

    I 'll prepare a revised estimate for you .

  4. 根据千禧年生态系统评估报告,对生态系统进行可持续的管理和开发远比过度开发它更有效益。

    Managing ecosystems sustainably is more profitable than exploiting them , according to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment .

  5. 在这方面,持续进行的《和态势评估报告》(NuclearPostureReview)将成为重要的里程碑。

    In this regard , the ongoing Nuclear Posture Review will be a key milestone .

  6. 美国贸易代表办公室把中国的互联网审查政策添加到其年度《贸易评估报告》(NationalTradeEstimateReport)中。全文于3月31日发布。

    The United States trade office added China 's Internet censorship policies to its annual National Trade Estimate Report , released on March 31 .

  7. 即使在一些阶段要求它,EU风险评估报告也是一个坚固的基础可以据此制定。

    Even if it was requested at some stage , the EU Risk Assessment report is a solid basis to build on .

  8. 美国联邦航空管理局发表环境影响评估报告以回应SpaceX公司的提案,这家公司计划一年最多从该发射场发射12枚火箭。

    Federal Aviation Administration released its environment impact assessment in response to proposal by Space X , launching as many as 12 rockets a year from the site .

  9. FDA评估报告显示低镁血症相关的不良事件和长期使用质子泵抑制剂有关。

    The FDA review suggests an association between hypomagnesemia-related serious adverse events and prolonged PPI use .

  10. Ed知道了,这是Stu的工作评估报告。

    Ed knows . This is Stu 's employee evaluation file right here .

  11. HN公司内部控制系统评估报告

    The Evaluation Report of Internal Control System of HN Corporation

  12. 根据ApplicationDevelopmentTrends对该评估报告的评论,“2009年,中间件市场将出现刹车”,Gartner预计中间件市场今年将会出现0.8百分比的降幅。

    According to a review of the report by Application Development Trends ," Middleware Market Hits the Brakes in2009 ", Gartner is projecting a0.8 percent decline in the AIM market for this year .

  13. IPCC评估报告气温变化观测数据的不确定性分析

    Uncertainties of Temperature Observation Data in IPCC Assessment Report

  14. 至于是否对伊朗采取进一步的制裁,将取决于国际原子能机构(iaea)和欧盟(eu)原定于本月提交的评估报告。

    A decision on further sanctions will depend on assessments due this month from the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Union .

  15. IPCC科学评估报告研究进展

    Advances of the IPCC scientific assessment reports

  16. 按照美国证券交易委员会(SecurityandExchangeCommission以下简称SEC)的要求,石油上市公司必须提供附合SEC标准的油气储量评估报告、披露相关信息。

    According to the requirement of Security and Exchange Commission of America ( SEC ) , oil companies should provide reserve estimating reports and informations according to the standard of SEC .

  17. 政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)发布了最新评估报告的第一部分。

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released the first part of its latest assessment report .

  18. IPCC第四次评估报告推断,全球变暖“极有可能”是人为造成的。

    The IPCC fourth assessment report concluded it is " likely " that global warming is human-induced .

  19. 因此,减少热带的森林砍伐被视为一个缓解潜在的气候变化的高优先级的方式。在其2007年的第4次评估报告中,IPCC得出结论说这样做的成本不高。

    And in its2007 Fourth Assessment Report , the IPCC concluded that it would not cost much to do .

  20. 英国财务大臣乔治奥斯本(georgeosborne)周三公布了他的《全面支出评估报告》(csr),并将之作为一项促进增长、公平和改革的计划。

    George Osborne , UK chancellor of the exchequer , on Wednesday presented his comprehensive spending review as a programme for growth , fairness and reform .

  21. 过去一年,英国气象局(MetOffice)下属的一个国际研究小组分析了100多篇科学论文,以更新IPCC在2007年推出的最新一份评估报告。

    An international research team led by the UK Met Office spent the past year analysing more than 100 recent scientific papers to update the last IPCC assessment , released in 2007 .

  22. 考虑到这些发现,MRC的战略环境评估报告建议该地区的所有水坝建设暂停10年。

    Given these findings , the SEA has recommended halting all dam building in the region for ten years .

  23. IMF在周二发布的最新全球经济评估报告中表示,因糟糕的经济决策而加剧的金融动荡已显著恶化,对增长构成了威胁。

    Releasing its latest assessment of the global economy on Tuesday , the fund said that financial instability , exacerbated by poor policymaking , had worsened considerably and threatened growth .

  24. 野村公布报告后不久,瑞银(UBS)也公布了自己的房地产评估报告。这份报告也看空楼市,但看空程度不及野村。

    Shortly after Nomura released its report , UBS came in with its own real-estate assessment , which was also a downer , but less so .

  25. 美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)昨日承认,美国厌倦了战争,他是在就伊拉克情况、向国会提供大多是消极的评估报告时,作出此番表述的。

    President George W. Bush acknowledged yesterday that the US was tired of war as he presented to Congress a mostly negative assessment of conditions in the country .

  26. 这项耗资1000万美元、历时4年的评估报告希望像政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)那样,评估饥饿与贫困问题。

    The four-year , US $ 10 million assessment hopes to be like'an Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change'for hunger and poverty .

  27. 尽管imf昨日表示,自己“未必赞同”附加资本金的概念,但它长达27页的评估报告为这个正逐渐获得国际认可的理论进一步增加了份量。

    Although the IMF said yesterday that it was " not necessarily endorsing " the surcharge concept , its 27-page assessment of the theory adds further weight to an idea that is gaining international momentum .

  28. 最后对延边电信CDMA网络进行了一段时间的网络测试和优化工作,通过详细的数据分析和比对工作,最终形成PN规划实施方案和评估报告。

    Final the testing and optimization of networks are done for some time on YanBian telecommunication CDMA network . PN planning implementation and evaluation reports are made through a detailed analysis and comparison of data .

  29. 系统采集电网监控与数据采集(SCADA)系统和保护故障信息系统的信息,采用人工智能技术,在电网正常运行时给出安全性和经济性的评估报告;

    The system utilizes the data from SCADA system and protection fault information system with artificial intelligence technologies . In normal conditions , it presents evaluation reports on dispatching security and economy .

  30. 根据IPCC(2007)第四次评估报告预测,从现在开始到2100年,全球平均气温将升高1.4-4.0℃。

    According to IPCC ( 2007 ) Fourth Assessment Report , it predicts that global average temperatures will increase by 1.4-4.0 ℃ from now to 2100 .