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  • 网络Wu County;Wuxian County
  1. 以江苏省吴县市农地为例,研究了高强度经济开发下土壤环境中重金属元素的变化。

    The changes of heavy metal status in soil under intensive economical development were studied in Wuxian County of southern Jiangsu .

  2. 1991-2000年吴县市居民前五位主要疾病为恶性肿瘤、脑血管病、呼吸系病、损伤和中毒、心脏病。男性的恶性肿瘤、损伤和中毒的死亡率均高于女性(P0.05)。

    The first five death causes were malignant tumor , cerebrovascular disease , respiratory diseases , injure and poisoning during 1991 to 2000 . The mortality rates of malignant tumor , cerebrovascular disease , injure and poisoning in male were higher than that in female ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 吴县银铅锌矿选矿新工艺研究

    Study on new technology of mineral processing of Wuxian Ag-Pb-Zn ore

  4. 第六章则以个案的方式,对海南琼州和苏州吴县的儒学教化进行比较。

    Chapter six compares Confucianism edification in Qiongzhou with that in Wuxian .

  5. 吴县太湖孤山丘陵杉木优良种源选择研究

    Elite provenance selection of Chinese fir in hilly mountains of Wu count

  6. 矿用火箭弹在江苏吴县铜矿的应用

    Application of Rocket Bomb for Copper Mine in Wuxian

  7. 发展生态旅游推动循环经济发展&吴县市生态旅游模式设计

    Promoting Circular - economy by Developing Eco - tourism

  8. 苏州市郊吴县农村生态经济协调发展模式的探讨

    Study on the ecological-economical development models of wuxian & the rural systems of Suzhou City

  9. 生态示范区建设中生态型第三产业发展探讨&以江苏省吴县市、邗江县、邳州市为例

    A brief discussion of the tertiary industry development during the creation of Ecological Demonstration District

  10. 吴县市沿太湖地区污染源状况分析及防治对策

    Pollution sources analysis along the Bank of Taihu Lake of Wuxian City and its prevention strategies

  11. 江苏吴县东山红桔3种疫霉病菌生物学研究

    Studies on biology of three Phytophthora species infecting citrus trees in dongshan , wuxian , Jiangsu

  12. 吴县市某蓄电池厂铅污染治理状况分析

    An analysis of the treatment of lead pollution by a certain storage battery plant in Wuxian city

  13. 本文调查了吴县农村医疗服务门诊利用情况,发现吴县农村医疗服务门诊利用率高于全国水平(17.33%);

    The outpatient service rate of Wu county that of was higher than that of the national level ( 17.33 % );

  14. 目的:了解吴县市居民病伤死亡的主要疾病,主要死因的分布特点及变化趋势。

    Objective : To investigate major causes of death and characteristics of their distribution and change trend in inhabitants in Wuxian city .

  15. 对苏州吴县境内主要河流、湖泊和农村浅层地下水氮污染现状进行了评估。

    The present situation of N pollution in the major rivers and lakes as well as in the shallow groundwater in rural areas are evaluated .

  16. 重点探讨了适应吴县经济发展的生态农业、生态工业、生态生产、生态旅游及露采矿区生态恢复建设的基本模式。

    Especially , the model of ecological agriculture , ecological industry , ecological production , ecological tourism and ecological rehabilitation in mining area were studied .

  17. 席时珞,1936年生,江苏吴县人。现为中国书法家协会会员,新疆书法家协会副主席。

    Xi Shulu was born in wuxian , Jiangsu Province in1936.currently he is member of Chinese calligrapher 's Association and vice-chairman of Xinjiang calligrapher 's association .

  18. 通过对吴县市自然、社会、经济、环境等方面的分析,提出吴县市生态示范区建设的目标、具体指标及生态产业建设框架。

    Based on the analysis of the natural , social , economic and environmental state in Wuxian , the goal , index and scheme of construction of ecological exemplary area in Wuxian were put forward .

  19. 范仲淹(989~1052),出生在苏州吴县(今江苏境内),宋代著名政治家、文学家、战略家、教育家。

    Fan Zhongyan ( 989 ~ 1052 ) , born in Wuxian , Suzhou ( in Jiangsu Province today ) , was a prominent politician and literary figure in Song Dynasty China . He was also a strategist and educator .