
wú ɡuó
  • Wu kingdom
  1. 吴国的皇帝说:你难道比我还忙吗?

    The King said , Are you busier than I am ?

  2. 吴国的国王居然被楚国的无名小辈女王杀死了!

    The king of Wu has been slain by an undistinguished young queen !

  3. 司马家还征服了吴国,从此结束了三国的局面。

    They also conquered the Wu , thus ending the period of The Three Kingdoms .

  4. 赵云来到吴国,打开第一个小口。

    As soon as they arrived in wu , Zhao Yun opened the first bag .

  5. 赵薇将在影片中扮演吴国皇帝孙权的小妹孙上香。

    Zhao Wei will play Sun Shangxiang , the little sister of Sun Quan , the emperor of the Wu Kingdom .

  6. 吴国由于实行屯田和兴修水利,人口有很大增长。

    The kingdom of Wu faced the most quick development of population after the land reclamation system and the building of irrigating works .

  7. 《国语》所反映的吴越争斗时期的越文化越国在和吴国的战争中失败了,向吴国投降。

    Yue Culture during the Wu-Yue War Reflected by National Language The Kingdom of Yue surrendered as it was losing the war with the Kingdom of Wu .

  8. 《孙子兵法》十三篇,撰著在吴国,问世在吴国,离不开吴国的国情和吴地文化特征。

    Military Science of Sun Tzu , with three chapters , is written and comes out in Wu Kingdom , and without its national conditions and culture , there would not exist the book .

  9. 十年的政治和经济改革之后,越国最终强大了起来。最后,越国于公元前478年打败吴国,吴王夫差被迫自杀。

    After ten years of economic and political reforms , his state at last became powerful enough to challenge and eventually annex the State of Wu in 478 B. C. , where King Fu Chai was forced to commit suicide .

  10. 而樟树境内的“吴城”与春秋时期长江中下游的“吴国”,同属“吴”名,而在他们之间,或许就有着某种不解的亲缘。

    The camphor tree in the " Wu City " and the Spring and Autumn Period of the Yangtze River ," Wu ," belong to " Wu " name , and in between them , perhaps with some kind of puzzled relatives .