
  • 网络wujiang county
  1. 陈去病是民国时期重要的政治活动家、革命家、诗人、学者,字佩忍,又字巢南,江苏吴江县同里镇人。

    Chen Qubing was an important political activist , revolutionary , poet and scholar in modern times . He worded Pei Ren and Chao Nan , who borned in Wujiang County Tongli Town of Jiang Su province .

  2. 改革·科技·人才&吴江县庙港乡十年改革中蚕丝业的发展

    REFORM . SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ? QUALIFIED PERSONNEL & The Developments of the Sericultural Industry in the Ten Years Reforms of Miao Gang Country , WU Jiang county

  3. 本文利用吴江县1934年与1950年代初各市镇的工商业调查资料,对两个时期的市镇工商业结构了详细的分析。

    Making full use of the surveying datum in1934 and the early1950s , this article makes a detailed analysis on the structure of the industry and commerce of towns in Wujiang .