
  1. BP神经网络在吴淞口潮位短期预报中的应用

    Application of BP neural network in tidal level short-term forecast of Wusong estuary

  2. 吴淞口畔,一座新的钢铁城正在崛起。

    At Wusong a new city of steel is emerging on the horizon .

  3. 在吴淞口注入长江,是长江入海之前的最后一条支流。

    Wusongkou injection in the Yangtze River , the Yangtze River into the sea before the last tributary .

  4. 吴淞口、黄埔公园的潮位站数据与成灾台风直接经济损失对应性较好。

    The data observed at Wusong and Huangpu Prak tide gauge stations are of a good corresponding relationship with the direct economic loss resulted from disastrous typhoon .