
  • 网络wu yue culture;wuyue culture
  1. 浙江自古就是吴越文化的发源地,在浙江境内一直存在着一些特殊民俗群体。

    Zhejiang has always been the cradle of WuYue culture are WuYue folk cultural circle . But Zhejiang Province has been in the territory of the existence of some special folk groups .

  2. 吴越文化在他的词作中打下了深深的烙印。

    Wu yue culture laid a deep imprint in his word .

  3. 吴越文化的分野

    The dividing line between the Wu and Yue cultures

  4. 舒亶的思想、行为主要受吴越文化特质的影响。

    Shudan 's thought and behavior mainly be affected by the Wu and Yue culture .

  5. 虞舜传说与吴越文化

    Yu Shun Legends and Wu-yue Culture

  6. 文人话本形成了苏州、杭州两个创作、刻印中心,成为吴越文化独特载体。

    Therefore , the script became the unique carrier of the culture of Wu and Yue .

  7. 近代的吴越文化

    The Wu-Yue Culture in Modern Times

  8. 江南文化发源于先秦时期吴越文化,又是晋唐时期新的历史条件下形成的新文化。

    Jiangnan culture origin Wu and Yue culture , and was a new culture in Jin and Tang dynasty .

  9. 吴越文化是长江下游的区域文化,其中心文化区是太湖、钱塘江流域。

    Wu Yue Culture is a regional culture of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River , its ceuter being Tai Lake and QianTang River .

  10. 从地域文化的角度看,浙江一带是吴越文化的发祥地,浙东文化更多地保留了古越文化的特征。

    Looked from region culture angle , area Zhejiang is the Wu and Yu kingdoms culture birthplace . East Zhejiang culture more retains ancient Yu kingdoms culture characteristic .

  11. 中国近代科学中的理想主义与功利主义形成的地域文化因素&试论吴越文化与岭南文化对中国近代科学精神气质的影响

    Regional and Cultural Factors on the Formation of Idealism and Utilitarianism in Modern Science of China & Influence of Wu-Yue and Ling-Nan Culture on Modern Science of China

  12. 海派文化作为一种根植于中国传统吴越文化,融合其它优秀地域文化,逐渐形成的以上海为核心发散的地域文化。

    Shanghai Regional Culture is a kind of emanative regional culture , with Shanghai as the core , which rooted in traditional Chinese culture and integrates other excellent geographical culture .

  13. 江南水乡古镇凭借独具魅力的吴越文化和水乡风情,在近年来的旅游开发中显示出巨大的经济效益和社会效益。

    Depending on the attractive sceneries and culture of water country , many ancient towns gained huge economic and social benefits by the development of their tourism in the previous years .

  14. 近日,《都市密码》国际联合摄制组走进鸿山遗址博物馆,探寻历史遗迹,感受吴越文化。

    Recently , the international joint crew of the program " City Code " went to Hongshan site museum to explore the historical relics and feel the culture of Wu and Yue .

  15. 对作为吴越文化主要遗存的土墩墓的研究成果累累,对其埋葬特点、文化内涵、文化性质、时代等,学术界已墓本达成共识,但对是否存在一墩多墓的问题,意见不一。

    Scholars has generally come to an agreement on the burial nature , cultural meaning , cultural quality and age of mound tombs , which are regarded as the main remains of Wu-Yue culture .

  16. 荆楚文化和吴越文化对姑蔑文化具有重大影响,姑蔑文化是华夏先进文化与当地土著文化融合的产物。

    The cultures of Jingchu Wu and Yue produced tremendous influences on Gumie culture , which was the result of the integration of the advanced Chinese culture in central China and the native culture .

  17. 从接受角度论述吴越文化对周氏兄弟的影响,强调的是主体能力的亲近与吸收。

    Discussing from the point of embrace , the influence the culture of wu and areas has on the two brothers of the Chou family mainly resulted from their absorbing and being close to it .

  18. 根据空间感知规律,南京与同位于长江三角洲内、且均受吴越文化影响的上海、无锡、苏州和杭州均有可能产生城市旅游形象替代效应。

    According to the spatial perceptive law , the substituted effect is most likely to happen between Nanjing , Shanghai , Wuxi , Suzhou , and Hangzhou , which are all located in the Yangtze River Delta and have the same culture background .

  19. 论吴越丧葬文化的区域性特征

    Regional Features of Funeral Culture in Wu Yue Area

  20. 本文通过分析吴越地域文化的特点进而探究其词作中所表现出的吴越文化特色。

    So after analyzing the characteristics of Wu and Yue regional culture , we explores culture features which inflect in his works .

  21. 这些遗址的发现基本厘清了吴越本位文化的特征,将吴越古史向前推进几千年。

    All this discoveries had not only clarified the basic characteristics of Wuyue culture-based , but also moved Wuyue history forward for thousands of years .

  22. 本文在研究中首先对吴越武术文化进行了界定,即指不同历史时期生活在吴越地区的人们创造的一切与武术活动相关的物质产品和精神产品的总和。

    Meaning of this concept is that different historical period the people lived on Wuyue area created all related of wushu activities including material and spiritual products .

  23. 水神信仰是吴越民间信仰文化的一个重要的组成部分,是吴越民间的主体性信仰。

    Water God belief is an important component of the Wuyue folk beliefs Culture , is the mainstay of it .

  24. 吴越龙舟竞渡文化的一个视角&温州龙舟文化的历史演进

    Perspective of Dragon Boat Race Culture in the Area of WU-YUE : A Study on the History of Wenzhou Dragon Boat Culture

  25. 吴越时期舟山寺院文化与海外交流

    The Temple Culture in Zhoushan and Its Overseas Exchanges During the Wuyue Period

  26. 中国当代科学发展的不平衡性与吴越、岭南地域文化传统仍然存在一定的联系。

    The imbalance of contemporary science development of China is partly associated with the different regional and cultural traditions in Wu-Yue and Ling-Nan .

  27. 通过对墓葬等级的分析,可以在一定程度了解吴越争霸以及吴越历史文化的一些特征。

    Tombs Grade , to a certain extent understand some of the characteristics of the Wu Yue hegemony as well as the history and culture of Wu and Yue .

  28. 文章最后从地域文化的角度对金娘的词作进行了多维度的分析。金娘长期居住于吴越之地,其词作深受吴越文化的影响。

    Finally , from the angle of regional culture , the multi-dimensional analysis is put out on his Ci poetry works Jin Lang lived in Shan Yin for most of his life , the culture of Wu and Yue had maken a deeply influence on his text .

  29. 吴越地方风物传说不断滋润和丰富的白娘子形象是吴越文化孕育已久,受清中叶个性解放思潮的激扬而形成的;

    It has been gestated by Wu and Yue culture and is finally formed by liberation thoughts in the middle of Qing dynasty .