
xī lì
  • suction;attraction;suck
吸力 [xī lì]
  • [suction;attraction] 引力,特指磁体的吸引力

吸力[xī lì]
  1. MW级吸力筒式海上风车结构设计研究

    Study on Structural Design of MW Class Suction Wind Turbine

  2. 结果表明:直叶片吸力面静压系数等值线呈现明显的反“C”型分布,采用正弯叶片后反C型压力分布的强度逐渐增大;

    The results showed that with the increase of curved angle , opposite C-shape static pressure distribution on suction surface of curved cascades became more acutely than straight blade .

  3. 风吸力作用薄壁卷边C型檩条承载力分析和设计建议

    Analysis of Load-carrying Capacity and Design Suggestion for Thin Channel Purlin Subjected to Wind Uplift Load

  4. 用Philip模型参数推求湿润锋平均基质吸力Sf准确性

    Validity of Average Potential Suction S_f of Wetting Front Calculated by Parameters in Philip Infiltration Equation

  5. 由于Z型和C型截面冷弯型钢的截面特性,在设计过程中,檩条在风吸力作用下的稳定设计往往成为控制条件。

    Because of the section characters of the cold-rolled forming section Z & C , stability design of purlins under wind suction turns into the controlling condition .

  6. 轻钢结构中Z型连续檩条设计问题的探讨风吸力作用薄壁卷边C型檩条承载力分析和设计建议

    Structural Behaviors of the Continue Zee Purlins with Lap Connection on Light Steel Roofs Analysis of Load-carrying Capacity and Design Suggestion for Thin Channel Purlin Subjected to Wind Uplift Load

  7. 首先,利用ANSYS软件包采用有限元模型,进行了动铁心静态吸力的仿真;

    Firstly , with the use of ANSYS software package , the static attraction force acting on the moving core of contactor is simulated with FEM model .

  8. 分析了MSW吸力的影响因素,并进行了吸力量测试验;

    Based on the analysis of factors influencing on the suction of MSW , a test of the matric suction of MSW was made .

  9. Amazon的S3服务是一个在线存储服务,对于需要扩展存储能力的新起步的那些公司来说尤其具有引吸力。

    Amazon 's S3 service is an online storage service which is particularly attractive to startup companies who need to scale their storage capability .

  10. 试样结构性损伤越大,在同一吸力与围压作用下,ME、SD值变化更为明显。

    Under the same suction and net confining pressure , the more severely damaged the samples have , there are the more obvious change in the values of ME and SD .

  11. SWCC测定时吸力计算公式与最佳离心时间的探讨

    On formulas for soil suction and optimum centrifugal time by use of SWCC

  12. 根据双弹簧、双电磁铁的电磁气门驱动(ElectromagneticValveActuation,EVA)原理,设计制作了用于探索性试验研究的EVA装置及其电磁铁静吸力特性试验系统,测量了电磁铁的静吸力特性。

    Based on the operating principles of electromagnetic valve actuation ( EVA ) with two springs , two electromagnets , a prototype EVA and a test system for static electromagnetic force are developed .

  13. lpg系列的面部高科技系列仪器,采用独有的“三维概念”,通过独特的吸力和夹力对表皮、真皮、皮下组织的作用,令肌肉得到紧致及提升的功效。

    The high-tech facial machine of LPG company applies particular three-dimensional concept , tightens and lifts the epidermis , dermis and subcutaneous tissues by means of unique techniques of sucking and nipping .

  14. 通过实验,测量了自由流紊流度(Tu)在1.4%-6.7%范围内,一双圆弧串列叶栅总压损失系数、气流转角、附面层内速度分布以及吸力面压力系数。

    Effects of freestream turbulence on the losses , fluid turning angles , pressure coefficients and boundary layer velocity profiles of a double circular arc tandem cascade were investigated experimentally .

  15. 正弯曲叶片吸力面形成“C”型压力分布,叶片负荷沿叶高和弦长重新分布,这种负荷的重组是弯曲改变叶栅流场的主要因素。

    On suction surface of positive curved blade , the " C " type static pressure distribution along the blade height is created , and the load of the blade is changed along the blade height and chord , which are the main factors to affect the flow in cascade .

  16. 但是传统的电磁吸力悬浮(EMS)系统,稳定悬浮时流过电磁绕组的电流较大,因此悬浮功耗不可忽视,绕组发热严重,限制了悬浮气隙的进一步增大。

    But in traditional EMS system , current in the windings is big , energy loss cannot be ignored , temperature of the windings is much heat . Therefore , the enlargement of gap is limited .

  17. 例如,在威廉·M·弗尔伯思(WilliamM.Folberth)为真空动力雨刷器(它以引擎进气管的吸力为动力)申请专利后,特瑞科花了三年时间与他在法庭上较量,直到1925年以100万美元买下了他的公司。

    After William M. Folberth patented a vacuum-powered windshield wiper that ran on suction from the engine 's intake manifold , for example , Trico spent three years battling him in court before buying his company in 1925 for $ 1 million .

  18. 中弧线定义为由四个控制参数构造的4次Bezier曲线。压力面和吸力面都是关于中弧线的高阶Bezier曲线。

    Both suction and pressure sides are constructed in the form of a high degree Bezier Curve with respect to the camber line . And the camber line is parameterized by a four-order Bezier curve .

  19. 该文通过对浑水入渗特性和浑水入渗规律的分析,对现有的Green-Ampt入渗模式进行改进,将泥沙沉积对入渗的影响归结为对湿润锋平均吸力的影响。

    In the paper the original Green Ampt Equation was modified based on the analyses of infiltration features of muddy water . Effect of deposited sediment on infiltration was reflected by the average suction of wetting front .

  20. 结果表明,吸苗管距吸苗口0~50mm区段是负压产生吸力,使钵苗脱离钵盘并加速的区段;

    The result showed that the pivotal section of separate from tray and accelerating seedling was 0 ~ 50 mm to the seedling sucking plate .

  21. 由于吸力的不同,初始条件相似的土样其e-lgP曲线的位置不同。

    The location of e-lgP curve with similar initiatory condition was different for different matric suction .

  22. 在基质吸力相对较小的区域内(0~200kPa),上述数值变化相对更为明显;

    When matrix suction is under the relatively low class ( 0 ~ 200kPa ), the above values change more obviously ;

  23. 结果表明,灌水时供水压力大于15kPa、控制灌水下限土壤水吸力设定为30kPa,该PVC管滴灌系统出水均匀度可达到既定标准。

    The results show that the uniformity of irrigation with PVC tube can meet the designed standard , using 15 kPa as irrigation pressure and 30 kPa soil water suction as the lower limit of irrigation .

  24. PDV土壤水吸力的时间稳定性只在一个灌溉周期内存在,而FQS的时间稳定性可在整个灌溉周期、不同作物条件下持续。

    For PDV , temporal stability persists in an irrigation cycle , while for FQS , temporal stability was persists in the whole measuring period and different types of crops .

  25. SWCC描述了土中基质吸力与含水率(饱和度)的相互关系,是非饱和土力学研究的重要特征关系之一。

    The SWCC is defined as the relationship between suction and water content ( or degree of saturation ) for the soils , which is an important topic in the research of unsaturated soil .

  26. 通过二维Rankine体、三维扁卵形体、三维回转体的近壁面干扰计算,解释了试验中观察到的钝体升力效应、随间距减小产生的吸力下降现象以及阻力变化等。

    Through the interacting computations of 2D Rankine oval , 3D flat ovoid and 3D ovoid near wall , some special characteristics observed in experiments are explained , e.g. the lifting effect of blunt-end body , suction-drop phenomena and variation of drag .

  27. 但这也有可能意味着沉闷、散乱的叙事,只依靠“吸力”,凭着吸力的成本,才吸引观众继续观看下去,比如《至亲血统》(Bloodline),我弃剧的时候,剧情就像佛罗里达洋流上的垃圾一样漂浮不定

    But it can also mean lethargic , shapeless narratives that rely on The Suck to keep viewers watching sheerly on the sunk-costs principle , like " Bloodline , " which drifted like flotsam in a Florida current until I gave up on it .

  28. 采用总管吸力监督控制,达到焦炉集气管压力的优化,在工况稳定的情况下,误差控制可达到±10Pa。

    With supervisory control on the manifold suction , the optimization of coke oven collecting mains can be achieved , under the stable working condition , the error can be controlled at ± 10Pa .

  29. 容重在吸力40.8m水柱时出现拐点,吸力低于40.8m水柱时容重发生明显变化,高于40.8m水柱后逐渐趋于稳定。

    The turning point of bulk density appeared when the suction is 40.8m water . The bulk density changed greatly when the suction is lower than 40.8m water , and tended to be stable when it is over 40.8m water .

  30. 考虑基质吸力变化时非饱和土的一维本构模型

    One-dimensional constitutive model of unsaturated soil considering change of matric suction