
  • 网络glassblowing;Glass Blowing;Blown Glass
  1. 在去小园餐厅(Schoolhouse)的路上,我就把她顶在自己肩上。这里曾经是所小学,现在居住于此的艺术家们则可以吹玻璃或者作画,而学生们也可以学习种植有机农产品并在其附属的餐厅里烹饪它们。

    I put her on my shoulders as we made our way to the Schoolhouse , a former primary school where artists in residence can now blow glass or paint , and students learn to grow organic produce and cook it in the property 's restaurants .

  2. 杰克:这些是马彻里特工厂的吹玻璃工。

    Jake : These are glassblowers at the Machlett Laboratories .

  3. 香薰雾化扩也很明确,吹玻璃看装置。

    The aromatherapy nebulizer diffuser also has a clear , blown-glass looking device .

  4. 这些是马彻里特工厂的吹玻璃工。

    These are glassblowers at the Machlett Laboratories .

  5. 路德维希·伯埃姆是一位吹玻璃工。

    Ludwig Boehm was a glassblower .

  6. 有位德国吹玻璃工兼仪器制造工,名叫盖斯勒,他在1954年造了一台空气泵。

    A German glassblower and instrument maker Geissler by name , built in 1954 , an air pump .

  7. 好像几乎到处,男人和女人都在吹玻璃制做工艺品。

    Nearly everywhere , it seems , men and women are blowing glass and creating works of art .

  8. 因此喉气囊肿的病人常出现在男性吹玻璃工人、喇叭手、超过50岁的慢性咳嗽患者。

    Therefore patients with a laryngocele are typically male glass blowers , trumpet players or chronic coughers above the age of50 .

  9. 那么他的老队友放弃吹玻璃而选择去踢球的决定是否正确呢?

    So , did his old team-mate make the right decision to give up glass-blowing and concentrate on perfecting the bicycle kick ?

  10. 在英格兰南部一个枝叶繁茂的偏僻所在,一名工人正在使用一种技术介于越南吹玻璃工和瑞士钟表匠两种工艺之间在一根细管子顶端,制作一颗小玻璃球。

    In a leafy corner of southern England , a factory worker is employing skills midway between those of a Venetian glassblower and a Swiss watchmaker to fashion a tiny glass sphere at the end of a thin tube .

  11. 有时一场一大台风会吹破玻璃;

    Sometimes a strong stage manners will blow to break glass ;

  12. 游客可以观看工作在车间吹制玻璃器皿。

    Visitors can watch the men blowing glass in the workshop .

  13. 冷爆口机是吹制玻璃器皿加工生产线的主要组成部分。

    Polishing machine is the primary part of glassware 's product line .

  14. 现代博物馆中的参观者可以试验吹制玻璃器皿和造纸。

    Visitors in modem museums can experiment with glass blowing and paper making .

  15. 他善长吹制玻璃器皿。

    He is good at blowing glass .

  16. 拉制或吹制玻璃板材,有吸光或反光层,不论是否裁成形

    Drawn or blown glass , opacified , in sheets , whether or not cut to shape

  17. 它运用人工吹制玻璃的工艺打造了这款负空间设计的烛台,使它上面的蜡烛看上去悬空一般。

    This inverse hand-blownglass candle holder uses a unique negative space design to suspend a candle seemingly in mid air .

  18. [1]指以吹制玻璃葡萄著名的北京手工艺人常家的五位妇女。

    This refers to the five women of Master Chang 's family in Peking famous for the glass grapes they blew .

  19. 采购产品礼品,灯具和灯罩,手工制作,染色和吹制玻璃灯,窗板,壁炉屏幕。

    Gifts Articles , Lamps and Lampshades , Hand Crafted Stained and Blown Glass Lamps , Window Panels , Fireplace Screens .

  20. 在吹制玻璃的特殊过程中,玻璃分子之间更大的空间导致了玻璃的更多表面。

    A special process in the glass-blowing causes greater space between the molecules of the glass , leading to more surface area .

  21. 拉制或吹制玻璃板材,经整体着色,不论是否裁成形

    Drawn or blown glass , coloured throughout the mass ( body tinted ), in sheets , whether or not cut to shape

  22. 拉制或吹制玻璃,在制造过程中经着色、磨砂或套色未经进一步加工,不论是否裁成形

    Drawn or blown glass , coloured , opacified or flashed during manufacture , not further worked in sheets whether or not cut to shape

  23. 路易斯蒂芙尼最著名的是他的彩色玻璃窗和灯具,陶瓷,玻璃马赛克,吹制玻璃碎片,瓷漆和金属制品。

    Louis Tiffany was best known for his stained glass windows and lamps , ceramics , glass mosaics , blown glass pieces , enamels and metalwork .

  24. 本文首先对玻璃产品的发展历史进行了论述,介绍了我国对国外玻璃行业的跟踪过程,以及人工吹制玻璃器皿行业向发展中国家转移的趋势。

    Firstly , this paper discusses the history of the development of glass products , the tracking process of foreign glass industry in China and the trend of hand blown glassware industry transferring to developing countries .

  25. 本文以山西省祁县的特色人工吹制玻璃器皿行业为代表对以上思路进行了探讨,随后分析了现有生产工艺,包括一般人工吹制玻璃器皿吹制工艺流程以及特殊的吹制工艺等。

    This paper characteristics the Shanxi Province Qixian hand blown glassware industry to represent by the above ideas discussed , followed by analysis of the existing production process , including the general mouth blown glassware blowing process , as well as special blowing technology .

  26. 我们要采购玻璃杯子组,黄金和白银玻璃组,压的汽车和吹出的玻璃产品,装饰玻璃镀金,酒杯。

    We want to buy Glass Tumbler Set , Gold and Silver Glass Set , Auto Pressed and Blown Glass Products , Decor Glass Plates , Wine Glass .

  27. 隔垫吹扫和玻璃衬管内填充玻璃棉消除了因样品蒸发的反扩散、吸附和垫片流失所造成的色谱峰拖尾和鬼峰的干扰。

    The method of infilling glass cotton in glass inner tube avoided the disturbance of chromatography peak and impurity peak which because reverse pervasion and adsorption of sample vaporing and septum lose .

  28. 因为小孩不去理会,吹出不同形状玻璃的难度限制,他们只是构思好的点子。

    because kids don 't think about the limitations of how hard it can be to blow glass into certain shapes , they just think of good ideas .