
  • 网络vomiting center;Vomiting Centre;Emetic Center;CTZ
  1. 本研究旨在探讨接受初级前庭传入信息的前庭核到脑干呕吐中枢的神经通路。

    This study aimed to investigate the pathway from vestibular nucleus which receives the primary vestibular signals to the emetic area .

  2. 动物实验研究表明温胆汤能抑制催吐化学感受器和呕吐中枢,减轻化疗所致呕吐,并有中枢镇静作用。

    The animal experiment indicated that Wendan decoction could alleviate the symptoms of vomiting and sedate mice due to inhibiting the chemoreceptors and the centrum .

  3. 目的:探讨中药复方呕必宁防治化疗药诱发呕吐的中枢机制。

    Objective : To study the central mechanism of oubining prevention action to vomiting induced by chemotherapy .

  4. 恶心起自胃或十二指肠中的神经末梢受到刺激,从而刺激了脑部控制恶心呕吐的神经中枢。

    Nausea results from irritation of nerve endings in the stomach or duodenum , which stimulate brain centres that control nausea and vomiting .

  5. 并通过阐述温胆汤对呕吐化学感受器和呕吐中枢的影响,解释其作用机理。

    And through experimental study , the mechanism about how the decoction influenced chemoreceptor trigger zone and central vomiting system are also explored .