
  • 网络employee image
  1. 为了解公众对重庆中小软件企业员工形象的评价与认知,采用自编问卷对360名外部公众进行调查。

    The research investigates the value and cognition of employee image of Chongqing middle and small software companies by the public .

  2. 塑造高校后勤企业员工形象提升企业文化探析

    To Improve Enterprise Culture by Image-building of Employees from Logistics Service Corporations in Universities

  3. 员工形象是公司向客户和公众传达自己的专业水准和形象的重要途径。

    Staff image is an important mechanism for companies to convey their professional standard and imager to the clients and public .

  4. 本研究的核心概念是员工形象,作者依据相关理论建构了员工形象的两大层面,即外在形象和内在形象。外在形象又分为生理形象和风度形象二个子形象;

    The author defines image of corporate employee as two interrelated dimensions , i.e. , exterior and interior image , and then classifies the former biology and style image ;

  5. 在对以往有关企业员工形象的研究成果进行疏理后,笔者发现迄今为止的相关研究成果存在很大的不足与局限性,这就给本研究留下了一定的空间。

    After summarizing the past research result about the image of corporate , the author discovery they have deficiency and limitation , which result in the meaning and value of the research .

  6. 为了引起高校以及社会对图书馆形象设计的重视,从高校图书馆建筑外形设计、员工形象设计、图书馆服务以及图书馆宣传四个方面来论述高校图书馆的形象设计。

    To attract college and society attention to college image design , this paper elaborates image design of college library in four aspects-appearance design of college library , personnel image design , library service and library propaganda .

  7. 企业员工形象是企业形象的重要组成部分。从某种程度上说,员工形象是企业形象的缩影,是企业形象的感性体现。

    Image of corporate employee is one of the most important part of corporate image and is also epitome and sensible embodiment of corporate image and brand image , and it plays an important role in the building of corporate culture .

  8. 员工形象对企业文化建设有着极其重大的影响。目前,重庆中小软件企业员工形象还存在一定的缺陷,还没有形成自身的特色,这势必在一定程度上影响到企业形象,甚至产品形象。

    At present , lacking of their unique characteristic , image of corporate employee of Chongqing middle and small software companies have their own limitation , which may influence the corporate image as well as the product image to some extent .

  9. 网上名牌文化建设是网上名牌企业或有志于创建网上名牌的企业管理的重要内容,是改变、塑造员工形象、影响消费者的一种管理过程。

    The construction of online famous-brand culture is an important part of business management for online famous-brand enterprises and the ambitious would-be ones . It is also a management process that can change or mould its staff , and influence its consumers .

  10. 同时,本研究根据实际需要对员工服务形象和顾客感知价值进行了操作性界定,为今后此类研究打下一定的基础。

    At the same time , this study achieve the actual needs of the staff service identity and customer perceived value of the operational definition for the future and lay a foundation for such research .

  11. 本文在进一步认识新时期图书馆员工队伍形象建设的重大意义的基础上,着重探讨了图书馆员工队伍形象建设的途径及相关问题。

    On the base of further understanding of the significant importance of the construction of library personnel image , this paper mainly explores the paths of the construction of library personnel image and some relevant problems in China .

  12. 公司应该采取什么措施来提高员工对公司形象的意识?(为什么?)

    Whant should companies do to increase employees'awareness of company image ?( Why ?)

  13. 电话英语是提升企业员工及公司形象的绝佳方式。

    Telephone English is an excellent way to improve your staff 's effectiveness and your company 's image .

  14. 对重庆本土酒店在外部公众心目中的形象和本土酒店内部员工对酒店形象的认知作调查,指出本土酒店塑造形象的必要性;

    It makes an investigation into the impression of the indigenous hotels in the mind of the public and the realization of the indigenous hotels by the staff .

  15. 员工的这种形象——像游牧民那样带着自己的谋生工具四处游荡——似乎十分现代,但一点也不新鲜。

    Yet this vision of the worker , a nomad who wanders around clutching the tools of his trade , which seems so very modern , is not at all new .

  16. 有些大公司已经建立起各种健身项目,耗资数百万建造和维修,作为其招募员工和改善形象的方式。

    Some major corporations have already set up various fitness operations , costing millions of dollars to build and to keep up , as a means of both recruiting employees and improving their image .

  17. 新时期图书馆员工队伍的形象建设对图书馆的发展具有重要意义,只有加强图书馆员工队伍的形象建设,才能提高图书馆的社会地位,充分发挥图书馆在社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设中的作用。

    The construction of the library personnel image in the 21 century will play an important role not only in the development of library itself , but also in the construction of socialist material civilization and ideology civilization .

  18. 因此,考虑到养老金的难题和低成本竞争不会消失,雇主们除了削减高管薪资以外,还能做些什么来解决员工不满呢?首先,确保企业在员工心中形象良好。

    So given that pension problems and low-cost competition are not going away , what , other than slashing their top executives " salaries , can employers do about staff unhappiness ? First , make sure their companies are well considered .