
  • 网络employee turnover;Employee Leaves;Termination;Staff Dimission
  1. 基于心理契约的IT企业核心员工离职问题分析

    Study Staff Dimission of IT Companies Based on Psychological Contract

  2. 科研院所员工离职影响了单位的整体科研水平和竞争力。

    Science staff dimission has influenced the entire scientific research standard of units in competing power .

  3. 在就业率接近历史最高水平的形势下,该报告警示说,那些无视年长工作者的公司可能会面临劳动力和技能短缺,因为富有经验的员工离职后,可以接替其岗位的年轻候补人数太少。

    With the employment rate at a near-record high , the report warns that businesses that disregard older workers could face a labour and skill shortage - as experienced staff depart , leaving too few younger candidates to replace them .

  4. 工作嵌入(Jobembeddedness)模型是国外新兴的一种从网络化社会生活着眼研究员工离职的理论模型。

    Job Embeddedness model is a new foreign theoretical model , and focus on the employees ' turnover from the network-based social life .

  5. 综合SPSS分析数据和个别访谈结果,得出影响十堰电信员工离职的主要因素有三个:一是个人职业发展因素;

    Combine the data from SPSS analysis the results of the personal interview of the leaving employees , we regard as there are three main factors which influence the staff 's turnover intentions : First is the factor of job development ;

  6. 目前JBT公司的员工离职率达到了28%,具有关资料显示如果一个公司的离职率在10%以内的话,则属正常的人员更换。

    Usually a company may maintain a healthy employee turnover with an attrition rate below 10 % , while company JBT has reached 28 % .

  7. 首先验证了Price-Mueller模型中设定的四条员工离职意愿的影响路径(三条间接路径和一条直接路径),在北京A地产公司内都是存在的,并且影响效果显著。

    First , we prove the four influence path to employees ' turnover intention designed in the Price-Mueller model ( three for indirect and one for direct ) are existing in this company , and these influent-effections are notable .

  8. 我国国有企业员工离职问题的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of the Demission of Employees in State-owned Enterprise

  9. 中关村科技园区企业员工离职行为的探析

    The Analysis of Zhong-guan-cun Technological Park Employees ' Behavior to Leave

  10. 国有企业知识型员工离职问题研究

    Study on the Problem of Knowledge Employee Turnover in State-Owned Enterprises

  11. 分阶段控制员工离职成本的管理对策

    Study on the Management Strategies to Dimission Cost Control by Stages

  12. 上级行为对员工离职意向的关系研究

    The Effects of Supervisors ' Behavior on Employees ' Turnover Intention

  13. 软件产业技术员工离职影响因素研究

    The Research on Factors Influencing Technical Employee Turnover in Software Industry

  14. 管理者信任行为与员工离职倾向的相关研究

    On the Managerial Trustworthy Behavior and Employees ' Tendency of Dismissing

  15. 针对员工离职问题,员工的工作满意度研究是解决这一问题的良药。

    The research on job satisfaction can specifically solve this problem .

  16. 国有和私营体制下员工离职倾向的对比实证研究

    An Empirical Study On Employee Turnover Intention In State-owned And Private Enterprises

  17. 基于定性模拟的员工离职行为预测

    Forecasting for employee turnover behavior in cooperation based on qualitative simulation method

  18. 企业员工离职的博弈分析模型

    An Analysis with Game Model on the Turnover of Enterprises ' Employees

  19. 福利满意度对IT企业员工离职倾向影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Benefit Satisfaction Influences on IT Employee Turnover Intention

  20. 个人发展维度心理契约违背导致员工离职倾向增强。

    Personal developmental contract breaches resulted in increased level of turnover intention .

  21. 组织文化与员工离职倾向的相关研究

    A Research on the Relations between Organizational Culture & Employee Turnover Intention

  22. 企业应针对不同的群体制订相应的员工离职管理计划。

    Organization should design plans of employer turnover to help group management .

  23. 员工离职现象已经越来越成为影响企业发展的问题。

    Employees turnover has become increasingly an question that affect enterprises development .

  24. 国有企业员工离职动因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of Employee Turnover in State-Owned Enterprises

  25. 基于心理契约知识型员工离职行为策略研究

    Research on Strategy of Knowledge Worker 's Turnover Based on Psychological Contract

  26. 工作嵌入对科技型员工离职创业活动的影响

    How Job Embeddedness Influences New Venture Creation by High-tech Employees

  27. 在建立员工离职模型时,应加入社会比较倾向这一个体差异变量。

    We should add Social Comparison Orientation in turnover model in the future .

  28. 十堰电信员工离职倾向实证研究

    Study on the Turnover Intentions of ShiYan Telecommunications Industry

  29. 而其他员工离职之后,就渐渐被遗忘了。

    Other employees have left and faded into history , gone and forgotten .

  30. 酒店员工离职原因的多因素分析及对策研究

    The Analysis of the Factors Causing the Staff Turnover in Hotels and Countermeasures