
  • 网络employee effectiveness
  1. 影响员工效能感的信息源主要有:自己的成败经历、他人的替代经验、口头劝说和他人的评价;

    The information sources which affect the efficacy sense are as follows : self-experiences of success and failure ; others ' substitute experience , verbal persuasion and others ' evaluation .

  2. 团队环境中员工的效能感研究(1)自编的自我工作效能感问卷和个人感知的集体工作效能感问卷具有较好的信度和效度。

    A STUDY OF EFFECTIVENESS SENSE AMONG STAFF IN TEAMWORK ENVIRONMENT 1 . The self-made questionnaires are of good reliability and fair validity .

  3. 在此基础上,本文引入了一种公正、全面的,能够体现被评价者个性优势的综合评价方法-个性优势特征方法对知识型员工职业效能进行评价。

    After this , this article introduces a just , comprehensive assessment which reflects the individuality advantage at the same time which named Analysis Method of Individuality Advantage to evaluate the level of Career Efficacy of Knowledge-based Employees .

  4. 根据笔者研究结果,提出了减少工作应激刺激、提供培训提高员工自我效能感、制定合理的人员安置和促进员工发展的人事制度,以增强员工的工作满意感的建议。

    Finally , according to these results , some suggestions for enhancing employees ' job satisfaction were put forward such as decreasing job stress , increasing self-efficacy by training , and establishing appropriate personnel policy that benefits employees ' placement and development .

  5. 不同任职年限的员工在自我效能和韧性两个维度上有显著差异。

    Different office term employees in self-efficacy and toughness are significantly different .

  6. 显而易见,一些员工的工作效能比其他员工高一个层次——这是为什么呢?

    It 's obvious that some employees perform at higher levels than others - but why ?

  7. 最后,将心理契约理论应用于员工持股计划效能评价与解释。

    After researching psychological contract theory , we implicated it into researching on employees stock ownership plan effectiveness .

  8. 员工的自我效能与员工社会化程度、员工敬业度均呈显著性相关,对于有效的员工社会化起着重要作用;

    Self-efficiency has significant correlation with employees ′ socialization degree and engagement , and has important influences to the efficient socialization .

  9. 通过中介关系结构模型分析表明魅力型领导行为可以通过员工的自我效能和自尊而作用于组织公民行为。

    The results from media model analysis showed that charismatic leadership influenced organizational citizenship behaviors , and the relationship was mediated by employee 's self-efficacy and self-esteem .

  10. 员工的自我效能对培训反应、学习效果均有显著的正向影响作用,即员工相信自己能够成功学习时,其培训反应和学习效果也会大大提升。

    Reaction of the employees ' self-efficacy training , and learning have a significant positive effect , that employees believe they can successfully learn , their training reactions and learning outcomes will be greatly enhanced .

  11. 人力资源管理的核心内容是通过各种有效的激励使员工发挥出最大效能,从而提高组织业绩。

    The core of human source management is to explode out the potential of the staff through means of incentive methods , and this consequentially gains more achievements for the organism .

  12. 研究四总结了以往对员工持股计划的研究,尤其是对其效能研究,提出了几个有待进一步研究的问题:如何评价员工持股计划效能;

    Study V focused the following questions : how to evaluate employee stock ownership plan Effectiveness .

  13. 本文以企业员工为研究对象,探寻员工的工作特征与其工作效能感间的关系,目的在于帮助企业管理者通过调整和安排合适的工作内容来提升员工的工作效能感。

    This paper takes the enterprise employees as research object to discover the job characteristics ' influence upon the job self-efficacy level of employees .