- 【生】peripheral process

The somato-visceral divergent projections of peripheral processes of substance P-containing spinal ganglionic neurons & tri-labeling study of combining fluorescein tracing
Simultaneous innervation of heart and stomach by dichotomizing branch of peripheral process of CGRP immunoreactive dorsal root ganglion neurons & a triple labelling study
Studies on Divergent Projection of the Peripheral Processes of the Neurons in the Glossopharyngeal Sensory Ganglion
It is concluded that the peripheral processes of these ventral root cells distributed via the sympathetic trunk .
Neural Impulse Conduction from the Somatic Branches of the Peripheral Processes of the Spinal Ganglion Cells to the Visceral Ones in Rats
Distribution of the dichotomizing branches of peripheral processes of caudal lumbar dorsal root ganglion neurons in the rat & a double fluorescence labelling study
The results showed these neurotoxins had a retrograde effect on the cell body through the peripheral process of ganglion cell , inducing different pathological changes in cell body .
These findings suggest that neural impulse can conduct from the somatic branches , which go through the intercostal nerve , of the peripheral process of the spinal ganglion cells to the visceral ones , which pass through the greater splanchnic nerve , these branches are mainly A-a fibers .
To 7 d after , there was severe swelling of astrocyte , abundant fluids in the cytoplasm , organelles vanishing , neuron degeneration , severe swelling of end plate around the capillary and minor focus of hemorrhage in the Virchow Robin space .
They arranged radially from optic disc to peripheral of retina and became gradually looser and thinner .