
  • 网络peripheral vision
  1. 我有着出色的周边视觉。

    Hmm ? I have excellent peripheral vision .

  2. 手术结果是,他失去了右眼的周边视觉。

    As aresult of the surgery , he lost peripheral vision in his right eye .

  3. 报纸提供周边视觉。

    A newspaper offers peripheral vision .

  4. 研究人员将先天失聪的猫和听觉正常的猫比较后发现,前者拥有周边视觉和运动检测功能。

    Researchers compared congenitally deaf cats to hearing cats , and found that deaf cats have enhanced peripheral vision and motion detection .

  5. 重点讨论了反应时间与交通事故的关系,以及周边视觉对相对运动的察觉。

    Emphasis is the relationship between reaction times and accident times , as well as movements of object tends to be detected by peripheral vision .

  6. 本病仅影响中央视力,而周边视觉不受损害,可致盲或低视力。

    While their peripheral vision is not affected , the damage to their central vision leads to many being registered as blind or partially sighted .

  7. 在驾驶员获取信息中90%以上是视觉信息,驾驶员主要通过周边视觉信息来感知车速及车辆位置,然后进行判断、决策、行动。

    Vision information account for above 90 % of all the information which drivers gain in the driving , drivers mainly use the peripheral vision information to percept the vehicle speed and the vehicles position , then carry on the judgment and decision-making .

  8. VF和QOL问卷测量的指标分别包括主观视觉、周边视野、视觉适应、立体视觉以及自理能力、活动能力、社交能力、心理状态。

    Visual perception , peripheral vision , sensory adaptation and depth perception were measured by VF questionnaire . Self care , mobility , social and mental status were measured by QOL questionnaire .

  9. 他们证实先天失聪的猫听觉皮层中接收周边声音的部分,转化成了周边视觉。

    They confirmed that the part of the auditory cortex that picks up peripheral sound switches to peripheral vision .