
  1. 3眼周切孔处晶状体局限性浑浊。

    Local lens opacity appeared in 3 eyes .

  2. 对几种不同直径的桩贯入时,桩周围土体的应力场,位移场和桩周超静孔压分布进行分析研究。

    And the results which include the stress field , displacement field and hydrostatic excess pressure around piles of three different diameters driven into clay are are calculated and analysed in this paper .

  3. 通过销钉或铆钉传递载荷的拉伸构件,发生在销钉孔周或孔的附近的应力分布,在工程实际中是一个重要的问题。

    An important practical engineering problem is the stress distribution produced at or near a hole in a tension member when the load is applied to the pin or rivet filling the hole .

  4. 急性排斥反应过程中外周血穿孔素和颗粒蛋白酶bmRNA表达的研究

    The Research of the Expression of Perforin and Granzyme B mRNA in Peripheral Blood During the Acute Rejection

  5. 通过各时间点的监测,发现外周血穿孔素mRNA表达水平与移植肝的病理变化趋同。

    According to monitor the changes of the expression of Perform mRNA in peripheral blood in different time point , we find the change was paralleled between the pathological changes of graft liver and it .

  6. 术后即时可见移植孔周围轻度出血红肿,一周后移植孔愈合,周围兔毛正常生长。

    Postoperative instant around the transplant hole we can observed mild bleeding red and swollen . After transplantation a week later all the holes are healing , rabbit hair around the fibers are growing normally .

  7. 修复组织厚度:12周时10孔及5孔组均明显高出毗邻软骨,且10孔明显高于5孔;

    By the end of 12 weeks , the thickness of repair tissues in 10-hole and 5-hole groups were dramatically thicker than the adjacent articular cartilage , and that of 10 holes group was significantly thicker than the 5 holes group ;

  8. 外周血淋巴细胞穿孔素和颗粒酶B在诊断移植肾急性排斥中的作用

    Effect of perforation and granzyme B in peripheral blood lymphocytes during acute rejection in renal transplantation

  9. GM1组培养各阶段,酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)免疫反应阳性细胞数量均明显多于对照组,至体外培养2周时,每孔阳性细胞数平均可达72.8个,与对照组相比有显著性差异。

    But the number of them was obviously more than that in control group at whole culture period . On the average , it reached 72 . 8 cells every well alter two weeks in vitro . There were significant difference between GMl group and control group .

  10. 不同强度模型对孔周位移场及孔壁位移影响不大,但对扩孔压力影响较大。

    Different strength models have great influence on the expansion pressure .

  11. 肾移植患者外周血淋巴细胞穿孔素的表达

    Perforin expression in peripheral blood lymphocyte in renal transplantation

  12. 青藤碱对肾移植模型大鼠外周血淋巴细胞穿孔素表达水平的影响

    Effect of Sinomenine on the Expression Levels of Perforin in Rat Renal Transplantation Models

  13. 介绍了压力容器设计中圆形筒体周向斜接管开孔补强的计算方法,通过两种计算方法的比较,得出了合理的开孔补强方法。

    The calculation of the opening hole excess weld metal of the circumferential inclined nozzle on a cylinder in the design of pressure vessels was presented , a reasonable excess weld metal method was obtained through the comparison of the two calculations .

  14. A组第6周时股骨头颈部骨孔模糊,第14周时骨孔消失。

    In Group A , at the 6th week the hole between femoral head and neck is fuzzy , at the 14th week bone hole is vanishing .