
  • 网络neo-confucianism;confucianism;song-ming neo-confucianism;neo-confucianism of the song and ming dynasties
  1. 第二章研究文人写意园主题的确立和表达及其与宋明理学思想的关系。

    Chapter ⅱ researches the relationship of the establishment of theme of garden and Neo-Confucianism .

  2. 因而理想人格的养成一直是传统儒学特别是宋明理学所关注的重点问题之一。

    So the formation of the ideal personality has always been the issue of the traditional Confucianism and the Neo-Confucianism especially cherishes a special interest in it .

  3. 宋明理学中的心性本体思想

    Ontological Idealist Thought of Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties

  4. 宋明理学与中华民族精神

    On the Impact of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism on the Spirit of Chinese Nation

  5. 论佛学对宋明理学的影响

    On the Influence of Buddhism on Mentalism in the Song and Ming Dynasties

  6. 宋明理学在赣南创始、发展和推向新阶段

    Start , Development and New Era of Li Study in Song and Ming Dynasties

  7. 宋明理学的发展过程及其对中国哲学发展前景的启示

    The Development Process of Nec-confucianism and Its Revelation to the Future Development of Chinese Philosophy

  8. 道德的形上学&牟宗三宋明理学三系说的形上根据

    Moral Metaphysics & on the Metaphysical Ground that MOU Zong-san Putting Neo-Confucianism into Three Schools

  9. 宋明理学是中国哲学的最高峰。

    It is the peak of China philosophy that Song 's obvious truth is learned .

  10. 佛教一心开二门对宋明理学的影响

    The impact of One Mind and Two Gates upon the Confucianism during Song and Ming Dynasties

  11. 他对宋明理学所作的批判性总结和继承,推动了中国新儒学的发展。

    His critical summarizing and inheriting Shongming idealist philosophy has pushed forward Chinese new Confucian school .

  12. 颜元对宋明理学教育哲学的突破

    Yan Yuan and his breakthrough of the educational philosophy of the sciences of Song and Ming

  13. 实学的产生并不是偶然的,它是与宋明理学的衰落并行的。

    It was accompanied by the decline of the neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties .

  14. 现代儒学应回到源头来回答现代性的意义基础问题,而不能停留在宋明理学的道统观上。

    Modern Confucianism should return its headstream to answer the problem of the signification foundation of modernity .

  15. 宋明理学(包括美学)继承和弘扬了这一思想。

    The philosophy of Song and Ming Dynasty ( including aesthetics ) has inherited and developed this thought .

  16. 宋明理学时期该思想则更为发达。

    Song and Ming Dynasties Neo-Confucianism that is a new stage of Confucianism pay more attention to it .

  17. 本文认为对宋明理学美学的研究、思考和阐释都应该以此道德哲学底蕴为基础。

    This dissertation has the hermeneutic base to study the aesthetic of the philosophers in Song and Ming dynasty .

  18. 本文试图在宋明理学的天空下构筑法的世界。

    This dissertation tries to construct the Law World in the sky of Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song-Ming dynasties .

  19. 宋明理学在形成和发展过程中曾受到禅学思想的深刻影响。

    The School of Chinese Chan had great effect on both forming and growing of Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming periods .

  20. 宋明理学长期以来是官方哲学,在思想文化上居于统治地位,理学内部又分为程朱派和陆王派。

    The Song-Ming New-Confucianism had been the official philosophy for long time , and occupied the dominant position on ideology and culture field .

  21. 唯识学的细腻理论从根本上影响了宋明理学的发展,但在佛学内部却没能继续壮大发展下去。

    The sophisticated theory influenced the emergency and growth of Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism while regressed day by day in the development of Chinese Buddhism itself .

  22. 本文的结语主要说明宋明理学美学对于中国当代审美经验的现代性意义。

    Finally , this dissertation explains the important significance of the aesthetics of philosophers in Song and Ming dynasty toward Chinese modern aesthetic experience .

  23. 王阳明汲取了程朱之学的知行常相须之说,他在延承宋明理学基础上进行了批判。

    Wang Yangming from Chu of " knowing and often phase shall be " of said , he is continuing the song provides a critique .

  24. 但宋明理学兴起,佛教被划为与道教同属的活动,一起被打入山林退隐了。

    But after the rise of neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties , Buddhism , together with Taoism , was relegated to the wilderness .

  25. 二程即程颢和程颐以他们基本统一而又各具特色的理学体系实际上奠基了宋明理学。

    Two Chengs , Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi are the real founders of the Neo-Confucianism for their basically identical Neo-Confucianism with their own characteristics .

  26. 程颢(1032~1085)和程颐(1033~1107)兄弟二人把宋明理学发展成有组织的哲学学派。

    Cheng Hao ( 1032 ~ 1085 ) and Cheng Yi ( 1033 ~ 1107 ) brothers developed Neo-Confucianism into an organized school of philosophy .

  27. 宋明理学关于境界、品格、生生之德的论述具有浓郁的审美情调;

    The expounding with regard to the morals of ideal , character , endless morals of Neo-Confucianism of Song and Ming dynasties has rich aesthetic sentiment .

  28. 宋明理学影响了此后知识思想的演化,以及文化艺术的发展变迁。

    The neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties greatly influence the evolvement of knowledge and thoughts , and the evolution of culture and art henceforth .

  29. 它上承先秦儒学,下启宋明理学,因此它对汉代及后世社会政治、经济、思想观念的影响极为深远。

    It inherited pre-qin Confucianism , and initiated the Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism , therefore its influence is profound extremely to the Han Dynasty and later generation society .

  30. 陆九渊思想是宋明理学的重要组成部分。一般认为,在学术渊源上,它倾向于禅宗。

    It is known that Lu Jiuyuan 's thought is one part of Confucius during Song and Ming Dynasties , it 's academic origin was Zen .