
zhōu xuán
  • circle round;socialize;contend with;circle
周旋 [zhōu xuán]
  • (1) [socialize]∶打交道;应酬

  • 周旋于达官显贵之间

  • (2) [contend with]∶相机进退,与对手追逐较量

  • 若不获命,其左执鞭弭,右属橐鞭,以与君周旋。--《左传.僖公二十三年》

  • 在山区与日本侵略者周旋

  • (3) [circle]∶盘旋;旋转

  • 跨蹑地络,周旋天网。--唐. 李白《大鹏赋》

周旋[zhōu xuán]
  1. 他的公司必须与俄罗斯庞大的官僚机构周旋。

    His firm must contend with the unwieldy Russian bureaucracy .

  2. 那只狐狸和一群随时可能置其于死地的猎狗冒险周旋。

    The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately .

  3. 厥后指在困难的条件下周旋耐劳研习。

    Later it came to refer to studying under very hard conditions .

  4. 正如她以前观察到的那样,他善于周旋。

    He fences well , as she had noticed before .

  5. 只要有人三五成群,我便周旋其间。

    Whenever I see a cluster of people , I always mix with them .

  6. 他们在国内有很多挑战,但只要他们愿意,仍然能回过神来与wto和g20周旋。

    They have plenty of domestic challenges but they could also turn their minds to corralling the WTO and G20 if they wished .

  7. 这就需要来自其中一个家族的大众董事长费迪南德皮耶希(FerdinandPich)再次巧妙周旋。

    Another deft manoeuvre by Ferdinand Pich , the VW chairman who comes from one of those families .

  8. NV还在坚持搪塞和周旋这个事件,因为承认这个问题要付出的代价很可能让公司不得翻身。

    NV still insists on stonewalling and spinning because the cost of owning up to the problem could very well sink the company .

  9. 每年这个时候,这位《嘉人》(MarieClaire)杂志的时尚总监兼《天桥风云》('ProjectRunway')节目的裁判经常要每天周旋于10到15个时装秀及其它各种活动。

    At this time of year , the Marie Claire fashion director and ' Project Runway ' judge often attends 10 to 15 fashion shows and other events each day .

  10. (FBI)干员抓获,然后被迫欺骗腐败的政治家。二人继续与干员、政治家目标以及自己的家人周旋,最终达成豁免协议,得以不受任何刑事指控就脱离苦海。

    The two continue to manipulate the FBI agent , their political targets , and their own family members , ultimately cutting an immunity deal that allows them to escape the ordeal without any criminal charges .

  11. 曹嘉泰说,姚明在打造他个人全球品牌方面有其独到的经验,很多公司会发现这一点很有用,如果他能盖大鲨鱼的帽,我相信他也能与固执的CEO们周旋。

    ' He 's got personal experience in building a global brand [ his own ] that many companies will find useful . And if he can dunk over Shaq , I 'm sure he can handle a stubborn CEO , ' said Mr. Tsao .

  12. Slack所面临的问题也是当前所有新兴的、有着优秀创意的软件公司都要面临的问题:既要快速创新把模仿者甩在后面,又要找到办法在可能视Slack为对手、试图将之摧毁的同行巨头之间周旋。

    The challenge now is the one that faces all new enterprise software companies with a bright idea : to move fast enough to keep ahead of the copycats , while finding a way to steer between giant competitors that might see Slack as a rival and try to crush it .

  13. 你不能和这么一个疯子周旋了。

    You can 't fool around with a person like that .

  14. 为了避免堕落,我们都可以周旋。

    Lnstead of going down , we can all move in .

  15. 在海军陆战队新兵训练营,与一个流氓周旋。

    Dealing with a bully in Marine Corps ' boot camp .

  16. 在几个小时的周旋后,这500条狗获救并被放生。

    And after hours of negotiation , 500 dogs were rescued .

  17. 我还在和他们的检察长周旋。

    I 'm still wrestling with the inspector general for them .

  18. 那么我就搞到传票并且与她周旋。

    Then I 'll get a subpoena and go around her .

  19. 沙漠地区的人们不得不与风沙周旋。

    People in the desert have to fight against wind and sand .

  20. 他暂时同意与他们周旋。

    He agreed to play along with them for the time being .

  21. 这当中的政治周旋困难重重,但并非不可能。

    The politics of this is difficult but not impossible .

  22. 与狐狸周旋,要谨防上当。

    If you deals with a fox , think of his tricks .

  23. 通过亲戚的周旋,他得到了那个职位。

    Through the agency of relatives he got the position .

  24. 约翰在宾客间周旋一番之后,宣布晚宴开始。

    After John had circulated amongst his guests , dinner was announced .

  25. 周旋于摇摆地方式中;他的手指紧张地工作。

    Move in ran agitated manner ; His fingers worked with tension .

  26. 他相信自己既是一个叛逆者,也能运用外交手腕与当局周旋。

    He believed he could be both renegade and diplomat .

  27. 他与波特菲尔德这家伙周旋很是干练。

    He dealt with that man proterfield very efficiently .

  28. 特遣部队仍必须同敌人的空军周旋。

    The task force still had to face the enemy 's air force .

  29. 结果因为不能用,他又去跟卖家周旋换了一个新的。

    when it didn 't work , he negotiated for a new one .

  30. 一个用敏捷和贴身技能去与敌人周旋的侠客。

    A swashbuckler who uses agility and guile to stand toe-to-toe with enemies .