
zhōu biān shè bèi
  • peripheral
  1. PCI局部总线实现了周边设备与中央处理器的高速互连。

    PCI bus can interconnect peripheral components with CPU .

  2. 集PCB周边设备经验之大成,固得电子全心全意为全球PCB客户提供一流的周边设备及材料。

    With the accumulation of rich experience in peripheral equipment of PCB , Good Company wholeheartedly provides first-class peripheral equipments and materials to PCB customers around the world .

  3. USB控制的计算机周边设备的节能插座

    Saving energy socket audio computer process equipment of USB controlling

  4. 今天,许多周边设备和装置都是通过USB接口连接到计算机上的。

    Today , many peripherals and devices connect to computers through USB interfaces .

  5. PC端软件通过一个良好的用户界面使用户使用鼠标即可完成对拼接墙和系统周边设备的指令发送。

    PC-control software should give user a good user interface and allow user to control the multi-screen wall using mouse drag and click .

  6. 硬件架构&包括CPU,内存,硬盘,周边设备例如打印机,与连接这些元素的部分。

    A hardware architecture , which considers elements such as CPUs , memory , hard disks , peripheral devices such as printers , and the elements used to connect these elements .

  7. 该地带的优点在于它关闭备用电源的所有周边设备如扬声器,游戏机和DVD播放器。

    The beauty of the strip is it turns off stand-by power to all peripheral items , like speakers , game machines , and DVD players .

  8. 该芯片还能从USB端口取电工作,无须外接电源,特别适合用于电脑的周边设备中,如MP3、PDA掌上电脑等。

    The chip could work through electricity from USB ports without external electricity supply , so it was suitable for peripheral equipment of computers such as MP3 and PDA palmtop computers .

  9. 注塑厂全部采用日本JSW电动伺服注塑机及配套日本进口的周边设备。

    High precision , stability and efficiency of our full electric-driven servo injection molding machines from JSW , and its accessory equipments import from Japan .

  10. 功率损耗低,对周边设备的热影响低。

    Less power loss and minimum thermal effect to peripheral components .

  11. 主要生产调音台、功率放大器、音箱及周边设备。

    Mainly produce mixers , power amplifiers , loudspeakers and periphery equipments .

  12. 打表机、传真机、滑鼠等电脑周边设备。

    Printer , fax machine , mouse and other computer peripheral equipment .

  13. 系统另备有空间作压铸周边设备的扩展。

    Moreover , special space provision are made for additional die casting peripheral accessories .

  14. 高科技半导体厂自动化生产线之周边设备维修、部品零件之加工制造。

    Interface equipment maintenance for semiconductor factory automation production line and components machining and manufacturing .

  15. 让我们和您一起打造一流的电脑周边设备企业而奋斗。

    Let us together with you to create the first-class computer peripheral equipment enterprises struggle .

  16. 音频系统中的周边设备&延时器之运用

    Application of delayer in audio system

  17. 周边设备发展趋向&高性能、高效率、低成本是关键

    Developing Trends of Peripheral Devices & The Keys Are High Performance , High Efficiency and Low Cost

  18. 二十年前我们曾填补中国塑机行业周边设备的空白;

    Twenty years ago , we filled the gap of auxiliary equipment of plastic machinery trade of China .

  19. 并且配以简单的周边设备就能够组成一套完整的停车场现代化管理系统。

    And match with simple of peripheral can constitute a complete parking lot modernization to manage the system .

  20. 公司主要代理经销范围:电脑产品,周边设备,取优质的服务,配上最优质的产品。

    Main agent distribution range : computer products , peripherals , take high-quality services , with the highest quality Products .

  21. 其它变化包括:设置家庭网络及共享媒体、资源和周边设备的过程被简化。

    Other changes include a simplified process for setting up a home network and sharing media , resources and peripherals .

  22. 本集团的产品被广泛应用于消费类电子产品,电脑及周边设备,通讯设备和汽车电子。

    The Group 's products are widely applied to consumer electronics , computer and computer peripherals , communication equipments and automotive electronics .

  23. 主要销售对象为国内外电脑周边设备、笔记本电脑、手机、扫描仪及家用电器等厂商。

    We mainly sell our products to computer facilities manufacturers , notebook PC manufacturers , mobile phone manufacturers , scanner manufacturers and home electronic appliance manufacturers .

  24. 督导注塑机及周边设备日常保养及维修工作。本机适用于各种外底的起毛、修边和抛光加工。

    To supervise the everyday repairing maintenance wk of injects their assist equipments surrounding . This machine can be used to fluff , trim and polish all kinds of outsoles .

  25. 主要服务对象:家电类,电子类,玩具类,通讯产品类,电脑周边设备,汽车塑胶件等行业。

    The main service target groups : home appliances category , electronics , toys category , type of communication products , computer peripherals , automotive plastic parts and other industries .

  26. 个人电脑、通讯设备、数位电话、电子游戏机、阴极射线管、硬式磁碟机、行动电话,个人数位助理、列表机和其他电脑周边设备。

    Personal computers , communication equipment , digital telephone , electronic games machines , CRTs , hard disk drives , cellular phones , PDAs , printers and other computer peripheral products .

  27. 采样率的逐步提高,不仅对于模数转换器件的要求越来越高,对于后续的数字信号处理及存储器等周边设备也是一个很大的挑战。

    The gradual increase of the sampling rate , not only for the ADC device , but also for the following digital signal processing device and other peripheral equipments , is a big challenge .

  28. 虚拟仪器具有三大功能:数据获取、数据分析及图形化显示;虚拟仪器开放、灵活,可与计算机同步发展,与网络及其他周边设备互联。

    Virtual instrument has three main functions : data acquisition , data analysis and graphical display ; virtual instrument is open and flexible and can be synchronized with the development of the computer , and Internet networks and other peripheral equipment .

  29. 然而,传统用法中接触器的触点经常被烧损,需要频繁维护,使用寿命短,有时甚至造成周边设备损坏,严重影响工业生产的正常运作。

    However , any conventional applications show that their contacts need frequent maintenance as they are so often burnt , thus even causing peripheral equipment to be damaged , which would have serious effects on the normal operation of the industrial production .

  30. 一个机构的周边防御设备会被大型攻击淹没。

    An organization 's perimeter defense devices would be overwhelmed by a large attack .