
  • 网络Webcam;Web Camera;IP Camera
  1. 申请了美国国家广播公司(NBC)的一个职位后,罗斯却得知,他不用去办公室参加面试。恰好相反,他的面试将通过网络摄像头进行。

    After applying for a position at the National Broadcasting Company ( NBC ) , Rosen learned that he wouldn 't be going to an office to talk to a human being about his skills , his interview instead being carried out via * webcam .

  2. 您的手机上观看实时网络摄像头的视频流。

    Watch real time webcam video stream on your mobile .

  3. 日前,Win10系统的一次升级已经让许多网络摄像头停止了工作。

    A Windows 10 update has stopped many popular webcams from working .

  4. 它是一个带有两个棱镜的网络摄像头,模拟人类的视觉,将其捕获的图像转为3D图片。

    It 's a webcam with two lenses that mimics human sight and turns the images it captures into3D footage .

  5. 基于SOPC的嵌入式网络摄像头的设计

    The design of embedded network camera based on SOPC

  6. 拥有网络摄像头或3G手机的观众,还能出现在屏幕上,亲自提问。

    Audience members who have web cameras or third-generation mobile phones can also appear on screen to ask their questions in person .

  7. Alphabet旗下这家智能家居先驱公司的NestCam被视为领先的安全网络摄像头,但200美元的价格已经显得有些贵了。

    The Alphabet-owned smart-home pioneer 's Nest Cam is seen as the leading security webcam , but at $ 200 , it already looked pricey .

  8. 这种宏基产品内置网络摄像头,把它当作如Skype一样的视频电话服务是很理想的。

    The Acer has a built-in webcam , which makes it ideal for video-calling services such as Skype .

  9. remotemonitor(入门级套装199美元,再加每月9.95美元)也使用网络摄像头查看各个房间,以及某些门打开时进行记录的动作传感器。

    Remote monitor ( $ 199 for a starter kit , plus $ 9.95 a month ) also uses webcams to watch over various rooms as well as motion sensors that register when certain doors open .

  10. 曼彻斯特的PDT已经设计出Minoru网络摄像头,它有两个棱镜,设置距离与人眼间距离相近。

    Manchester-based PDT has created the Minoru webcam that has two lenses set roughly the same distance apart as human eyes .

  11. 如果手头有数码相机或网络摄像头,你就可以轻松录制一段视频,并免费上传到youtube等网站上。

    If you have a camera phone or a webcam at your disposal , you can easily make a video and upload it online in sites like YouTube for free .

  12. 杭州雄迈信息技术有限公司(HangzhouXiongmaiTechnology)称,将召回一些早期版本的网络摄像头,此前,网络安全研究人员确认,黑客利用了包括这些网络摄像头在内的设备,对域名服务提供商Dyn进行超大规模流量访问。

    Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology said it would recall earlier versions of the webcams after cyber security researchers identified them as a contributor to the network that hackers used to flood Dyn , a domain name service provider , with traffic .

  13. 中国电子产品制造商雄迈正在召回其在美国销售的部分老款网络摄像头,这些产品被认为与上周五瘫痪美国互联网服务——从Twitter到《纽约时报》——的“僵尸网络”攻击有关联。

    Chinese electronics manufacturer Xiongmai is recalling some older versions of its webcams sold in the US after they were linked to the " botnet " attack that disrupted internet services from Twitter to the New York Times on Friday .

  14. 碰巧,我在图坦卡蒙博物馆举行的会议上获悉,瑞士一些ETF正打算安装网络摄像头监控金条,以缓解上述担忧。

    As it happens , I was told at the conference in the Tutankhamun museum that some Swiss ETFs are now trying to allay any such concerns by installing webcams to monitor those bars .

  15. chatroulette是最近备受追捧的一个网站,它以随机和匿名的方式,把世界各地赤膊男青年的网络摄像头连接起来。

    Chatroulette which randomly and anonymously connects the webcams of shirtless young men around the world is the latest website darling .

  16. Mirai的成功是因为有如此之多的网络摄像头、数字录像机等设备生产出来时附带的默认密码从未更改过。

    Mirai was successful because so many webcams , digital video recorders , etc have been produced with default passwords that have never been changed .

  17. 总部位于伦敦的Realeyes就是一家致力于这种开发这种技术的公司,它一直在试图开发出一种将网络摄像头和情绪分析相融合的系统。

    One of the companies doing such work , Realeyes , which is based in London , has been developing a system that combines eye-spying webcams with emotional analysis .

  18. 网络摄像头可以用做单纯的监视功能。

    Network cameras can be used for the pure surveillance function .

  19. 基于网络摄像头的多视全景视频技术研究

    Research of Multiple View Panoramic Video Technology Based on Webcams

  20. 眼睛要看着网络摄像头而不是电脑屏幕。

    Look into the webcam and not at the screen .

  21. 免费注册,同时你需要有网络摄像头来拍摄相片。

    Free register , and you need a webcam for take picture .

  22. 介绍了通过网络摄像头实现图像采集的方法。

    Introduce the method webcam realize image acquisition .

  23. 事实上,能够监控心跳的网络摄像头很快就会出现。

    In fact , webcams that monitor a person 's heart rate are soon to appear .

  24. 语音命令和手势识别技术日益成熟,网络摄像头现在能够进行面部识别和验证。

    Voice commands and gestures are becoming more sophisticated and webcams offer facial recognition and authentication .

  25. 无线婴儿监控设备以及网络摄像头等产品存在安全隐患的问题在许多媒体上都有广泛报道。

    Media reports have long discussed the security problems with wireless baby monitors and web cameras .

  26. 软件包括可以把两张图片转为被称为立体照片的网络摄像头。

    Software included with the webcam turns the two images into what is known as an anaglyph .

  27. 在印度,农民可以查看的结果,他们的收获通过网络摄像头和互联网。

    In India , farmers can show the results of their harvest via web cams and the Internet .

  28. 在锻炼中,参与锻炼者和伙伴的图像将会通过网络摄像头投射在大屏幕上。

    The participant and partner image were then projected onto a screen via a web camera while exercising .

  29. 像游隼在歌潭镇已经变得超流行,甚至都有网络摄像头专门记录行踪。

    Like the peregrine falcons that have become so popular in Gotham they even have their own webcam .

  30. 如果他们的电脑上没有内置网络摄像头的话,就还得想想买哪种摄像头。

    If they don 't have a Webcam built into their computer , they wonder which Webcam to buy .