
  • 网络messaging;MESSAGE PASSING;message-passing
  1. 在消息传送范式下,Proxy主要负责将输入消息转发到真实主体。

    Under the messaging paradigm , Proxy is mainly responsible for forwarding the input message to the real subject .

  2. Jt设计模式框架也是一种消息传送引擎,提供企业服务总线(ESB)功能。

    The Jt Design Pattern Framework is also a messaging engine that provides Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB ) capabilities .

  3. 当您将methodmissing加入进来后,消息传送就有了另一层次的意义。

    Message passing takes on another dimension when you throw method_missing into the mix .

  4. Self语言将消息传送这一概念发挥到极致。

    The Self language takes this message-passing concept to the extreme .

  5. 通过消息传送专门地调用所有Self行为。

    You invoke all Self behavior exclusively through message passing .

  6. 该文以人工智能领域中黑板模型结构和消息传送结构作为多Agent系统的基本通信结构,对树形拓扑的多Agent原型系统进行了研究与构造。

    This paper designs and realizes prototype system of tree topology multi-agent system ( TTMAS ) .

  7. Self使用消息传送来调用已命名的slot和方法。

    Self uses message passing to invoke named slots and methods .

  8. 短消息传送GPS位置数据的高效数据压缩方法

    An Efficient Data Compressing Method of GPS Position Data Transmission by Mobile Short Message

  9. 消息传送设计模式促进Adapter的实现。

    The messaging design pattern facilitates the implementation of Adapter .

  10. Ruby支持消息传送和直接方法调用。

    Ruby supports message passing and direct method invocations .

  11. 其消息传送功能允许不迫使用户访问物理的方法就调用方法,正如在Java语言中那样。

    Their message-passing capabilities allow method invocation without forcing users to access a physical method , as they do in the Java language .

  12. Ruby中的消息传送看起来有些许不同,但前提是一致的。

    Message passing in Ruby looks slightly different , but the premise is the same .

  13. 在一个WebSphereSensorEvents部署中,WebSphereBusinessEvents集成在一个事件消息传送基础设施上,根据它的规则定义来检测事件模式。

    Within a WebSphere Sensor Events deployment , WebSphere Business Events is integrated on the event messaging infrastructure and detects event patterns based on its rule definitions .

  14. 意向(Intent):消息传送设计模式支持组件与应用程序之间的信息交换(例如,消息)。

    Intent : The messaging design pattern allows the interchange of information ( i.e.messages ) between components and applications .

  15. 本篇将详细介绍有关IPC的基本概念和消息传送操作。

    This paper describes the basic concepts of Mach IPC and the operations of message passing .

  16. Win32系统窗口消息传送技术分析

    A Technical Analysis of Window Message Sending in Win32 System

  17. 从Self对消息传送的严重依赖以及Self应用程序一直运行这一概念可以看出:延迟绑定是Self的中心课题。

    The heavy reliance on message passing and the notion that Self applications are always running should tip you off that late binding is a central theme in Self .

  18. 在应对物联网时,可使用MQTelemetryTransport,这是一种轻量型发布/订阅协议,采用可预测的双向消息传送方式。

    Addressing the Internet of things , the MQ Telemetry Transport is a lightweight publish / subscribe protocol with predictable bi-directional message delivery .

  19. Facade组件通常负责安全性(消息传送授权和身份验证)。

    The fa ç ade component is usually responsible for security ( messaging authorization and authentication ) .

  20. JMSAPI是通过第三方实现的,并且实现提供了异步通信和可靠的消息传送等优点。

    The JMS API is implemented by a third party , and the implementation provides the benefits of asynchronous communication and reliable message delivery .

  21. 然后对EPC信息服务中数据的分类、查询、消息传送协议及组成作了论述;

    Secondly it expands the classification , query , transmission protocol of data and the composition of EPC information service ;

  22. 由框架(消息传送、适配器、远程代理和外观)实现的设计模式隐藏与远程API相关的复杂性,从而实现透明和安全访问。

    Design patterns implemented by the framework ( messaging , adapters , remote proxies and facades ) make this possible by hiding the complexities associated with remote APIs .

  23. MDP能够处理与异步消息传送和多线程相关的复杂性。

    MDP is able to handle the complexities associated with and asynchronous messaging and multithreading .

  24. 此时,协调器(Mediation)可以支持广泛的功能,从消息传送和安全加强,到基于内容的路由和服务标本标定。

    Mediations , in this case , can support a wide variety of functionality , ranging from message transformation and security enforcement to content-based routing and service versioning .

  25. 这个功能通过一个消息传送队列在Jt框架的上下文中实现。

    This capability is implemented in the context of the Jt framework via a messaging queue .

  26. 因此我不再讲述in-out消息传送的事件顺序。

    So I won 't include another sequence of events to describe in-out messaging .

  27. Exchange是一个设计用于MicrosoftOutlook的群件服务器,提供消息传送服务器、共享日历、联系人数据库、公共文件夹、备忘和任务等特性。

    Exchange is a groupware server designed to work with Microsoft Outlook , and provides features like a messaging server , shared calendars , contact databases , public folders , notes , and tasks .

  28. 源或目标端点暂时不可用时(例如,服务器意外重启时),客户机如何确保SOAP消息传送?

    How can a client ensure the delivery of a SOAP message when the source or destination endpoints become temporarily unavailable ( for example , when a server is unexpectedly restarted )?

  29. MDP能够建立双向异步消息传送机制,其中组件和应用程序相互通信。

    MDP is able to model two-way asynchronous messaging in which components and applications communicate with each other .

  30. SS7协议的下半部分由消息传送部分(MTP)组成。

    The bottom half of the SS7 protocol consists of the Message Transfer Part ( MTP ) .