
wǎnɡ yǒu
  • net (or web) friend;e-pal;fellow netizen
  1. 再说了,你来不是见网友的吗?

    Moreover , is your coming not to see a net friend ?

  2. 主持人:各位网友大家下午好!

    Anchorperson : In the afternoon net friend master of friend be nice !

  3. 然而,他们仍然不知道怎么应对刻薄的笑话,以及如果他们把自己跟名人,或者那些优秀的网友相比较自己会显得多么无能。

    However , they still did not know how to cope with mean-spirited jokes , or the sense of incompetence they might feel if they compared themselves to celebrities or more brilliant friends online .

  4. 这就是她在中国网友中如此受欢迎的原因。

    And that 's why she is so well received among Chinese net friends .

  5. 网友评论:Brian我真为你难过,有一天他会明白的。

    So sorry Brian , one day he 'll get it !

  6. Showerthought(浴中哲思)其实是一个泛指,可以用来指代你在沐浴、开车或者做白日梦等一些常规事物的时候产生的一些想法。以下是Reddit网站推出的showerthought页面上,网友留下的一些奇思妙想:

    Shower thought is a loose term that applies to any thought you might have while carrying out a routine task like showering , driving , or daydreaming .

  7. Instagram(图片分享网站)几乎被灰发造型淹没了——有职业模特的美艳大片,也有广大Instagram网友上传的得意自拍。

    Instagram is awash with the grey haired images - from beauty shots featuring professional models to selfies uploaded by proud grey haired Instagrammers .

  8. 这一不寻常的举动视频被发布在白宫的Instagram账号上,并很快被网友戏称的“拿铁敬礼”。

    The unusual gesture appeared in an Instagram video posted by the White House on social media . It was quickly dubbed4 the " latte salute2 . "

  9. 最近一项调查显示,极客和网友发明的“blog(博客)”、“folksonomy(分众分类法)”、“wiki(维基)”等词都是最令人讨厌的“网络英语”词汇。

    Example : Blog , folksonomy , wiki and other words coined by geeks and netizens are among the most irritating new " Weblish " words , according to a recent poll .

  10. 本月初,一张在网络上转发的照片打动了许多网友。

    Earlier this month , an image circulated online moved many netizens .

  11. 网友评论:你怎么称呼一只没有眼睛的鹿?

    What do you call a deer with no eyes ?

  12. 许多网友在评论中表示,这面党旗让他们安心。

    Many netizens commented that the Party flag made them feel at ease .

  13. 一些网友对家长们为何如此大惊小怪感到不理解。

    Some netizens remarked that they did not understand why these parents were making a fuss .

  14. “面对面的会晤”指的是现实生活中的会面,尤指主要或仅在网上交流的网友之间的会面。

    Fleshmeet refers to an in-person meeting , particularly between people whose regular communication is exclusively or primarily online .

  15. 不少外国网友很喜欢偶像张艺兴的表现,一些观众希望该剧能尽快推出英文字幕。

    With many foreign netizens enjoy seeing pop idol8 Zhang Yixing , and some audience say they wish the English subtitles9 could be out as soon as possible .

  16. 自天津港爆炸以来,网友开始呼吁名人富人捐款帮助受灾群众。

    After the explosions at Tianjin Port , Internet users began to appeal to celebrities and rich people to donate money to help those affected by the disaster .

  17. 有些用户则表示没有必要如此挑刺。有用户评论说:“人们在因为疾病、虐待甚至饥饿而死去,请大家关注重点。”对于敬礼事件,还有网友表示不同看法。

    Others saw unnecessary nitpicking in the criticism . " People are dying from disease , abuse or even hunger , " another user commented on the video .

  18. 近日,一个#在猪肉店起舞的9岁芭蕾女孩#登上了热搜,话题阅读量超过了2亿。一个女孩在中国西南部云南省一个村庄的猪肉摊上跳舞的视频片段在网上疯传,感动了许多网友。

    A video clip of a girl dancing at a pork stall in a village in Southwest China 's Yunnan province went viral online , moving many netizens .

  19. 我的朋友一直对我说,“兄弟,振作起来!你的情况已经算不错了!幸好你不是被困在地下一个注满水的洞里!”我知道他是一番好意。网友评论:

    My friend keeps saying " cheer up man it could be worse , you could be stuck underground in a hole full of water . " I know he means well .

  20. 一位网友写道:“党旗始终在一线高高飘扬。”另一位网友评论道:“关键时刻,党员一定会站出来。”

    One wrote , " The Party flag always flutters high on the front line " , and another commented " At critical moments , Party members will surely step up . "

  21. 这个词在2014年任天堂开发的游戏《马里奥赛车8》上线以后开始流行起来,游戏里面马里奥的弟弟路易吉冰冷的眼神被网友们称为“路易吉死亡凝视”(或者路易吉死亡瞪)。

    The term got popular after the release of Mario Kart 8 in 2014 , in which Luigi 's ice-cold reaction to the administration was called the Luigi death stare by players .

  22. 此外,现在的翻译机可以提供口语翻译服务,技术十分成熟。在人工智能时代,翻译职业位居即将被淘汰职业的前10名。这番话立即引发网友热议。

    Moreover , smart translation devices can offer sophisticated translation services and in the age of artificial intelligence , translators will be among the top 10 professions to be eliminated , he added .

  23. 传统笔友的现代版本就是交一个“键友”或“网友”。人们可以敲击键盘通过电子邮件或即时通讯工具跟彼此交流,不用再写纸质信件了。

    A modern variation on the traditional penpal arrangement is to have a keypal . People can use the keyboard to talk to each other through emails or instant messengers instead of writing paper letters .

  24. 这篇报道在推特上火了,上周六威廉王子的名字一度登上推特热搜,同时成为热门话题的还有网友对斯坦利·图齐落选的抱怨。

    The report caught traction on Twitter , and at one point on Saturday , Prince William 's name was trending on the platform , along with complaints that Stanley Tucci didn 't make the cut .

  25. 今年春节假期,除了电影票房大热之外,河南卫视春晚的舞蹈节目《唐宫夜宴》也火出了圈。由郑州歌舞剧院创作的古典舞《唐宫夜宴》亮相2021年河南春晚后在社交媒体平台上走红,受到网友的广泛赞誉。

    The classical dance program Palace Banquet in Tang Dynasty created by Zhengzhou Song & Dance Theater has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms and won much acclaim at the 2021 Henan TV Spring Festival Gala .

  26. 有韩国网友称,看到产品的中文包装感到“厌恶”,还有网友强调“拌饭”属于韩国食品。

    Some Korean netizens seemed focused on the meal 's packaging , claiming they were repulsed by the Chinese characters printed on it , while others busied themselves emphasizing that the " stirred rice dish " is a Korean dish .

  27. 我妻子想用一只手解开我女儿身上的安全带,她说“那些只有一条胳膊的妈妈是怎么做到这件事的呢?”我不失时机地回复道,“独自一个人做到。”网友评论:

    My wife tried to unlatch our daughter 's car seat with one hand and said , " How do one armed mothers do it ? " Without missing a beat I replied , " Single handedly . " Ha !

  28. 这份最新的报告分析了全球最让人迷惑的三种表情符号:“茄子”险胜“桃子”和“小丑”,成为最让网友感到困惑的表情符号。

    Adobe 's latest Emoji Trend report also examined the three most misunderstood emojis in the world . The " eggplant " symbol edged out the " peach " and the " clown " emojis respectively as the most confusing for users .

  29. 很多网友都想更多的了解Metro乐队的故事,你们当初是怎样走到一起并组成乐队的呢?

    We want to know more about Metro . Can you tell us some stories about your band ?

  30. 网友称她励志狗,而纪录其生活点滴的微博GOGO小萨也在两周内引来3.7万粉丝。

    Netizens call her the " dog with determination " and the micro blog " Go Go Xiao Sa " recording her life has attracted more than 37,000 followers in two weeks .