
  • 网络preview;Preview Release;pre-release;pre-alpha
  1. AppEngineforJava目前的预览版的另外一个缺点是它对关系的处理。

    Another downside of App Engine for Java in its current preview release is its handling of relationships .

  2. 微软还发布了数据同步服务(DataSyncService)的公共预览版,这使得用户可以决定如何跨多个数据中心来分发数据。

    Microsoft has also announced the public preview of Data Sync Service enabling customers to decide how to distribute data across multiple datacenters .

  3. Singh指出预览版包含两种层次的API。

    Singh noted that the preview release will contain two levels of API 's.

  4. 有关可降解微针帖片的详情以及小鼠实验中所观察到的帖片免疫接种的优势已于7月18日发表于NatureMedicine。(《自然医学杂志》)在线预览版。

    Details of the dissolving microneedle patches and immunization benefits observed in experimental mice were reported July18th in the advance online publication of the journal Nature Medicine .

  5. 借助于现在发布的预览版,开发者可以将SVG插入到HTML中并创建可缩放的图形

    With the current preview release , developers can inline SVG inside HTML and create scalable graphics

  6. InternetExplorer平台预览版使用到了Windows应用编程接口(API)中的DirectX,这使得Web开发者如虎添翼。

    Internet Explorer Platform Preview uses the DirectX family of Windows application programming interfaces ( APIs ) to enable several advances for Web developers .

  7. 微软Live实验室对外发布了Volta技术预览版&一个可以使开发者更快地构建多层Web应用的开发工具集。

    Microsoft Live Labs has released Volta-a technology preview of a developer toolset that will enable developers to build multi-tier web applications faster .

  8. 这依旧是一个预览版,并非V1版。

    This is a preview , not the V1 release .

  9. 看看那些不支持的特性列表吧,这哪是Beta版,简直就是一个技术预览版而已。

    Looking at the list of unsupported features , this appears to be more of a tech preview than an actual beta release .

  10. TheConsumerJRE本身是另一个技术簇,最近看到了其第一个预览版,包括Nimbus外观(lookandfeel)。

    The Consumer JRE is itself another cluster of technologies that has recently seen its first preview release , including the Nimbus look and feel .

  11. Jazz平台的技术预览版的WebUI包括几个关键的Jazz组件,包括工作项、构建版本和报告。

    The web UI of the0.6 release of the Jazz Platform covers a few key Jazz components , including work items , iteration plans , and reports .

  12. 在阅读本文并遍览这些示例时,您要牢记这样的事实:现在的AppEngineforJava是一个预览版。

    As you read the article and work through the examples , you 'll want to keep in mind the fact that the App Engine for Java is currently a preview release .

  13. 我想是2007年的11月,第一个MVC社区预览版发布的那一天。

    We started the MvcContrib project the day that the first public MVC Community Technology Preview was available , I think it was November of2007 .

  14. 在发布该预览版后,他说Netbeans团队期望不断增强IDE的PHP功能。

    After the early access release he shared that the Netbeans team expects a summer of continued PHP enhancements to the IDE .

  15. 美国时间9月30日上午,微软(Microsoft)发布了其最新旗舰操作系统Windows10技术预览版,并重新引入久违的开始菜单,关于此消息已有诸多报道。

    Much has already been written about Microsoft 's new Windows 10 and the reintroduction of its long-lost Start button after the company unveiled its updated flagship operating system on Tuesday morning .

  16. Jazz技术预览版包括了代表性的流程模板,其中包括封装Jazz项目团队本身使用的流程的一个早期版本的模板。

    The Tech Preview includes exemplary process templates , including an early version of the one encapsulating the process used by the Jazz project team itself .

  17. 乍看起来,这似乎是很大的改善,但即便是SQLAzure中的联合的预览版也需要很久之后才能够发布。

    At first glance this appears to be a vast improvement but Federation in SQL Azure is still a long way away from even a preview release .

  18. 期待已久的下一版本JavaEE5即将发布(参见参考资料获得规范和预览版的链接)。

    The long-awaited next version of the Java EE5 is knocking at the door ( see Resources for links to the specification and preview release ) .

  19. 根据汇丰银行(HSBC)制造业采购经理人指数(PMI)的“预览版”读数,3月中国制造业活动已收缩至11个月内的最低点。

    Manufacturing in China contracted to an 11-month low this month , according to a preliminary reading of an influential index tracking the sector by HSBC .

  20. 微软上个月发布了Volta预览版。

    Microsoft released a preview of Volta last month .

  21. 新闻界和业内人士在该剧第5季首播之前收到了预览版DVD,之后前四集内容就被泄露到网上。

    In season 5 , the first four episodes leaked online before the show 's season premiere after review DVDs that were sent to the press and industry insiders .

  22. 这一受到密切关注的指数由汇丰和Markit共同编制,最新预览版读数显示中国制造业状况比预期更糟。

    Manufacturing in China was worse than expected , according to a closely-watched flash index by HSBC and Markit .

  23. 微软似乎会在美国假期购物季发布Windows8操作系统。微软周四发布了Windows8的预览版。

    Microsoft Corp appears to be on track to release its new Windows 8 operating system in time for the crucial U.S. holiday shopping season after making a " release preview " of the new code available for download on Thursday .

  24. 这一受到密切关注的指数由汇丰和Markit共同编制,最新“预览版”读数显示中国制造业状况比预期更糟。

    Manufacturing in China was worse than expected , according to a closely-watched " flash " index by HSBC and Markit .

  25. 任何对此有兴趣的人都可以在我们的用户调查中提出对Mac支持的需求,并让我们知道他们愿意了解预览版。

    Anyone interested in getting their hands on that should indicate their interest in Mac support on our user survey and let us know that they would like to see in the early access version .

  26. 作为一个技术预览版,EGit项目并不具备命令行工具git的全部特性。

    As a technology preview , the EGit project is not at full feature-parity of the command-line git tool .

  27. 由此得出的结论是:IE9的预览版完全兼容这些测试中所包括的W3C标准,而其他浏览器无法达到这一点。

    The conclusion is : IE9 Preview is100 % compliant with W3C standards covered by tests while the other browsers lag behind .

  28. 就像之前预览版展示的那样,两位使用英语与西班牙语的学生通过SkypeTranslator使用母语进行交流而不需要学习新的语言。

    As part of a preview program , Skype Translator makes it possible for English and Spanish speakers to communicate in their native language , without having to learn a new one .

  29. 你可以在产品站点上找到更多关于Juneau的信息,并可以在那里下载到预览版。

    You can find more information about Juneau and download the preview from the product website .

  30. 目前的Win10系统为公开预览版。

    Windows 10 is currently in a public preview release .