
  • 网络preventive disinfection;onive dislillechon;preventive infection
  1. 杭州地区托幼机构预防性消毒质量监测

    Monitoring of quality of preventive disinfection in nurseries and kindergartens of Hangzhou area

  2. 温州市托幼机构预防性消毒质量调查

    Survey of quality of preventive disinfection in nurseries and kindergartens of Wenzhou City

  3. 截至1月13日24时,全国口岸环节已预防性消毒进口冷链食品外包装1317万件。

    By Wednesday , the outer packagings of 13.17 million products had been disinfected at ports across the country .

  4. 嵊泗县10所托幼机构预防性消毒效果监测

    An investigation of effect of disinfection in 10 nurseries in Shengsi county

  5. 结论:托幼机构应进一步加强预防性消毒工作,以防治相关传染病的爆发。

    Conclusion : The nurseries should further strengthen the disinfection to prevent the break out of relevant infectious dis -

  6. 各参展企业须配合卫生部门预防性消毒工作,注意个人的卫生习惯。

    All enterprise must cooperate with the health department by doing the precautions disinfectant , and please pay attention to personal hygiene .

  7. 目的了解温州市托幼机构预防性消毒工作现状,以便改进和提高托幼机构卫生管理水平。

    Objective To know the present situation of preventive disinfection in nurseries and kindergartens of Wenzhou City in order to improve and enhance the sanitary management level .

  8. 对西安市12所幼儿园进行甲型和乙型肝炎感染情况调查与预防性消毒水平记分评估。

    The preventive disinfection levels of 12 kindergartens in Xi'an City were scored and HAV and HBV infections in 2949 children of these kindergartens were investigated by serological examination .

  9. 结论注意无菌操作、保持呼吸道通畅、作好预防性消毒与隔离是控制下呼吸道医院感染最有效的措施。

    CONCLUSIONS These steps including no bacteria operation , clear respiratory tract , preventive sterilization and isolation . are the most effective on controlling the infection of lower respiratory tract .

  10. 为了解杭州地区托幼机构预防性消毒质量,采用调查报表和抽样检测方法进行了调查。

    In order to know the quality of preventive disinfection in nurseries and kindergartens of Hangzhou area , investigation report forms and sampling examination method were used to carry out the survey .

  11. 结论,杭州地区托幼机构预防性消毒质量逐年提高,但总的合格率较低,以空气合格率最低。

    Conclusion : The quality of preventive disinfection in nurseries and kindergartens of Hangzhou area was improved year by year , but the total eligible rate was low and the eligible rate of air was the lowest .

  12. 海关总署对检出阳性的境外食品生产企业实施暂停其产品进口申报一周到四周的紧急预防性措施。在口岸环节开展预防性消毒工作

    As part of emergency preventive measures , the GAC suspends import declarations of foreign food makers whose products test positive for one to four weeks .