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  1. 也谈《红楼梦》中的樯木及其它&与周汝昌、刘心武先生商榷

    On Mast Wood and Something Else in the Story of the Stone

  2. 胡适与周汝昌

    HU Shi and ZHOU Ru-chang

  3. 周汝昌先生发表了对于《红楼梦》后续章节的研究,并展现了一个《红楼梦》的完整版本。

    Zhou published his research on the additional chapters of the book and presented a complete version of the real Dream of the Red Chamber .

  4. 周汝昌对神瑛侍者与绛珠仙子转世人物贾宝玉与林黛玉关系的错解,造成了他以后研究《红楼梦》的步步错。

    The misunderstanding of the relationship between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu , reincarnated from Deity Shenying and Fairy Crimson Pearl , made his later researches mistake step by step .

  5. 梳理胡适、周汝昌的交往经过及师承渊源,不仅有利于认识新红学的发展脉络,更有利于澄清有关胡、周关系的诸多模糊说法。

    Examination of the history of contacts between HU Shi and ZHOU Ru-chang is beneficial not only to knowing the development sequences of " Xin Hongxue ", but also to clarifying some confused arguments about the relations between HU Shi and ZHOU Ru-chang .