
zhōu suì
  • one full year of life;one full year of age;year old;full year
周岁 [zhōu suì]
  • (1) [one full year of age]∶年满一岁

  • 今天是孩子的周岁

  • (2) [year old]∶实足年龄

  • 他已经32周岁

  • (3) [full year]∶满一年

周岁[zhōu suì]
  1. 哺乳期指女职工生产后,对未满1周岁的婴儿进行哺乳的期间。

    After lactation shows female worker is produced , right not full the baby of 1 one full year of life undertakes lactation during .

  2. 无民事行为能力人是指不满10周岁的未成年人和不能辨认自己行为的精神病人,他们缺乏自我保护能力,本身很轻易遭受危险。

    Having person of civil action competence is to point to dissatisfaction the minor of10 one full year of life and cannot identify the mental person of own behavior , they lack ego to protect ability , itself suffers risk very easily .

  3. 婴儿没过周岁就病死了。

    The baby sickened and died before his first birthday .

  4. 罗马尼亚的法定成年年龄为18周岁。

    The age of majority in Romania is eighteen

  5. 丹尼丝希望等女儿满周岁就回去工作。

    Denise hopes to be back at work by the time her daughter is one

  6. 如今,年满18周岁或18周岁以上的公民都有选举权。

    Today every citizen aged eighteen or over has the right to vote .

  7. 今天孩子满周岁。

    Today is the child 's first birthday .

  8. 他12周岁。

    He 's twelve years old .

  9. 小威利:亚伯拉罕林肯过他的三周岁生日。

    Little Willy : Abraham Lincoln had5 his third birthday .

  10. 四十六周岁以上的,发给长期有效的居民身份证。

    and those who are over 46 shall be issued resident identity cards valid indefinitely .

  11. 她还不满十七周岁。

    She was not past seventeen .

  12. 二十六周岁至四十五周岁的,发给有效期二十年的居民身份证;

    those in the 26 to 45 age bracket shall be issued resident identity cards valid for 20 years ;

  13. 第六条结婚年龄,男不得早于二十二周岁,女不得早于二十周岁。

    Article 6 No marriage may be contracted before the man has reached 22 years of age and the woman 20 years of age .

  14. 第十二条十周岁以上的未成年人是限制民事行为能力人,可以进行与他的年龄、智力相适应的民事活动;

    Article 12 A minor aged 10 or over shall be a person with limited capacity for civil conduct and may engage in civil activities appropriate to his age and intellect ;

  15. 据国家统计局最新发布的数据,截至2015年末,16周岁以上至60周岁以下(不含60周岁)的劳动年龄人口比上年末减少487万人。

    By the end of 2015 , defined as people between 16 to 60 , the working-age population fell by a record 4.87 million , according to the National Bureau of Statistics .

  16. �居住在中华人民共和国境内的年满十六周岁的中国公民应当依照本条例的规定,申请领取中华人民共和国居民身份证。

    Chinese citizens who have reached the age of 16 and who reside in the People 's Republic of China shall obtain by application a resident identity card of the People 's Republic of China in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations .

  17. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)的数据,在15到44周岁的妇女中,遭遇生育问题的人达到了11%。

    But roughly 11 % of women aged 15-44 have trouble getting pregnant , according to the CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and prevention ) .

  18. 因为这是FCM的生日,本月我们的FCM已经整整两周岁了。

    Because it 's our birthday ! FCM is officially two years old this month .

  19. 那时刚满周岁的iPhone也以无线为设计宗旨。

    The iPhone , just a year old at that point , was also built to be wireless .

  20. 研究了安哥拉山羊与陕北土种山羊杂交一代(F1)周岁母羊的产绒特性。

    Down producing characteristics of F 1 ( Angora × local goat ) yearling does were studied in this paper .

  21. 结果发现,对比服用安慰剂小组孕妇产下的孩子,维生素C组的孩子更健康—他们在一周岁期间哮喘更少并且整体的肺功能要更为健康。

    They found that , compared with kids of the placebo group , children of moms popping vitamin C were in better health - they wheezed less through their first year of life and had better overall pulmonary function .

  22. [方法]用整群随机抽样的方法在苏州市平江区抽取35周岁以上常住人口2万名作为调查对象,数据用非条件logistic回归进行多因素分析。

    [ Methods ] 20 thousands residents of over 35 years of age in Pingjiang region were randomly cluster sampled and investigated . Data were analyzed with non-conditional logistic regression model .

  23. 最近在一项按照标准PISA度量的测试项目中,中国上海15周岁在校生在数学和阅读素养方面名列全球第一。

    Shanghai's15-year-old students were recently ranked first globally in math and reading as per the standardized PISA metric .

  24. 祖玛于首都比勒陀利亚宣布了新政策,确保更多患者能接受治疗,其中包括所有HIV阳性、不满周岁的婴儿。

    Speaking in the country 's capital , Pretoria , Zuma announced policies that would see more people treated for HIV , including treatment for all HIV-positive babies under the age of one .

  25. 家庭会员类型对已婚夫妇及其不满18周岁的子女提供Acme的服务。

    Family memberships provide Acme 's services to couples and any children that they have who are under the age of18 .

  26. 任何高中毕业年满17周岁的选手如果宣布放弃校际比赛资格即可参加NBA选秀。

    Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces intercollegiate eligibility .

  27. 埋植MT对粗毛长度和生长周期无影响,但对周岁羊埋植MT的当年其粗毛有变细的趋势。

    Implanting MT had no effect on wool length and growth cycle , but decreased the tendency of wool diameter for one year old Cashmere goat in implanting year .

  28. 方法采用ELISA检测HBsAg、抗-HBc,RIA定量检测抗-HBs,比较观察5周岁儿童乙肝疫苗加强免疫组和未加强免疫组乙肝免疫水平。

    Methods The immunization levels of hepatitis B between the group of strengthening immunization and the control group were observed by detecting HBsAg and anti HBc with ELISA and anti HBs with RIA .

  29. 本文回顾了既往相关文献,着重讨论了rTMS应用于18周岁以下人群的安全性。

    We reviewed relative English-language studies and our discussion focuses on safety considerations of rTMS applied in people under 18 .

  30. 在iPhone跨过五周岁生日之际,我们来回顾一下《华尔街日报》专栏作家莫博士(WaltMossberg)这些年对每一款iPhone的测评。

    As the iPhone turns five years old today , here 's a look back at WSJ columnist Walt Mossberg 's reviews of each iPhone over the years .