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  • 网络Weeks
  1. 在以后的几周里,事态急转直下。

    Events took a dramatic turn in the weeks that followed .

  2. 在头两周里,病人们只能在院子里活动。

    For the first two weeks patients are restricted to the grounds .

  3. 在过去的3周里,他银行的存款多了222,000英镑。

    His bank balance has swelled by £ 222,000 in the last three weeks

  4. 在排练的一周里她和德西蕾建立了亲密的友谊。

    She struck up a close friendship with Desiree during the week of rehearsals

  5. 一个针对他的暗杀阴谋在过去几周里被揭露了出来。

    A specific plot to kill him was uncovered in the past couple of weeks .

  6. 在过去的两周里有很多关于欧洲未来格局的讨论。

    The last two weeks have seen a lot of talk about the future shape of Europe

  7. 在过去3周里,政府再次为不祥的阴云所笼罩。

    Over the past three weeks , the storm clouds have gathered again over the government .

  8. 我劝你今后几周里要特别小心,老桑德斯正在伺机害你。

    I advise you to be very careful over the next several weeks , old Sanders is gunning for you .

  9. 在接下来的几周里,在我潜意识里出现的解决方案在每一步都是正确的。

    In the weeks that followed , the solution which had come up in my unconscious mind provided correct at every step .

  10. 更要命的是,在过去的数周里,我们脆弱的电脑经历了N次让我们焦心的死机。

    More importantly , we had been having many family meltdowns in the past few weeks over our fickle computers .

  11. 这是两周里曝光的第二起涉及银行的重大调查,此前中国农业银行(agriculturalbankofchina)副行长杨琨被拘留。

    This is the second big inquiry at a bank in two weeks and follows the detention of Yang Kun , vice-president of Agricultural Bank of China .

  12. 在这一周里,不断靠近的行星x体积变得更大,会吓坏处于白昼那边的人们

    During this week , the growing size of the approaching Planet X horrifies those on the daylight side of the Earth

  13. 在过去的几周里,我们已经听说了有关Facebook和Twitter的一系列恶性传言。

    In the past few weeks , we have been treated to scandalous-if-true stories about the foundings of Facebook and twitter .

  14. 这家公司的母公司,日本上市企业SunCorp过去一周里股票暴涨逾60%。

    Shares in the company 's Japan-listed parent , Sun Corp , have leapt more than 60 per cent in the past week .

  15. 在我比较典型的一个工作周里,我平均要花10%的时间筛选简历、面试、回顾面试笔记以及为那些我们团队需要的人才提供offer。

    In a typical week I spend on average 10 % of my time screening resumes , interviewing or reviewing interview notes and offers for candidates we want to join the team .

  16. 伦敦市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)在造访纽约的一周里一直在摇旗擂鼓。

    This week Boris Johnson , mayor of London , has been banging his drum in New York .

  17. 过去几周里,我意外丢失了一部FT手机,因扔进洗衣机里而毁了一部黑莓手机。

    In the past few weeks , I have accidentally thrown away an FT mobile phone and wrecked a BlackBerry by putting it into the washing machine .

  18. 过去几周里,新浪微博增添了类似foursquare的基于位置的服务(lbs)和一个即时通讯工具。

    Over the past few weeks , the service has added a location-based service resembling foursquare and an instant messaging tool .

  19. 分析师们表示,随着资金向交易所交易基金(etf)流入,过去几周里黄金的现货买盘强劲。

    Physical buying has been strong over the past few weeks , according to analysts , with money flowing into exchange traded funds .

  20. CNN主播:在刚刚过去的这一周里,我们一直在关注南韩高速发展的高科技产业。

    CNN ANCHOR : Now , all this week , we have our eye on South Korea , as we focus on the country 's high tech developments .

  21. 在E3举行的这一周里,有更多游戏迷预订了PS4,此后索尼就一直饱受好评。

    More gamers were pre-ordering ps4s during E3 week and Sony has been riding a wave of positive buzz ever since .

  22. ⅡPeg的色球活动很强烈,有明显的自转调制现象,在我们观测的每个自转周里都有耀斑事件发生,且这样的耀斑事件是贯穿整个色球层的。

    The chromospheric activity of II Peg is very strong , and exhibits an obvious rotational modulation phenomenon . The optical flare is happened In every rotational period , and it is through each layer of the chromosphere .

  23. 本周日是911十周年,在纽约的袭击事发地将举行一场纪念仪式,届时巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)也将出席。此前的几周里,美国机场及其他边境口岸均已高度戒备。

    US airports and other border crossing points have all been on high alert in the weeks ahead of the Sunday anniversary , to be marked with a ceremony at the site of the attack in New York with Barack Obama .

  24. 在今年10月下旬的一周里,香港金管局(HKMA)两天干预外汇市场以维持港元汇率。

    On two days within a week late in October the Hong Kong Monetary Authority intervened in the currency markets to contain the value of the local currency .

  25. 这位警官将菲利克斯丢在了Zeta集团的一个藏身处。接下来的一周里他被毒打、被用枪把殴打,并在他们向他家里打电话索要赎金时被反复电击。

    The officer left Felix at a Zeta cartel safe house , and for the next week he was beaten , pistol whipped and shocked while repeated calls were made to his family for ransom .

  26. 老妇人在过去几周里一直在考察这名PSV的王牌球员,俱乐部的首席球探瑞佐。卡斯塔尼尼已经飞往荷兰亲自观察这名球员。

    Over the last few weeks , Juve have been keeping an eye on the PSV ace and head scout Renzo Castagnini has flown to Holland to form his own opinion .

  27. 在接下来几周里,奥巴马将任命一位贸易代表,取代即将离任的罗恩柯克(RonKirk),同时还将任命商务部部长。美国商务部负责鼓励出口和执行贸易法规。

    In coming weeks , Mr Obama will appoint a trade representative to replace the outgoing Ron Kirk , and also a head for the commerce department , which covers export promotion and administration of trade rules .

  28. 在头六周里,一组将分量为1.5盎司的杏仁作为零食,而另一组的零食则是碳水化合物含量充足的muffin蛋糕。

    During the first six weeks , one group enjoyed a 1.5-ounce portion of almonds for a snack , while the other group ate a carbohydrate - rich muffin for a snack .

  29. 合并后的新公司更名为中国中车(CRRCCorp)。当中国中车6月8日复牌时,其股价一度攀上每股15.70港元,过去一周里又跌了回来。

    When the new company , renamed CRRC Corp , began trading on June 8 , its shares flirted with HK $ 15.70 before falling back during the past week .

  30. 常被视为对冲基金活动指标的芝加哥商业交易所(CME)的数据表明,在截止5月17日的一周里,投机者将做空美元的资金削减了80亿美元,至255亿美元。

    Data from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , often used as a proxy for hedge fund activity , show speculators reduced the value of their bets against the dollar by $ 8bn to $ 25.5bn in the week to May 17 .