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lǐ yì zhī bāng
  • a land of propriety and righteousness;a state of ceremonies
礼义之邦[lǐ yì zhī bāng]
  1. 中国从来以礼义之邦著称。

    China has always been known as a land of propriety and righteousness .

  2. 我国素称礼义之邦,有着丰富的商业道德遗产,它是古代商业文化的重要内容。

    Ours is Known as a polite and righteous country with rich heritage of the commercial morality , which is an important content of the ancient commercial civilization .

  3. 中国传统的天地观念为“天圆地方”,认定中国作为礼义之邦,居天之中央,由此派生出华夏中心论。

    The traditional Chinese concept of the heaven and the earth was that " the heaven was spherical whereas the earth was square ", and that China , as a nation of high civilization , dwelled in the center of the heaven and earth , thus leading to Sino-centrism .