
  1. 礼乐文明有助于推进和谐社会的建设。

    Liyue civilization is helpful in promoting a harmonious society .

  2. 先秦礼乐文明与孔孟道德理想主义

    The Ritual and Music Culture of the Pre-Qin Period and the Confucian Moral Idealism

  3. 传统的礼乐文明是构建现代礼乐文明的重要来源及基础。

    Traditional Liyue civilization is the important source and base of modern Liyue civilization construction .

  4. 中国礼乐文明之源&以史前乐舞遗存为例

    As Seen the Origin of Ritual and Musical Civilization of China from the Music Remains in Pre-historical Period

  5. 秦统一以后秉承其对东方文化一贯的开放态度,对以儒家为代表的礼乐文明也采取了积极吸收的态度。

    After the unification , Qin dynasty zealously absorbed the Confucian culture , as they ever did to orient culture before .

  6. 中国社会与西方社会不同,中国重伦理道德,是礼乐文明国家,一切伦理道德都贯穿在礼乐文明之中。

    Chinese society and the western society differs , China heavy ethics , is all civilized nations , ritual and ethics are throughout & harmony of civilization .

  7. 春秋时代是中国文化史上的轴心时代,形成这一时期文化风韵的基础是高度发达的城邑文明,春秋时代是典型的城邦时代,礼乐文明是以城邦文明为基础的。

    The Spring and Autumn Period was a representative times of city state . The civilization of city state was the foundation of ceremony and music civilization .

  8. 作为金石之乐的代表,编钟与编磬反映了当时礼乐文明的高峰。

    As the representatives of metals and stones music , the ancient Chinese chime bells and stone have reflected the peak of the civilization of ceremony and music at that time .

  9. 周王朝是一个创造了精细美备的礼乐文明的王朝,也是一个分封体制的王朝,它创立的礼乐制度奠定了我国古代文明的基石。

    The Zhou Dynasty , as the last dynasty with the system of enfeoffment , had created a delicate and excellent civilization of rites and music , which had become the cornerstone of Chinese ancient civilization .

  10. 春秋战国时期,既是礼崩乐坏的时代,也是礼乐文明的奥旨得以充分阐扬的时代。

    From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period , the system of Rite and Music break out in the era , meanwhile , people can fully understand the meaning of Rite and Music .

  11. 礼乐文明的第一推动力便是贵族典范作用,但西周中期以后贵族阶层素质下降,以致失去示范,自乱其制。

    Civilization is the noble example of the first impetus to the role , but the quality of the Western Zhou Dynasty declined after the mid-aristocracy , so that loss of demonstration , since the chaos of their system .

  12. 中国传统文化博大精深,礼乐文明是中国传统文化的核心价值,中国传统学术的核心是经学,而六经又以礼为本,礼乐文明在中国传统文化中居于核心地位。

    Liyue civilization is the core value of Chinese traditional culture . The core of Chinese traditional academics is the study of Confucian classics . The six classics were based on Li , thus Liyue civilization has its core status in Chinese traditional culture .

  13. 西周的礼乐文明是这一文化模式的上古形态,汉代礼文化的重建完成了从春秋时期礼崩乐坏为开端的文化转型。

    The Western Zhou Dynasty saw the rite-music civilization of this mode in its ancient form , and the Han Dynasty had the culture of ethics of rites reestablished , which completed the cultural transformation that started with the breakdown of proprieties in form of rites and music .

  14. 《诗经》中的宴饮诗是周代贵族努力进行华夏部族文化建设结出的丰硕果实,是周代贵族礼乐文明的重要内容,同时更是华夏民族文化史上的重要篇章。

    Banqueting poets in The Book of Songs are fruitful achievements made by the aristocrats of the Zhou Dynasty in the construction of Chinese national culture . They are not only the important content of Li Yue civilization but also important chapters in Li Yue culture and Chinese cultural history .

  15. 原始礼乐文化:华夏文明形成研究的新视野

    Primitive Ceremony Culture : New View on the Forming of Chinese Civilization