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wǎnɡ ɡù
  • disregard
  1. 2013年,三个登山爱好者乌里·斯特克(UeliSteck)、西蒙尼·摩尔(SimoneMoro)和乔纳森·格里菲斯(JonathanGriffith)罔顾夏尔巴人暂作歇息的命令而继续攀爬的行为,触怒了当地夏尔巴人,从而引发了一场激烈纷争。

    In 2013 , climbers Ueli Steck , Simone Moro , and Jonathan Griffith found themselves in a violent brawl with Sherpas after allegedly ignoring orders to halt their climb .

  2. 我们不会为了实现那个目标而罔顾机组人员的安全。

    We will not sacrifice crew safety for that goal .

  3. 以汉堡起家的麦当劳同样没有罔顾这一经营法则。

    McDonald 's , famous for serving hamburgers , hasn 't ignored that .

  4. 他罔顾(不管)警告仍然继续抽烟。

    He kept on smoking in spite of warnings .

  5. 老板们需要注意遵循规定而不是罔顾员工的需求。

    Employers should pay attention to the items instead of ignoring employees needs .

  6. 换言之,他是否草率行事,或罔顾真相?

    Did he , in other words , act negligently or with reckless disregard for the truth ?

  7. 美国人民已做好准备,罔顾其刺激行动在债务方面的影响。

    The US body politic is perfectly prepared to ignore the debt implications of its stimulus actions .

  8. 第二,部分业主罔顾法律,不理安危,自行僭建。

    Secondly , some property owners ignore the law , disregard risk to safety and proliferate illegal structures .

  9. 你的雇员迟疑是否要归功于你,让你升职,罔顾了你的能力及辛苦的努力。

    Your employers are slow to credit and advance you despite your capabilities and inclination to hard work .

  10. 另一方面,你肯定也不愿罔顾所有证据,死抱着一个观点不放。

    On the other hand , you don 't want to hold dogmatically to a belief against all evidence .

  11. 认真观察到的细节具有无可争辩的真实性,如果历史的修正者罔顾这些事实,他们自己会承担很大的风险。

    Well - observed details have an unmistakable ring of truth and revisionist historians ignore them at their peril .

  12. 在此事件中,地方管理者只考虑自身利益,而罔顾消费者的利益。

    It was a case of local managers acting in their own self-interest instead of the interests of their customers .

  13. 发言人秦刚说,美方言论罔顾事实,不分是非。

    The spokesman said the comments by the U.S. side are ignorant of facts and indiscriminate of rights and wrongs .

  14. 人权已成为全球各国关注的焦点,德国纳粹党的残酷史实即说明了罔顾人权的危险。

    Human rights have become a global concern . The cruelty of Nazi Germany illustrated the danger of not protecting human rights .

  15. 【趣实】:车祸发生后,摄影记者罔顾汽车残骸下的伤亡人员,而对着他们大肆拍照。

    Interesting Fact : As the casualties lay seriously injured or dead in their wrecked car , the photographers continued to take pictures .

  16. 赫德爵士认为,不同于罔顾历史的新工党,保守党的发展是一个连续而统一的过程。

    Lord Hurd regards the development of the Conservative Party as a continuum - in marked contrast to New Labour 's avowed contempt for history .

  17. 美国要求中国放弃此类目标的努力听上去有些伪善,因为美国自己似乎罔顾溢出效应,而选择了过度刺激举措。

    US efforts to get China to shed these objectives sound hypocritical when the US seems to be opting for excess stimulus itself , ignoring spillovers .

  18. 法国和德国的银行罔顾常识,把钱借给希腊政府,以为希腊具有和(比如说)德国一样的偿付能力。

    Ignoring common sense , French and German banks lent money to Athens on the assumption that Greece was as solvent as , say , Germany .

  19. 原因或许有很多,但傲慢自大和罔顾成本、一味追求市场份额的错误做法是最主要的两个原因。

    There were many causes for the downfall , but arrogance and a misguided focus on growing market share no matter the costs are two big ones .

  20. 为了发泄精神心理问题,保护个体生存发展利益,一些人罔顾他人与社会整体利益,做出种种危害自己、他人和社会的行为。

    Some people did harm to the society , other people even themselves just in order to abreact their psychic and mental problems or protect their own profits .

  21. 中国国防部发表声明表示,日方罔顾事实,进行无端指责,蓄意渲染中国威胁。

    The Chinese Ministry of National Defense has issued a statement saying Japan is ignoring facts , making groundless accusations , and deliberately playing up its perceived China Threat .

  22. 我国银行业已经由于罔顾国际社会责任要求,忽视社会责任遭受了一定的损失,引发了一系列对自身发展的不利影响。

    We must note that our banks have lost some gains for ignoring requirements of international social responsibility , which has triggered a series of disadvantages for banks themselves .

  23. 一位被敌人包围的士兵,假如他想要突围,需要强烈的生命的渴望,而又奇怪地罔顾死亡。

    A soldier surrounded by enemies , if he is to cut his way out , needs to combine a strong desire for living with a strange carelessness about dying .

  24. 只顾自己、罔顾客户的利益,就是未对机构尽责,未履行自己的受托责任。

    Acting in your own interest and not in the interest of clients is a failure to carry out the duties of office , to fulfil one 's fiduciary duty .

  25. 联邦调查官目前正在调查现任或前任海外高管是否有罔顾审计报告的发现,或是没有积极处理该问题。《华尔街日报》称这两种行为都可能造成犯罪。

    The federal authorities are probing whether current or former executives ignored the audit 's findings or actively took steps to conceal the problems , both potential offences , the newspaper said .

  26. 你一直都准备好要作出牺牲,但是有时候,你太快地因他人的需要而作出让步,却罔顾了你这时应该维护自己的立场。

    You are always ready to make personal sacrifices but can sometimes be too quick to give in to the needs of others when you would be better to stand your own ground .

  27. 发言人还表示,如果英方罔顾事实对中国机构和人员实施制裁,中方将予以回击,由此产生的一切后果由英方承担。

    The spokesperson added that if the UK takes sanctions against Chinese institutions or personnel in disregard of facts , China will respond and the UK will bear all the consequences arising therefrom .

  28. 爱是不嫉妒,不吹嘘,不自大,不罔顾规矩,不求自己的利益,不轻易动怒。

    Love is not jealous , it does not brag , does not get puffed up , does not behave indecently , does not look for its own interests , does not become provoked .

  29. 但在道德层面,它则源自利欲熏心的商人对利润的不择手段的追逐。他们采用成本更为低廉、且往往是有害的替代品,罔顾民众的身体健康。

    Morally , it results from the sheer drive for profitability by gluttonous merchants who use cheaper , and often harmful , substitutes , all at the expense of the physical welfare of the public .

  30. 辛格还警告企业不应奉行“无视监管的极端模式”,他指的是印度企业界罔顾法规的情况越来越严重,同时财富“不道德地”聚敛在少数人手中。

    Mr Singh also warned against business embracing " extreme models of non-regulation " , a reference to the increasingly freewheeling nature of corporate India and " unethically " concentrating wealth in a few hands .