
  1. 《奋斗的力量》人的一生,从呱呱落地。

    The struggle of the power of human life , from were born .

  2. 当你呱呱落地,大声地哭泣,而你周围的每个人都朝你微笑。

    When you were born , you were crying and everything around you was smiling .

  3. 从呱呱落地起,我就注定成了农家的子弟。

    I was doomed to be a child of poor farming family the minute I was born .

  4. 在呱呱落地那刻,每个人最后的结局都已成定局。

    Born in the land that moment , everyone had the final outcome is a foregone conclusion .

  5. 我们都听说过“每分钟都有笨蛋呱呱落地”这句话。

    We 've all heard the saying , " there 's a sucker born every minute . "

  6. 从一个呱呱落地的婴儿,到如今的而立之年,我们首先要感恩父母。

    From a babies were born , to today 's thirty years of age , our first Thanksgiving parents .

  7. 但遗憾的是他没有呱呱落地,从医学角度来说,这是一个很大的问题!

    But unfortunately , he didn 't come with a cry , which was a big problem from the medical point of view .

  8. 从呱呱落地到咿呀学语,从跌跌撞撞到跑步向前,手心里的温柔化作暖暖的情丝,牵动着,感动着;

    From fall to earth to a babbling , from bumpy to run forward , hands gently into a warm hearts Emotional Memory to Sanjiang , affects , has moved ;

  9. 一拨孩子已经长大,另一拨才呱呱落地。他们蹒跚地走路,常常脸朝下跌倒在地,也不知用手去撑——小孩子学走路都是这样。

    One batch of children grew pretty well up by the time the next batch hove insight , waddling and falling on thek faces-to save their hands-as waddling children do .

  10. 每一个儿童,在呱呱落地时就无法选择地被赋予了生理上的性别,而社会性别则是要在其成长过程中,在与环境影的互动中形成。

    Every child is given a physical sex in the fall to earth with no choices ; but gender awareness is formed in its growth process , interacting with the environmental impacts .

  11. 叶酸不仅对怀孕最初12周的胎儿健康至关重要,它也是胎儿发育和人体从一个单细胞分裂成长为一个呱呱落地的健康婴儿所必需的营养物质。

    Certain nutrients , like folic acid , vitamin B12 and zinc , are also of particular importance from the very first moment of conception , for neural tube development and cell division .