
The struggle of the power of human life , from were born .
When you were born , you were crying and everything around you was smiling .
I was doomed to be a child of poor farming family the minute I was born .
Born in the land that moment , everyone had the final outcome is a foregone conclusion .
We 've all heard the saying , " there 's a sucker born every minute . "
From a babies were born , to today 's thirty years of age , our first Thanksgiving parents .
But unfortunately , he didn 't come with a cry , which was a big problem from the medical point of view .
From fall to earth to a babbling , from bumpy to run forward , hands gently into a warm hearts Emotional Memory to Sanjiang , affects , has moved ;
One batch of children grew pretty well up by the time the next batch hove insight , waddling and falling on thek faces-to save their hands-as waddling children do .
Every child is given a physical sex in the fall to earth with no choices ; but gender awareness is formed in its growth process , interacting with the environmental impacts .
Certain nutrients , like folic acid , vitamin B12 and zinc , are also of particular importance from the very first moment of conception , for neural tube development and cell division .