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  • troubles of taste
  1. 口干和味觉障碍是BMS两大主要局部伴随症状。

    Dry mouth and dysgeusia were the two main local symptoms .

  2. 35例患者中5例术后发生味觉障碍,手术前后每一溶液于术侧舌部和软腭引起的味觉反应的差异在统计学上无显著意义(P0.05)。

    The gustation test showed that the taste intensities ipsilateral to the side of tympanoplasty were not statistically significant for each stimulus to all the loci ( P 0.05 ) comparing preoperative tests with postoperative tests .

  3. 目的探讨更年期味觉障碍和舌菌状乳头、味觉功能之间的关系。

    Objective To study the taste function of the menopause females with taste disorder .

  4. 同时,71%患者述有味觉障碍。与客观测试结果基本相符。

    And 71 % of the patients also reported a deterioration of gestation , which conformed by the result of objective test .

  5. 应用神经外膜吻合修复舌神经损伤14例,初步研究结果表明:①舌神经重度损伤后,患侧舌前2/3菌状乳头大多萎缩、消失,感觉和味觉严重障碍;

    Injured lingual nerves in 14 patients were repaired with anastomosis of the nerve epineurium . On the anterior 2 / 3 of the ipsilateral tongue , most of the fungiform papillae atrophied and disappeared , the sense and taste degenerated after severe injury to lingual nerve .