
  • 网络Hulun Lake;Hu-Lun Lake
  1. 利用Jason-1数据监测呼伦湖水位变化

    Monitoring of water level variations of Hulun Lake with JASON-1 altimetric data

  2. 通过对获得的小波系数图的分析,得出了呼伦湖等7个湖泊的水位年际变化周期,验证了水位变化与ENSO现象的关系。

    By analyzing the wavelet coefficient diagram , the Cycs of yearly lake level variation of 7 lakes including Hulun Lake are shown . Finally , the relationship between lake level variation and ENSO is proved .

  3. 模拟实验研究表明,夏季90天的时间内,呼伦湖沉积物约向上覆水体释放6.9×105t的DIC,为湖中沉水植物的光合作用提供了大量的碳源。

    Simulation study shows that the sediment release of about 6.9 × 105t of DIC to overlying water of Hulun within 90 days in summer , which provide a lot of carbon for the photosynthesis of submerged plants in lake . 4 .

  4. 呼伦湖水面蒸发及水量平衡估计

    Estimation of Water Evaporation and Water Balance in Ungauged Hulun Lake

  5. 晚更新世以来呼伦湖地区孢粉植物群发展与环境变迁

    Vegetational development and environmental changes in Hulun Lake since late Pleistocene

  6. 呼伦湖流域生态水文过程对水环境系统的影响

    Influences of Eco-hydrological Process to Water Environmental System in Hulun Lake Basin

  7. 从地质历史上看,呼伦湖是一个伸缩性很大的吞吐湖。

    From the geological history , Hulun is a very scalable throughput Lake .

  8. 呼伦湖的近期扩张及其与全球气候变化的关系

    The recent expansion of Hulun Lake and its relation to warming global climate

  9. 呼伦湖晚第四纪湖相地层沉积学及湖面波动历史

    Sedimentology of Late Quaternary lacustrine deposits and history of lake level fluctuation in Hulun Lake

  10. 古谚说:爱屋及乌。内蒙古呼伦湖沉积物营养元素分布及环境污染评价

    Distribution of Nutrient Elements and Environmental Pollution Assessment in Sediment of Hulun Lake , in Inner Mongolia

  11. 如今的呼伦湖是满洲里旅游线路的重要组成部分,已成为旅游者到满洲里旅游的必到之地。

    Nowadays , Hulun Lake has already been an important part of the tourism line in Manchuria and the indispensable place for traveling .

  12. 呼伦湖地区气候由冷干向暖干变化,伴随风沙活动加强、泥炭发育缓慢和低湖面环境演化特征。

    , the paleoclimate was changed from cold dry to warm dry and companyed with the intensified eolian sand activity , lightened peat development and low lake level .

  13. 呼伦湖地区由于近年来持续干旱,水位呈现明显的下降趋势,年平均下降约0.3~0.5m。

    The numerical results show that the water level of Hulun Lake has a continual drop about 0.3-0.5 m / a because of the drought climate in recent years .

  14. 呼伦湖又名达赉湖,它是我国第五大湖泊,是中国东北地区数千公里之内唯一的一个大泽。

    Hulun Lake , which is also named Dalai Lake , is the fifth biggest lake in China and the only lake in the thousands of areas in Northeast China .

  15. 希望通过本文能为满洲里旅游再次注入新的活力,进而推动呼伦湖旅游的全面发展。

    We hope , through the study of this essay , it can inject new vitality into the travel in Manchuria and moreover to promote the further comprehensive tourism development of Hulun Lake .

  16. 呼伦湖表层沉积物中生物硅的空间分布受流域岩石的风化侵蚀作用较大,且与沉积物粒度分布有较好的一致性。

    Rock weathering and erosion have a significant impact on the spatial distribution of biogenic silica in Hulun Lake surface sediments , and the distribution characteristics of BSi were significantly correlated with particle size distribution of sediments .

  17. 呼伦湖是一典型的草原型湖泊,受人类活动的直接影响较小,湖泊水环境系统的演化受到流域生态水文过程的影响。

    Hulun lake is a typical lake characteristic of grassland . Being less affected by the human being , the water environmental system of Hulun lake is strongly affected by the eco hydrological process of the basin .

  18. 本研究取得了如下主要认识:1.确定了呼伦湖上覆水-沉积物系统中氮、磷空间分布特征及赋存形态,并初步判定了该湖富营养化的限制因子。

    The results are described as follows : 1 . The study suggests that the distribution characteristics and existing forms of nitrogen phosphorus in the overlying water and sediments of Hulun lake , indicating the phosphorus is a limited factor in eutrophication . 2 .

  19. 本研究取得如下主要成果和进展:1.首次开展了呼伦湖湖沉积物中硅的地球化学特征研究,为厘定硅在高纬度湖泊中的生物地球化学过程积累了重要的基础数据。

    The conclusions are as follows : 1 . The study on the geochemical characteristics of silicon in Hulun lake sediments was firstly carried out , and accumulated a lot of important basic data about the important biogeochemistry process of silicon in high latitude lake . 2 .