  • island;isle
  • 江海或湖泊里四面被水围着的陆地:~屿。半~。海~。~链(排列成一串的许多岛)。


(被水环绕的比大陆小的陆地) island; isle:

  • 安全岛

    safety island;

  • 半岛


  • 浮岛

    floating island;

  • 交通岛

    traffic island;

  • 列岛


  • 人造岛

    artificial island;

  • 幽灵岛

    spooky island

  1. 这个岛在地图上是一个绿色的小点。

    The island is a small green dot on the map .

  2. 岛上的居民靠捕鲸为生。

    Communities on the island depended on whaling for their livelihood .

  3. 岛上有许多不同种类的动物。

    There are many different sorts of animal on the island .

  4. 岛上的居民实行的是以物易物,而不是用货币。

    The islanders use a system of barter instead of money .

  5. 自从引进山羊之后,这个岛上的植被模式改变了。

    Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island .

  6. 开发商们要把岛上的全部土地都买尽了。

    Developers are buying up all the land on the island .

  7. 岛上缺少淡水。

    There is a shortage of fresh water on the island .

  8. 两国政府依然对这个岛的归属问题争执不下。

    The two governments are still at loggerheads over the island .

  9. 这个岛有一座桥与大陆相连。

    The island is joined to the mainland by a bridge .

  10. 我真正想去的一个地方就是巴厘岛。

    One place I 'd really like to visit is Bali .

  11. 法国人于15世纪开始迁移到这个岛。

    The French began to populate the island in the 15th century .

  12. 这个岛是个绚丽多彩、晚霞娇妍的世界。

    The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets .

  13. 观光客常常破坏岛上微妙的自然生态平衡。

    Tourists often disturb the delicate balance of nature on the island .

  14. 我们到岛上去游览了一整天。

    We went on an all-day excursion to the island .

  15. 这座岛只能在退潮时上去。

    The island can only be reached at low tide .

  16. 这个岛在夏季又热又潮湿。

    The island is hot and humid in the summer .

  17. 我们停泊在岛的北部岸边。

    We moored off the north coast of the island .

  18. 该岛盛产水果和蔬菜。

    Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island .

  19. 部队挫败了对该岛南部的渗透企图。

    Troops repelled an attempt to infiltrate the south of the island .

  20. 这岛为音乐会提供了优美的田园布景。

    The island provided an idyllic setting for the concert .

  21. 这个岛周围都是珊瑚礁。

    The island is encircled by a coral reef .

  22. 小船绕过岛的尖角。

    The boat rounded the tip of the island .

  23. 糖料作物是这个岛上的一种重要作物。

    Sugar is an important crop on the island .

  24. 这些岛屿中就数泽西岛最能吸引游客。

    Jersey is the most touristy of the islands .

  25. 教堂位于这个岛偏僻的北部海岸。

    The church is remotely situated on the north coast of the island .

  26. 那个岛堪称人间天堂。

    The island is truly a heaven on earth .

  27. 海味是岛上的特产。

    Seafood is a speciality on the island .

  28. 那个国家声称对该岛拥有主权。

    The country claimed sovereignty over the island .

  29. 我第一次从空中看到这个岛时,叹赏不已。

    My first view of the island from the air took my breath away .

  30. 自从他离开这座岛后,他们再没得到过他的消息。

    They had received no news of him since his departure from the island .