
  • 网络Island Sea;Mare Insularum
  1. 其次,新荷兰岛海中的普通糙贝,这种贝很不容易捕获。

    a common hammer shell from the seas near Queensland , very hard to come by ;

  2. 其次,整整一组的洼贝,有些是青黄色,从美洲海中打来的,另一些是棕储色,是新荷兰岛海中繁殖的,

    A whole series of top-shell snails-greenish yellow ones fished up from American seas , others colored reddish brown that patronize the waters off Queensland ,

  3. 大陆造山带大多数形成于弧弧碰撞及其弧后盆地衰缩作用,其古地理格局为多岛海。

    The continental orogenic belts mostly resulted from arc arc collision and their back arc basin collapse , and usually showed archipelago collage in their paleogeographic characteristics .

  4. 晚古生代中生代早期多岛海造山阶段,羌塘弧、江达弧和临沧弧应为前锋弧,其后由一系列弧后盆地和岛弧或残余弧(或微大陆)组成。

    During Late Palaeozoic Early Mesozoic archipelago orogenic Stage , Qiangtang . Jomda and Lincang arcs should be frontal arc , behind which a series of back arc basins and island arcs or remnant arcs ( or microcontinents ) was distributed .

  5. 还可以开车去普拉姆岛找海玻璃

    We could drive out to Plum Island and look for sea glass .

  6. 环日本岛沿岸海平面长期变化特征与机制的研究

    The long-term variability and its possible mechanism of sea level around the Japan Island

  7. 海南岛的海鸡冠骨针灰岩

    Alcyonacea-spicula limestone in Hainan Island

  8. 陆岛跨海通道建设对群岛港口地域组合空间结构影响的情景分析。

    The circumstance analysis of spatial structure on island port system allowed for the construction of the " island-land " connection plan .

  9. 三角洲前缘岸滩对河流来沙减少响应的敏感性探讨&以长江口门区崇明岛向海侧岸滩为例

    Sensibility of Delta Forward Coastal Response to Decrease in Riverine Sediment Supply : A Case Study from the Seaward Coast of the Chongming Island in the Changjiang River Delta

  10. 这两个岛被爱尔兰海分隔开来。

    The two are separated by the Irish Sea .

  11. 本文首先给出了环台湾岛海域的海表风场计算方法和海表风应力的参数化。

    In this paper , the computation method of wind field and the effect of wind stress parameterization on the thermocline of sea area around Taiwan Island are given at first .

  12. 航空母舰可以加强我国的能力,声称该礁珊瑚岛、南华海,面积可能富含石油和其他资源。

    An aircraft carrier could enhance China 's ability to lay claim to the islands and coral atolls of the South China Sea , an area potentially rich in oil and other resources .

  13. 近40a来海南岛南岸的相对海平面变化

    Relative sea level change along south coast of Hainan Island during the past 40 A

  14. 我们要收回科西嘉岛和整个亚得里亚海海岸线,雷那蒂说。

    We will get Corsica and all the Adriatic coast-line , Rinaldi said .

  15. 在巴布亚新几内亚,新汉诺威岛旁边的俾斯麦海中,一群长梭鱼围着一名博物学家游动。

    A school of barracuda surrounds a naturalist in the Bismarck Sea off New Hanover island , Papua New Guinea .

  16. 随着全球变暖,这种机制正加速格陵兰岛冰原消失和海平面上升。

    This mechanism is accelerating the loss of Greenland ice and therefore sea level rise in response to global warming .

  17. 志留纪俯冲作用停止,洋盆消失而转为岛链带及浊流海槽并存的构造格局;

    In Silurian , with subduction ended and the oceanic basin disappearing , a tectonic framework with the coexistence of island chains and turbidity trough was formed .

  18. 评述了板块构造“登陆”以来的多岛洋构造、板内造山多岛海模式以及多岛弧盆系构造在造山带研究中的重要性。

    The paper presents a review of the value of archipelagic ocean model , archipelago model of intraplate orogenesis and composite arc-basin system tectonics since plate tectonic landing .

  19. 韩国的济州岛&世界自然遗产,这座火山岛从海中突起,犹如一个外形完美,填满“郁郁草丛”做馅料的馅饼。

    Jeju Island , South Korea – A World Heritage site , this volcanic island rises out of the sea in a perfectly shaped pie , filled with a meringue of lush grasses .