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yún hǎi
  • sea of clouds;Mare Nubium
云海 [yún hǎi]
  • [sea of clouds] 俯视时看到的如海涛起伏的云,泛指海天高远;苍茫空阔之境

云海[yún hǎi]
  1. 登山便可领略其云海(theseaofclouds)、奇松(wondrouspines)、怪石(uniquerocks)等秀丽的风景及清晨美丽的日出。注意1词数:80词左右。

    While you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds , wondrous pines and unique rocks around you .

  2. 通过实际数据分析,理论联系实际,完善了国内外已有的MRP计算公式参数,并将其运用到云海公司实际工作中去,为公司带来了良好的经济效益和管理效率。

    Through the actual data analysis , linking theory with practice , improve the domestic and foreign existing MRP calculated parameters , and apply them to the sea of clouds , in practical work , in order to bring good economic benefits .

  3. 群峰耸立在云海之上。

    The mountains rose above a swathe of thick cloud .

  4. 明月出天山,苍茫云海间。

    From Heaven 's Peak the moon rises bright , Over a boundless2 sea of cloud .

  5. Superdry的“彗星”(Comets)、王薇薇的“菊花”(Chrysanthe)和科瑞恩?麦科马克(CorrineMcCormack)的“佐伊”(Zooey)都使用了云海玻璃质感的眼镜框架,让人感受到海洋的清新气息。

    Cloudy sea glass-textured frames from Superdry ( Comets ) , Vera Wang ( Chrysanthe ) , and Corrine McCormack ( Zooey ) bring the oceanic look home .

  6. 云海茫茫,寒宫孤立。

    Sea of clouds and fog , winter palace in isolation .

  7. 两条龙游弋于云海之间,悠然自得。

    The two dragons swam in between , leisurely and sea .

  8. 云海像童话中一样美丽。

    The sea of clouds has a fairy tale beauty .

  9. 黄山云海,特别奇绝。

    Huangshan sea of clouds , especially Qijue .

  10. 穿过茫茫云海。

    Crossing the boundless sea of cloud .

  11. 你可以欣赏展现于面前一望无边的奇特云海。

    You can enjoy the extraordinary sight unbroken cloud plains that stretch out before you .

  12. 从岸一般的大地上,我眺望平静的云海。天色瞬息万变,我也心神投入其中。

    I look out into that silent sea . I seem to partake its rapid transformations ;

  13. 被热带高温驱迫的森林水气,使得汹涌的云海每天发育成形。

    A turbulent sea of cloud now builds daily as tropical heat drives steam from the forests .

  14. 云海艺术家画廊位于美丽的云南省个旧市(锡都)。

    Yunhai Artistic Gallery is located in Gejiu , one of the beautiful cities in Yunnan Province .

  15. 太阳开始沉到云层之下,把云海染成一片粉红。

    as the sun started to sink into their floor of cloud , staining it a deep pink .

  16. 然后,同刚才一样突然,眼前的景色消失了,一切又都被云海覆盖了。

    And then , just a suddenly , the scene was gone , enveloped in the cloud sea .

  17. 服务员:黄山吸引游客的地方是怪石、奇松和云海。

    Mount Huangshan is attractive to the tourists for its grotesque rocks , dramatic pines and seas of clouds .

  18. 如果这种景致被遮挡了,你可以欣赏连绵不断的云海这种超凡景象了。

    If the landscape is hidden from view , you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains .

  19. 当我们爬上了山巅时,我们看到了云海的壮观景象。

    We had a grand view of a sea of clouds when we climbed to the top of the mountain .

  20. 每当云海涌来时,整个黄山景区就被分成诸多云的海洋。

    Whenever the sea of clouds coming , the whole Huangshan Scenic Spot has been divided into numerous clouds of marine .

  21. 艰苦的努力使我触摸到了辉煌的云海,湛蓝的天空,以及愿望的高地。

    One more effort and I reach the luminous cloud , the blue depths of the sky , the uplands of my desire .

  22. 但遇阴天时,环顾四周,苍茫大地,尽入云海。

    However , on a cloudy day , looking around , one can only see boundless land disappearing into a sea of clouds .

  23. 车轮掠着松软的云海飞行,在耀眼的白日映照下,天空一片明亮蔚蓝,无边无际。

    The wheels of the car skimmed the sea of fluffy cloud , the sky a bright , endlessblue under the blinding white sun .

  24. 无独有偶,就在新能创投减持后一天,常铝股份和云海金属也遭到了创投公司的减持。

    Coincidentally , on the new venture will reduce after day , often sea of clouds and aluminum metal shares were the company 's venture capital holdings .

  25. 让我来告诉你吧,奇松、怪石、云海、温泉称为黄山四绝。

    Tom : Let me tell you , the four unique scenic features are legendary pines , picturesque rocks , the sea of clouds and hot springs .

  26. 飞吧,我思念的白鸽,飘过云海,捎上我的信息,再用鸽哨为你唱一支我心中的歌!

    Fly , the pigeon with my missing over the sea , please bring my massage and sing a song in my heart for you with pigeon whistle .

  27. 她看到自己在学校的屋顶上飘浮,升呀,升呀,飘过盖满白雪的阿尔卑斯山,飘进了白绒绒的云海。

    She could watch herself drifting over the roof of the school , up and up , over the snowy Alps into a sea of fluffy white clouds .

  28. 有着壮丽雄伟的山峰,独特的瀑布,历史地段和变莫测的云海,以及温和舒适的气候。

    There are imposing and magnificent peaks , unique waterfalls , and historical sites as well as a changing sea of clouds and a warm and comfortable climate .

  29. 云翔帮助我了解云海一生所面对的矛盾、心魔与挑战。

    Scud helped me a lot in finding out about Ivan 's mindset throughout his life , and explained the inner struggles , demons and challenges he faced .

  30. 黄山的四绝中,首推的就是云海了,由此可见,云海是装扮这个“人间仙境”的神奇美容师。

    The four must huangshan , the case is a sea of clouds , we can see that the appearance of clouds is " fairyland " magic beauticians .