
  • 网络Yunyang;yunyang county
  1. 基于GIS的三峡库区云阳县生态经济区划

    GIS-based study on the ecological-economic regionalization of Yunyang County in Three Gorges reservoir area

  2. GPS在三峡水库区云阳县滑坡监测中的应用

    Application of GPS technique for landslide monitoring in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir area

  3. 应用灰色系统理论的GM(1,1)模型分别对云阳县人口、耕地、粮食等进行了预测,并对预测结果进行了分析。

    GM ( 1,1 ) model of the grey theory was applied to the forecast of the development of population , cultivated land and grain production in Yunyang county , Chongqing , and the results were analysed .

  4. 2001年1月17日晨,长江三峡云阳县老县城背后,由侏罗系砂岩、泥岩组成的五峰山,突发岩质顺层滑坡,体积约5×104m3。

    In Yunyang County at Three Gorges , in the morning on 17 January , 2001 , Wufeng Mountain , composed of sandstone and shale of Jurassic system , suddenly slided .

  5. 云阳县旱地土壤退化及防治

    Degradation of Upland Fields in Yunyang County and Its Control

  6. 云阳县生态危机的现状及其对策

    The current status of ecological crisis of Yunyang County and its remedy

  7. 对改良三峡库区(云阳县)天然草地的效果进行了研究。

    The effect of natural grassland improvement was analyzed in this study .

  8. 论小城镇规划中教育功能的体现&以重庆市云阳县红狮镇规划为例

    Embodiment of the Education Function in the Small Towns Planning

  9. 云阳县柑桔资源评价及持续发展策略

    Evaluation of Citrus resources in Yunyang County and Countermeasures for its sustainable development

  10. 试论云阳县农业持续发展

    On the sustained development of agriculture in Yunyang County

  11. 张飞庙又名张桓候庙,位于重庆市云阳县。

    Zhang Fei Temple is located at the Yun-yang country of Chong-qing City .

  12. 云阳县2002~2007年病毒性肝炎流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis of viral hepatitis in Yunyang County of Chongqing from 2002 to 2007

  13. 四川省云阳县粮食低产坡耕地的综合冶理

    Integrated harnessing of the low  ̄ yield slope land in Yunyang county , sichuan Province

  14. 构建云阳县土地利用结构优化的多目标规划模型。

    Secondly , build the multi-objective programming model of land use structure optimization of Yunyang County .

  15. 基于差异化战略的城市文化定位选择&以云阳县为例

    Selection on urban culture position based on disparity strategy & Taking Yunyang county as an example

  16. 云阳县农林茶复合经营效益分析

    An analysis of the tree-tea-crop interplanting system and its benefits in Yuanyang County , Sichuan Province

  17. 长江三峡水库区云阳县典型滑坡变形监测分析

    Analysis on the Deformation of typical landslides at Yunyang County in the Three Gorges Reservoir region based on monitoring data

  18. 2004年在重庆市云阳县旧县坪遗址出土的《汉景云碑》,具有极高的史料价值。

    In2004 , the Jingyun stele of Han dynasty is unearthed at Jiuxianping site in Yunyang county , Chongqing , which has extremely high historical value .

  19. 三峡水库重庆库区移土培肥的效益分析&以云阳县为例

    Benefit Analysis for the " Soil Transfer and Muck Increase Project " in the Three Georges Reservoir Area of Chongqing & A Case Study of Yunyang County

  20. 重庆市云阳县卫生服务需要与利用现状分析及影响因素研究

    Analyse for Health Services Need and Health Services Utilization and Research for It 's Relative Influence Factors for City and Village Resident Living in Yunyang Country Town , Chongqing

  21. 本文详述了云阳县经济林资源的现状、生产中存在的问题,根据云阳县不同的地形环境条件和适应商品经济的发展,提出了持续发展经济林木的策略。

    This paper details the current status of the economic forest resources in Yunyang county of Sichuan province , and put forward some suggestions for developing economic forest resources according to local conditions .

  22. 并以重庆市云阳县新县城为例,针对影响山地城镇室外热环境的众多因素进行预测评价分析,力图为山地城镇的生态城市规划及其热环境管理提供有利的参考。

    The author takes example for the new YunYang county in ChongQing to forecast and evaluate the influencing factors of outdoor thermal environment to give the planners and the governor a favorable reference .

  23. 明月坝遗址位于长江北恻支流澎溪河南岸的明月坝台地上,属重庆市云阳县高阳镇走马村。

    This site is located at the tableland of Mingyue dam , southern bank of Pengxi River , northern Changjiang River , and belongs to Zouma Village , Gaoyang Town , Yunyang Town of Chongqing City .

  24. 在此基础上分析了云阳县土地利用现状中存在的主要问题,包括耕地质量偏低、城乡建设用地不足与农村建设用地利用粗放并存、生态保护和经济发展矛盾突出。

    Then the paper analysis of the main problems of land use status in Yunyang County , including the low quality of arable land , urban and rural construction land and the rural construction land use extensive co-exist , the obvious contradiction between ecological protection and economic development .

  25. 云阳县地处重庆市东北部、三峡库区腹心地带,历史文化源远流长,风光景色秀丽宜人,文物古迹星罗棋布,旅游资源十分丰富。

    Yunyang County is located in the northeast of Chongqing City , the hinterland of the Three Gorges reservoir area . It has a long Historical and cultural history , the beautiful and pleasant scenery , dotted cultural relics and historic sites . The tourism resources are very rich .