
  • 网络island chain
  1. 去年夏天,在中国军舰编队首次通过日俄之间的宗谷海峡(SoyaStrait)之后,官方媒体称,中国实现了突破第一岛链封锁的长期梦想。

    Last summer , when its warships sailed through the Soya Strait between Japan and Russia for the first time , state media said China had fulfilled its long-held dream of breaking through the ' first island chain blockade ' .

  2. 岛链东北部从日本主要的北部岛屿北海道延伸到俄国的堪察加半岛。

    The island chain stretches northeast from Japan 's main northern island of Hokkaido to Russia 's Kamchatka Peninsula .

  3. 第二岛链以Bonins为起点,经过马里亚纳,关岛和帕劳,在日本和菲律宾以东形成了一条南北向的线。

    The second chain of islands runs from the Bonins along the Marianas , Guam and Palau , forming a north-south line east of Japan and the Philippines .

  4. 大岛是夏威夷岛链中最年轻的岛屿,传统观点认为它座落于地幔柱上方。

    The island , the youngest in the chain , is traditionally thought to be above the purported plume .

  5. 然而,在日本岛链的末端区域,形势就没有这么乐观。

    Go to the extremities of japan 's Long Island chain , however , and the picture is less bright .

  6. 日本是一个群岛国家,位于亚欧大陆外缘地区,第一岛链的最北部。

    Japan is a island country , located in the Eurasia outer area and the first island chain of the northern .

  7. 美国对中国的军事合围是通过在中国周边国家驻军实现的,美国在韩国、日本、菲律宾、新加坡和其在太平洋的军事存在构成了对中国的岛链封锁。

    To surround China directly in military , US state troops at Korea , Japan , Philippines , Singapore and Afghanistan .

  8. 随着这些火山的生长,它们上升到海面以上会沿着仰冲板块的前缘形成岛链。

    As these volcanoes grow , they rise above the ocean surface to form lines of islands along the leading edge of the overriding plate .

  9. 沿着加勒比板块东部边缘的岛链是当大西洋扩张时加勒比板块被向上推而形成的。

    The island chain along the eastern edge of the Caribbean Plate was formed when the Caribbean Plate was pushed UP during expansion of the Atlantic .

  10. 这包括“远程打击水面舰船”,打击范围最远可达日本以南和以东岛链以及关岛以东。

    This would involve " targeting surface ships at long ranges " as far away as the island chains South and east of Japan and beyond Guam .

  11. 加勒比群岛会发现自己处在加勒比板块的东部曲线上因此坐落在岛链上的很多火山都会经历越来越多的火山活动。

    The Caribbean islands finding themselves along the eastern curve of the Caribbean Plate will thus experience increased volcanic activity in the many volcanoes that lie on that island chain .

  12. 结果表明,非线性磁岛链可由磁岛调制的反常输运维持,反过来又通过磁岛短路效应维持反常输运。

    The nonlinear magnetic island chains are shown to be sustained by the magnetic island modulated anomalous radial transport and the anomalous transport is sustained through the magnetic island short circuit effect .

  13. 中国政府呼吁菲方不要再采取任何挑衅行为,并指出菲律宾同样在该岛链进行建设。

    The Chinese government is calling on the Philippines to " refrain from any provocative actions , " adding that the Philippines is also constructing its own facilities on the island chain .

  14. 中国海军已经发出信号称,它有意常态化地在分隔南海、东海和黄海与太平洋的所谓第一岛链以外执行任务。

    The Chinese navy has already signalled its intention to operate regularly beyond the so-called first island chain , which separates the South China , East China and Yellow seas from the Pacific Ocean .

  15. 这架飞机的结构尺寸和它明显侧重于超音速巡航能力的事实说明其意图至少是要提供一种远程拦截机以掌握第二岛链的制空权。

    The size of the airframe , and its evident focus on supersonic persistence , suggests at a minimum an intention to provide a long range interceptor for air control in the Second Island Chain geography .

  16. 从1992年到2000年这些年间,莱科斯曲特是偏远的巴尔米拉热带环礁上唯一的居民。巴尔米拉环礁是北太平洋岛链上的一个岛,位于夏威夷以南,与夏威夷相距1000多英里。

    Mr. Lextrait was the sole inhabitant of the remote tropical 13 ) atoll of Palmyra , in an island chain in the Northern Pacific Ocean , more than 1000 miles south of Hawaii , from 1992 to 2000 .

  17. 实际上,中国海军能够直达“第二岛链”,即关岛、马里亚纳群岛以及太平洋中部的其他一些小岛,它们难以称得上是壁垒。

    As a matter of fact , it would be able to extend its reach to the " second island chain " Guam , the Marianas and some other small islands in the central Pacific not much of a barrier .

  18. 地理岛屿带的存在是客观的,美国的岛链战略存在也是现实的,要维护中国的国家安全、海洋权益和国家统一,就不得不面对岛链问题。

    The geographic island strap practically exists and the island chain strategy of USA is a reality , so we have to face the " island chain " problem to defend our national security , ocean rights and interests and consolidation of China .

  19. 随着中国海外贸易和海外能源需求的增长,以及海洋权益的现状,中国进一步感受到岛链对中国国家安全和海洋权益的潜在与现实影响。

    With the increasing of China 's sea trade and energy demanding , and because of the current situation of ocean rights and interests , China is facing more potential and existing influence of island chain on national security and ocean rights and interests .