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  1. 灸疗组每天温和灸命门穴1次,每次灸8min,老年组、年轻组不予处理。

    The old moxibustion group was treated by the mild warm moxibustion on the Mingmen points with one treatment lasting 8 minutes and one treatment a day for total 10 days . The old control group and the young control group were not treated .

  2. 目的:探讨在自然条件下命门穴处的红外辐射的强度。

    Objective : Investigate the infrared radiative intensity on Mingmen ( GV4 ) in normal state .

  3. 基因芯片研究灸命门穴延缓衰老的分子机制

    Molecular Mechanism Studies of the Anti-aging Effect of Moxibustion on the Mingmen Point Using Gene Chip

  4. 该结果为针刺和艾灸命门穴提高血清雌激素水平的作用提供了形态学依据。

    This may be an important morphological basis for regulating serum estradiol level of acupuncture and moxibustion .

  5. 结论:提示艾灸大椎、命门穴具有延缓衰老的作用。

    Conclusion : The experiment suggests the effect of postponing senility by moxibustion on Duzhui and Mingmen .

  6. 结论:艾灸百会、命门穴能明显提高衰老大鼠空间记忆能力。

    Conclusion : Moxibustion on Du 20 and Du 4 can obviously improve spatial memory capacity of decrepit rats .

  7. 目的:通过行为学观测,评价艾灸百会、命门穴对衰老大鼠空间记忆能力的改善作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the improvement of decrepit rats ' spatial memory capacity by moxibustion on Du 20 and Du 4 through observing the rat , s behavior .

  8. 在染毒制备模型后以针刺或艾灸小鼠大椎和命门穴,隔日1次,4次为一疗程。

    After the establishment of benzene poisoning model , mice were treated with either acupuncture or moxibustion , at the points " Dazhui " and " Mingmen ", qod , 4 times .

  9. 方法:以D-半乳糖造成的亚急性衰老小鼠为实验对象,艾灸大椎、命门、足三里穴,测定血清NO浓度、SOD活性和MDA含量。

    Methods : Mice with subacute senility induced by D-galactose were given moxibustion treatment at the points of DAZHUI , MINGMEN , and ZUSANLI to determine NO concentration , SOD activity and MDA content .