
  • 网络dachangshu;large intestine shu;dachanashu
  1. 大肠俞深刺为主治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察

    Dachangshu Deep Acupuncture Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation Clinical Observation

  2. 电针承山、大肠俞在防治混合痔术后并发症中的疗效观察

    The Observation about the Treatment Effect on Preventing and Treating Post-operational Complications of Mixed Hemorrhoid by Electrolysis Chengshan and Dachangshu Acupoint

  3. 与正常组大鼠相比,C-IBS和D-IBS模型组大鼠疼痛阈值明显降低;与模型组相比,电针上巨虚组和电针大肠俞组大鼠疼痛阈值明显升高。

    Compared with the normal group , pain threshold of the model group was significantly decreased .

  4. 结论大肠俞穴皮内注射灭菌注射用水用于分娩镇痛,是一种理想的分娩镇痛方法,效果较好且安全。

    Conclusion The injection of sterile water into acupoint Dachangshu is effective and safe for the analgesia in delivery .

  5. 目的探讨大肠俞穴注射灭菌用水用于分娩镇痛的效果及其对母婴的影响。

    Objective To examine the analgesic effect of injection of sterile water into acupoint Dachangshu in delivery and its influence on mother and baby .

  6. 电针主穴选择阿是穴、腰夹脊穴、大肠俞、环跳,并根据经络辨证和八纲脏腑辨证配穴。

    On the principle of meridian differentiation and eight-principle zang-fu organ differentiation , mainly choosing A-shi point , lumbar region jiaji point , large intestine shu , huantiao point .