
  • 网络Heping Road;peace road
  1. 坐4路公共汽车到和平路,然后在那儿换乘8路车。

    Take No.4 bus to Peace Road and change there to No.8 bus .

  2. 九哥暴走时经常有人用手机或相机拍他,尤其是在和平路。

    Brother nine sprint often people use mobile phone or camera to shoot him , especially in the peace road .

  3. 和平路是天津的一条主要道路。

    Heping Street is one of the main streets in Tianjin .

  4. 在台北的和平路和瑞安路间有一条小巷。

    There 's an alleyway in Taipei at ho Ping and ruian .

  5. 徐州市和平路斜拉桥主梁施工线形控制

    Alignment Control of Cable-stayed Bridge Girder during Construction

  6. 我的住址是徐州市和平路57号。

    My address is57 Heping Road , Xuzho .

  7. 上午10点,位于和平路的公交集团综合服务大厅里人头攒动,市民争相领取新版乘车指南。

    At10 o'clock this morning , crowds of people waited at the Public Transit Group Services Hall located at Heping Lu to receive complimentary copies of the new guide one by one .

  8. 可是,和平之路又在何方呢?

    Where , then , is the road to peace ?

  9. 1997年签定的停火协议展开了和平之路。

    A ceasefire agreement in1997 laid the foundatio for peace .

  10. 十月战争后,埃及率先走上了和平之路。

    After 1973 war , Egypt took the lead in negotiating for peace with Israel .

  11. 他会全心全力地投入这条艰难的、充满荆棘的和平之路。

    And he 'd commit himself fully to the hard and thorny process of making peace .

  12. 奥巴马还展示他关于实现巴以和平之路最详细的前景。

    Obama has also presented his most detailed vision yet on the path to elusive Israeli-Palestinian peace .

  13. 在通往和平之路,我们面临的最大威胁之一来自经济,经济压力让人们感到痛苦。

    One of the greatest dangers to peace lies in the economic pressure to which people find themselves subjected .

  14. 将来,发展起来的中国仍然要走和平之路。

    In the future , as China grows stronger , it will continue to follow the path of peace .

  15. 通向和平的路终于看上去好像畅通了,虽然这可能是一段漫长而又曲折的道路。

    The path to peace seems at last to be clear , although it may be a long and tortuous one .

  16. 2002年,安哥拉政府军士兵在交战中枪击萨文比,之后通往和平之路才由此而变得畅通。

    In2002 , the Angolan government soldiers in fighting in the shooting Savimbi , followed the road to peace before giving rise to become smooth .

  17. 丝绸之路通畅千年,是一条贸易之路、繁荣之路、和平之路、文化之路。

    The Silk Road , which was in service for a thousand years , was a road for trade , prosperity , peace and culture .

  18. 而另一个系统是基于这样的信念:自由是全能的上帝赐予我们的普世礼物;自由与公证将点亮通往和平之路。

    The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God and that liberty and justice light the path to peace .

  19. 而另一种制度则是基于这样的信念:自由是万能的上帝赋予所有人的礼物,自由与正义照亮和平之路。

    The other system is based on the conviction that freedom is the universal gift of Almighty God , and that liberty and justice light the path to peace .

  20. 我要析求上帝的指引,来帮助我们大家把光亮送给黑暗中的人,并引导大家走向和平之路。

    seeking Divine guidance to help us each and every one to give light to them that sit in darkness and to guide our feet into the way of peace .

  21. 为了减少仁道灾难,所以国家都不惜共同努力,使得在圣地的暴力活动得以终止,冲毁和平之路。

    In addition to reducing humanitarian suffering , all nations must work toward a lasting end to the violence in the Holy Land , and a return to the path of peace .

  22. 美国希望中国以及阿拉伯国家协助为一项旨在推动苏丹和南苏丹重返和平之路、并重启石油生产的协议支付30亿美元资金。

    The US wants China and Arab states to help foot the $ 3bn bill for a deal designed to unlock oil production and set Sudan and South Sudan back on the path to peace .

  23. 有一派观点认为,通过强力回应以色列对拜登的侮辱,奥巴马和克林顿希望内塔尼亚胡能抛弃他的极右翼盟友,踏上美国人布局好的和平之路。

    One school of thought holds that Mr Obama and Mrs Clinton escalated their reaction to the Biden insult in order to make Mr Netanyahu abandon his rightist allies and tread the American path to peace ;

  24. 麦凯恩说,他花了很长时间来寻找一个可以给华盛顿带来改变、帮助美国重返繁荣与和平之路的人,最后他选择了佩林。

    Senator McCain said he chose the Alaska governor after a long search for someone he said could bring change to Washington , and help put the nation back on the road to prosperity and peace .

  25. 不管是个人之间还是国家之间,相互妥协、通向和平之路总是个复杂崎岖且痛苦的过程,因为这是一个战胜恐惧,克服苦难,消弭暴行,建立信任的过程。

    The road to peace and reconciliation is a complex and painful process , whether in national or indeed individual conflicts . It involves the conquering of fear , the dealing with bitterness and outrage , and the building of trust . It can be supported or subverted by those outside of the immediate situation as well as those inside .

  26. 中国坚持走和平发展之路。

    China is committed to the path of peaceful development .

  27. 试探中国和平崛起之路与能源因素的制约

    A Probe into China 's " Peaceful Rising " Path and Restrictions of Resource Factors

  28. 摘要中国走和平发展之路,必须妥善处理中美关系。

    The peaceful development way that China is leading must take into account the appropriate sino-ua relationship .

  29. 不同于历史上大国依靠硬实力、尤其是军事实力的扩张崛起之路中国要走一条和平崛起之路,就必须努力提升自己的软实力。

    If we choose the peaceful rise , we must work hard to promote our own soft strength .

  30. 其中之一,《从繁荣中开辟和平幸福之路》,通过繁荣带来和平与幸福,出售了数百万本。

    One of them , " developing a road to peace and happiness through prosperity " , sold several million copies .