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  1. 广西海岸沙生植被的类型及其分布和演潜

    Types , Distribution and Evolution of Sandy Vegetations along Coasts in Guangxi

  2. 这和演一个男人无关。

    It is not a question of acting a man .

  3. 总结一下,柏拉图研究用的主要方法是归纳和演译方法,亚里士多德主要是用归纳和溯因方法。

    In summary , the Platonic scenario is dominantly inductive-deductive , while the Aristotelian scenario is dominantly inductive-abductive .

  4. 在纽约,更有趣味的是,你会凭着自己的脚踏过如此之多的历史和演剧院!

    So much more fun going to meetings in NY as you get to walk through so much history and theater !

  5. 这位32岁的英国女演员将和演过《真爱至上》艾玛·汤普森联合出演《去年圣诞》,艾玛也是该剧的联合编剧。

    The 32-year-old British actress is starring in the holiday rom-com Last Christmas , co-starring Love Actually 's Emma Thompson , who co-wrote the script .

  6. 在新生周通常会举办一系列荡笱律胙社交活动,比如舞会和演大学新生入学须知唱会以及聚会。

    Freshers week is usually based around a series of social events such as discos , live bands , parties * and a Freshers Week Ball .

  7. 本文根据材料力学原理,介绍和演证了变高度梁剪应力计算公式,并对计算公式中各项给予明确的物理概念。

    Based on the strength theory of materials , some formulas for shear stress calculation in prestressed variable depth beams are introduced and demonstrated in this paper .

  8. 实践证明,学生对于在导和演语言环境下的汉语口语学习更具学习兴趣与学习效率。

    Practice proved that , students who learn oral Chinese have much more learning interest and efficiency under the " guiding " and " performing " language environment .

  9. 决定留在母亲身边表示我对我母亲的爱和演一幕喜剧,而其结果同样也是留在她身边,&这两件事情几乎是一样的。

    To decide that I love my mother by staying beside her , and to play a comedy the upshot of which is that I do so – these are nearly the same thing .

  10. 因此我们首先需了解希伯特空间背景的基本观念,接著针对RKHS的解释说明平滑演算法和先验演算法之间的关系。

    We first provide the background to the concept of Hilbert space , introduce RKHS , and then clarify the relation between smoothness and apriori knowledge on the solution in RKHS .

  11. 然后根据对水合物的地震属性(BSR,AVO,BZ等)分析和正演模拟研究,预测水合物及其游离气的存在,结合地质条件,圈定出水合物成藏的有利区带;

    Then analyses of seismic attributes , such as BSR , AVO , and BZ as well as forward modeling are conducted to predict the potential existence of hydrate and its free gas . In conjunction with geological conditions , the hopeful zones of gas hydrate reservoirs can be estimated .

  12. 你和你演的角色有共同点吗?

    Did you identify with the character you 're playing ?

  13. 矩阵分析:托普里兹矩阵和快速演算法。

    Matrix Analysis : Toeplitz Matrices and Fast Algorithms .

  14. 频率测深波区视电阻率响应和正演计算

    The response of apparent resistivity of E.M. sound in wave area and direct calculation

  15. 你和米奇演的《阳光小子》火爆全场

    You know , you and Mitch knocked The Sunshine Boys out of the park .

  16. 在我演戏的时候,我尝试将我自己的性格和所演的角色融合起来。

    Eric : In many characters , I tried to draw out my personalities to match that of characters .

  17. 本文从二维屏幕建模入手,试图建立一套大地电磁二维建模和正演计算的可视化软件系统。

    This dissertation begins with two-dimensional screen modeling to establish a forward calculation software system of two-dimensional magnetotelluric modeling and visualization .

  18. 由于戏剧是一种舞台表演艺术,因此戏剧翻译有其与众不同的特点,即戏剧翻译应当遵循可读性和可演性。

    Due to the fact that dramas are generally translated for stage performance , drama translation bears its unique features : performability and readability .

  19. 他们把我推上台,让我和一群演排了好几个月的小女孩一起表演传统的中国鼓舞。

    They got me up and had me perform a traditional Chinese drum dance with all these 8-year-old girls who had been rehearsing for months .

  20. 歌剧《阿依达》是他最具有代表性的作品之一,也是世界歌剧舞台上久负盛名和常演不衰的剧作。

    The opera Aida is one of his most representative works and it also has a good and lasting repute in the world opera stage .

  21. 一名演员所必须具备的第一样东西就是要有成为一名演员的欲望和能演好的信念。

    The first thing an actor must have is the desire to become an actor and the belief that he or she can act well .

  22. 渐渐的,人们发现了嘉宝不凡的相貌。嘉宝开始做商品展示员,接着又接到了更有钱途的模特和商演工作。

    Her unusual beauty was noticed and she began posing for the store 's catalogue . This soon lead to more lucrative modeling jobs and commercial appearances .

  23. 正文部分分为三章:第一章对关系美学等概念作出解释,并对医患和观演的关系组合进行反思。

    The body is divided into three chapters : The first chapter makes interpretation of the theory of relational aesthetics . Rethink the relationship between doctors and patients , actors and audience .

  24. 文末给出了一个数值试验,分别对测量数据和正演加噪数据进行优化处理,获得了准确度提高的反演参数。

    In the end , a numerical test to optimize individually measured data with noise and direct data with added noise is provided , and then more accurate inversion parameters are obtained .

  25. 正是由于戏剧创作活动的复杂性,戏剧翻译活动也需要综合考虑译文文本的双重属性:可读性和可演性。

    It is due to the complicity of the creation of drama that the translation of drama should take the dualistic nature of the translated text into consideration , namely , readability and performability .

  26. 米尔山还坚称,皮特早就对安吉丽娜•朱莉神魂颠倒了,他一敲定朱莉担纲女主角,皮特就立马打来电话说很愿意和朱莉演对手戏。

    Milchan also insists that Pitt was already infatuated with Jolie as immediately after he cast Angelina as the female lead , Brad called him to say he was happy to play Mr to her Mrs.

  27. 该方法主要包括根据观测的等地下水位线反求水文地质参数的反演试验方法和正演电网络模型中薄断层和排水井列的模拟方法等。

    It mainly involves the inverse test method for determining the hydrogeological parameters according to the observed ground-water contour in situ , the way of simulating the thin faults and drainage well in the forecast model etc.

  28. 通过储层标定和正演模拟分析,建立了碳酸盐岩缝洞型储层的地球物理识别模式,包括测井识别模式和地震识别模式,为储层识别和预测提供了依据。

    Through reservoir calibration and forward modeling analysis , a geophysical recognition mode ( including logging recognition mode and seismic recognition mode ) for carbonate fractured-vuggy reservoir is established and it provides evidences for reservoir recognition and prediction .

  29. 我没有考虑过减少角色或者用新人替换这是我和全体演职人员真正想要做的,我们不想拍一部学生高中一上就是8年的剧。

    That is true . I don 't think of it in terms of eliminating or replacing . * The thing that I wanted to do and the cast wanted to do , we didn 't want to have a show where they were in high school for 8 years .

  30. 应用矩谱法和辅以正演模拟,了解基底局部埋深和获得可视作均匀磁化的依据,得以用Hahn的方法作反演。

    Using the matrix spectrum method with the help of forward simulation , one can understand the local buried depth of the basement and obtain the basis which might be regarded as homogeneous magnetization so as to make inversion with Hahn 's method .