
hé pínɡ ɡē
  • dove of peace
和平鸽 [hé píng gē]
  • [peace dove] 象征和平的鸽子。《旧约.创世纪》八章中说:大洪水后,方舟中的诺亚(Noah)放出鸽子,鸽子衔橄榄枝回来,表明洪水已退。后世用鸽子作为和平的象征,并把鸽子的图画或模型叫和平鸽

  1. 展翅和平鸽,美丽的地球,最世界的符号。

    Youth Pre-employment Training dove of peace and beauty of our Earth , most of the world 's symbol .

  2. 晚上,我做了一个梦,梦见自己变成了一只洁白的和平鸽,为世界各地的人民带来和平。

    Night , I had a dream , dreamed herself into a white dove of peace , to bring peace to people around the world .

  3. 让和平鸽放飞在黎巴嫩的天空!

    Let peace doves flying in the skies of Lebanon !

  4. 蓝:西班牙一座城市悬挂著和平鸽形状的圣诞节装饰物。

    Blue : A peace-dove-shaped Christmas decoration hangs in a spainish city .

  5. 先生们,我来为和平鸽委员会敬一杯。

    Gentlemen , I 'd like to propose a toast to the dove commission .

  6. 你曾经有没有见过一只一条腿的和平鸽正在努力的飞在大街上呢?

    Have you ever seen a one-legged dove making his way down the street ?

  7. 象征和平的女神站在我们的地球上,头顶上有五只和平鸽。

    Goddess of Peace stands on the Earth , with five pigeons above her head .

  8. 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会的开幕式上,和平鸽又一次被放飞。

    This symbol of peace was used again at the opening ceremony in Antwerp in1920 .

  9. 然而,欧洲主要列强的国防开支难以证明他们是和平鸽。

    Yet the defense spending of major European powers hardly proves them to be doves .

  10. 和平鸽与橄榄枝

    The Dove and an Olive Branch

  11. 1975年他画了一幅《神鸟》,画面中占主导的是两只和平鸽。

    In1975 , he painted " Bird God ," which portrays two peace doves as the main composition .

  12. 和平标志不是和平鸽,也不是小鸡,那样的话,老鹰可是会讥笑的。

    The peace symbol is neither the track of a dove nor a chicken , as hawks have sneered .

  13. 如果你去那里,你就会看到大片草坪,喷泉和和平鸽。

    If you go there , you will see a huge open area of green grass , fountains and pigeons .

  14. 你看到和平鸽渐渐地越飞越低,越来越清晰可见,来到混乱场景的上空,直到混乱不再存在。

    You are seeing the Peace Dove gradually flying lower and lower to the turmoil until the turmoil exists no more .

  15. 在75辆和平鸽自行车中,有70辆是由网上的自行车论坛志愿者骑行演出的,他们进行了秘密彩排。

    The 75 ' dove bikes ' , 70 ridden by volunteers found on internet cycling forums , rehearsed in secrecy .

  16. 因为掩饰杀戮的战争是困难的,把杀人者说成和平鸽也是困难的。

    Because trying to gloss over the slaughter of war is problematic , and trying to convey a murderer as a dove of peace is arduous .

  17. 这将是这三个国家首度出席这个年度仪式。仪式以悠扬的钟鸣和放飞和平鸽揭开序幕。

    It will be the first time any of the three attended the annual ceremony , which begins with the ringing of bells and the release of doves .

  18. 这座高达18英尺的雕像以地球仪为主体,周围环绕着五彩音符,两只伸出的双手和一些和平鸽,象征他的音乐才华和为世界和平奋斗的精神。

    The18-foot sculpture depicts a globe topped with a keyboard , two outstretched hands and a group of doves in honour of his talent for music and his campaign for peace .

  19. 生活中要全心投入快乐与爱瞧那和平鸽的美那些活着的,最终都要消失要像你已经在天堂那样活着。

    In life devote yourself to joy and lovebehold the beauty of the peaceful dovethose who live , in the end must all perishlive as if you are already in heavens above .