
  • 网络Harmonious Enterprise;Harmonious Company
  1. 东莞SK制鞋厂:走绿色发展道路创造和谐企业

    DongGuan SK Footwear : Green Development Creates Harmonious Manufactory

  2. 针对以上四种途径,对案例分析中N公司相关情况进行概括,并最终运用管理伦理原理重建N公司和谐企业文化。

    For four ways up , we outlined the relevant circumstances of the case studies in N companies , and ultimately to rebuild N harmonious corporate culture by use of the ethical management principles .

  3. 工会要在建设劳动关系和谐企业中发挥积极作用

    Trade Unions Active Role of Building Enterprises with Harmonious Labor Relations

  4. 和谐企业要处理好四对关系

    Four Pairs of Relations to Be Handled in a Harmonious Enterprise

  5. 在构建和谐企业中彰显党员先进性

    Bringing Out the Party Members ' Progressiveness Conspicuously in Constructing Harmonious Enterprises

  6. 企业文化建设的目标是和谐企业文化。

    The target of construction of enterprise culture is harmonious enterprise culture .

  7. 煤矿构建和谐企业文化的难点与对策

    Difficulty and Countermeasures of Coal Mine Constructing Harmonious Enterprise Culture

  8. 表三显示男性与女性在和谐企业文化上的统计数据。

    Studying basic theory of harmonious corporate culture will contribute to our society .

  9. 简论和谐企业的标准、内容及构建途径

    On Standard , Content and Approach of Harmonious Enterprise

  10. 和谐企业的特征与建设和谐企业的内容探析

    On the Characters of Harmonious Enterprise and Content of the Constructing Harmonious Enterprise

  11. 丰富文化建设载体打造和谐企业文化

    Enriching the Carriers of the Cultural Construction and Creating the Harmonious Enterprise Culture

  12. 创建和谐企业实现可持续发展

    Establishing Harmonious Enterprises to Realize the Sustainable Development

  13. 构建和谐企业必须做好稳定工作

    Do well Stabilizing Work to Build Harmonious Enterprise

  14. 浅谈构建现代企业制度下的和谐企业文化

    Analysis on How to Build the Harmonious Enterprise Culture in the Modern Enterprise System

  15. 以人为本构建和谐企业文化

    On Harmonious Industry Culture Based on People-oriented Principle

  16. 国有铁路施工企业构建和谐企业初探

    Exploration of building harmonious enterprises by state-owned enterprises

  17. 建设和谐企业促进企业发展

    Constructing Harmonious Enterprise ; Promoting Enterprise Development

  18. 浅谈构建和谐企业如何发挥思想政治工作的作用

    Discussion on the Role Played by Ideological and Political Work on Constructing the Harmonious Enterprise

  19. 发展环境和谐企业文化的思考和实施策略

    The Thinking on Developing Harmonious Corporate Culture Environment System and Research on the Implementation Strategy

  20. 探析建筑施工企业生存环境&如何构建和谐企业的再思考

    On the Living Environment of Construction Enterprises

  21. 基于利益相关者理论的和谐企业研究

    Harmonious Corporate Research Based on Stakeholder Theory

  22. 对正确处理和谐企业的分配关系的思考

    On Dealing With Distribution in Harmonious Enterprises

  23. 创建和谐企业是构建和谐社会的应有之举,也是企业不断发展壮大的必然要求。

    A harmonious society need harmonious enterprises which will made them be stronger and stronger .

  24. 和谐企业文化建设有何路径与方法?

    What are the ways and means for the construction of harmonious culture in enterprise ?

  25. 浅谈构建和谐企业的文化基础

    Construct Harmonious Base of Enterprise Culture

  26. 然后对和谐企业运行机制体系进行评价,运用层次分析法确定各指标权重。

    Then use AHP to determine the weight of each index , and came to comprehensive evaluation .

  27. 摘要通过分析建筑施工企业生存环境,探讨如何构建和谐企业。

    The paper analyses the living environment of construction enterprise and discusses how to construct a harmonious enterprise .

  28. 因此,引导企业人构建和谐企业也是现代企业管理伦理的要旨所在。

    So , it is the gist of modern business management ethic that lead entrepreneur construct harmonious enterprise .

  29. 构建和谐企业不仅有其客观必然性,而且也是企业加快发展的主观需要。

    Constructing harmonious enterprise is not only the objective need , but also the subjective need of enterprise development .

  30. 发展环境和谐企业文化,是促使环境文化实现整体化、连续化、全面化、系统化的关键。

    Developing a harmonious corporate culture environment is the key to realize integration , continuity , all-side and systemize .