
  1. 一系列高调的交易改变了印度小额信贷业在发展初期的慈善形象,该行业正开始吸引私人股本集团和对冲基金的注意。

    The Indian microfinance sector is starting to attract private equity groups and hedge funds after a series of high-profile deals cast the sector in a different light from its charitable origins .

  2. 本文侧重于分析2008年奥运会对北京通信行业在基础设施建设、技术发展水平、电信消费、创造品牌形象和提升行业整体实力等方面的影响及作用。

    This paper focuses on the impact and role of the 2008 Olympic Games on Beijing 's communications sector in terms of infrastructure construction , technological development , telecoms consumption , brand creation and improvement of the overall strength of the sector .

  3. 历史发展到21世纪,我国CPA行业在取得快速发展与长足进步的同时也暴露出了一系列严重问题,CPA审计质量低下已经严重损害了行业的社会形象,并引发行业诚信危机。

    In the 21st Century , our CPA circle has made a rapid development , but at the same time , it also emerges a series of serious problems , and the low audit quality of CPA has damaged its society image and led the " honesty " crisis .

  4. 你有没有听过全形象顾问这一行业?

    Have you ever heard of holistic image consultant ?

  5. 以追求卓越的企业公民形象,竭尽所能推动行业和社会的健康、和谐发展!

    To pursue outstanding company citizen image , we try our best to promote health and harmonious development for the profession and society .

  6. 同时通过规范内部管理将进一步树立交通基层单位科学、规范的形象,具有促进行业管理工作发展的战略意义。

    At the same time standardize the internal management of traffic grassroots units will further establish scientific and standard image of the industry with the management of the development of strategic significance .

  7. 项目经理作为建设项目的领导者和管理者,对工程建设的成败、企业形象的优劣、行业的发展乃至国家的安全稳定都有举足轻重的作用。

    As the leader and manager of a construction , project manager plays an important role in the success of a project , the image of a enterprise , the development of the building trade as well as the security and stability of a country .