
  • 网络positioning;IMAGE POSITIONING
  1. 服装设计与酒店形象定位及VI的关联度!

    Fashion Design and Hotel image positioning and VI of the correlation !

  2. 旅游形象定位是区域旅游竞争的关键环节。

    The positioning of tourism image is the key in competition .

  3. 西部城市导入CIS的关键在于西部城市形象定位。

    The key point to the leading-in of west cities ' CIS is the orientation of west of west cities ' identity .

  4. 综上所述,本文在西部城市形象定位、西部城市导入CIS的原则以及城市形象传播等方面具有新意。

    In a word , this paper gets some new ideas on China Western Cities identity orientation , principles of leading-in CIS and identity propagation .

  5. 第三部分为改进小灵通营销策略的建议,从小灵通SWOT分析入手,结合前面的调研情况对小灵通品牌形象定位和产品开发、价格策略、销售渠道、促销方法等四个方面的改进提出建议。

    The third part is suggestion of how to improve PHS 's market share , which gives four aspects improvements from product development , price strategy , channel , promotion method through the SWOT analysis .

  6. 在对苏州当地的旅游资源特色分析和受众调查的基础上,提出了太湖的生态古迹长廊的旅游形象定位,并针对这一形象作了CIS总体思路设计。

    This paper analyzes characteristics of local tourism resources and investigates perceptions of this scenic spot from tourists , and based on them , proposes the tourist image of corridor with ecological and historic sites around Taihu Lake , and makes CIS general design for Dongshan scenic spot .

  7. 衡阳市区域旅游形象定位探索

    Study on the Orientation of Regional Tourism Image in Hengyang City

  8. 新世纪烟台城市形象定位的研究

    Study on the image orientation of Yantai in the new century

  9. 绿色江西:崛起中的江西形象定位

    " Green Jiangxi ", the Image to be Developed in Jiangxi

  10. 镇远古城旅游形象定位与推广策略研究

    On the position and promotion strategies of tourism image of Zhenyuan

  11. 旅游地进行形象定位,是旅游区策划的重要组成部分。

    The tourism image positioning is important component of rural tourism area .

  12. 安庆市旅游形象定位及其系统策划研究

    Research on orientation and systemic plan of tour identity of Anqing City

  13. 城市旅游项目的品牌形象定位研究

    Study on Brand Image and Location of " City Tour Project "

  14. 生态观光区的形象定位和传播策略

    Image orientation and extension strategies of ecological tourist resorts Ecological Industrial Area

  15. 神农架旅游形象定位与设计研究

    A Study of Tourism Image Niche and Design of Shennongjia

  16. 嘉陵江流域旅游形象定位研究

    The Research on the Tourism Image Positioning of the Jialing River Basin

  17. 广州城市旅游形象定位和建设研究

    Orientation and construction of city tourism images of Guangzhou

  18. 肇庆旅游区形象定位设计

    Orientation of the image design in Zhaoqing tourist zone

  19. 怀化旅游形象定位研究

    Study on the Image Orientation of Huaihua 's Tourism

  20. 花溪:中国第一爱河&兼论旅游地形象定位的概念及策划

    HUAXI : The First Love 's River of China

  21. 螺髻山旅游地形象定位及开发策略研究

    Tourism Image Positioning of Luoji Mountain and Development Strategy

  22. 襄樊旅游城的形象定位与开发

    Image Positioning and Development on Tourism in Xiangfan

  23. 论县域旅游形象定位及旅游产业发展&以浙江宁海为例

    On Image of County Tourism and Tourism Development & A Case Study On Ninghai

  24. 成都市的城市形象定位为全球最悠久的休闲欢乐之都,这一形象源自富饶的成都平原之传统经济和文化。

    Chengdu image will be defined a traditional happiest fallow city in the world .

  25. 剑河新县城旅游形象定位与旅游功能建设

    Tourist image positioning and tourist function building for the new county town of Jianhe

  26. 论桂林旅游景点门票设计及其旅游形象定位

    On the Admission Ticket Design and its Destination Image Position in Guilin Scenic Spots

  27. 试论服务企业的形象定位

    On the Problems of Images in Service Enterprises

  28. 旅游形象定位模糊,宣传力度不够;

    The tourism image of Qingdao is vague .

  29. 旅游形象定位方法与实践

    Tourism Destination Image Positioning Methods & Applications

  30. 乡村旅游地的旅游形象定位策划

    A Tourism Image Positioning Planning Rural Destination