
yǒng tàn diào
  • aria
咏叹调 [yǒng tàn diào]
  • [aria] 有伴奏的、伸展的和一般是精心创作表现人物内心情绪的独唱曲(如歌剧或清唱剧中的)

咏叹调[yǒng tàn diào]
  1. 整部歌剧毁在咏叹调部分的不够熟练。

    The opera was marred by an awkward aria .

  2. 歌剧《命运的力量》第四幕之《安宁,安宁》(Pace,pace,mioDio又译《上帝啊,请赐予我安宁》)是就是一首极具戏剧性色彩代表性的女高音咏叹调。

    The opera " Destiny Strength " fourth " Peaceful , Peaceful " ( Pace , pace , mio Dio translates " God , Please Grant Me Peacefully ") is has the theatrical color representative extremely soprano aria .

  3. 除歌剧咏叹调外,独唱歌曲允许移调演唱。

    Except Operatic Aria , transposing is allowed or solo pieces .

  4. 论两首歌剧咏叹调演唱的呼吸应用

    On The Breath of the Singing in Two Operatic Areas

  5. 他的许多歌剧中的咏叹调,至今在全世纪广泛流传。

    Many of his opera chants are still popular throughout the world .

  6. 散文集《小城咏叹调》的艺术特色分析

    Artistic Features of Prose Collection " Aria of the Small Town "

  7. 一位服务员要唱一系列的悲情的意大利咏叹调。

    a waiter would sing a selection of ridiculously depressing Italian arias .

  8. 第七首:咏叹调与合唱:哈,这是怎样的一瞬!

    NO.7 Aria with chorus : Ha ! The moment has come !

  9. 女高音将咏叹调唱得十分优美,观众爆发出热烈的掌声。

    The audience applauded after the soprano sang the aria so beautifully .

  10. 你的笑是最美的咏叹调。

    Your laughing at is the most beautiful aria .

  11. 这首歌仿效一首著名的咏叹调。

    This song takes off from a famous aria .

  12. 威尔第歌剧男中音咏叹调演唱风格研究

    The Research on the Singing Style of Baritone Aria in Verdi 's Opera

  13. 第十一首:吟诵和咏叹调:上帝啊!这里多么黑暗!

    No.11 Introduction and Aria : O God ! How dark it is !

  14. 你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调吗?

    Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage ?

  15. 塞尔:这是一首写得最美丽的咏叹调。

    Sayer : this is one of the most beautiful Arias ever written .

  16. 还要唱几首咏叹调?

    How many more Arias is he gonna sing ?

  17. 她知道歌剧《魔笛》中的每一首咏叹调。

    She knows every aria in'the magic flute ' .

  18. 女高音歌唱家正在舞台上演唱咏叹调。

    The soprano is singing an aria onstage .

  19. 听下面这首歌剧中的咏叹调。

    Listen to this aria from the opera .

  20. 隐性的遥契:《西厢记》与《伪君子》的叙事话语叙事性与咏叹调&以普契尼两首歌剧咏叹调为例

    The Narrativity and Aria & Taking Roberto Puccini 's two opera arias for examples

  21. 对莎士比亚十四行诗、歌剧咏叹调、著名政治家演说的滑稽模仿

    A parody of a Shakespearian sonnet , an operatic aria , a well-known politician

  22. 世界上最伟大的男高音的演唱使这支咏叹调美妙绝伦。

    Sung by the world 's greatest tenor , this aria is achingly beautiful .

  23. 评审拥有只听咏叹调片段的权利。

    The jury reserves the right to listen to excerpts of the presented arias only .

  24. 18世纪上半叶意大利正歌剧咏叹调研究

    Study of Arias in Italian Opera Seria in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century

  25. 第四节,分析与总结莫扎特女高音咏叹调的演唱风格。

    The fourth quarter analysis and sums up of the singing style of Mozart soprano aria .

  26. 莫扎特音乐会咏叹调在众多作品中的比重仅次于他的歌剧。

    Among many works of Mozart concert arias in the proportion are second only to his opera .

  27. 歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》中四首咏叹调的教学研究

    The Teaching Research of the Four Arias in the Opera of " the Marriage of Figaro "

  28. 手风琴演奏歌剧《塞尔维亚理发师》中《费加罗的咏叹调》的技术探析

    Technique Analysis of Accordion Playing Opera " Aria of Figaro " in " The Barber of Seville "

  29. 特别是咏叹调那优美动听的旋律,是表达剧中人物情感的最佳方式。

    Is the aria that beautiful melody , the best way to express the emotions of the characters .

  30. 它是在倾听卷起百叶窗帘的声音时方佛在听一首咏叹调,或是把整理衣橱定义为快乐的时光。

    It'scleaning the Venetian blinds while listening to an aria , or apending a pleasant hour organizing you closet .