
  • 网络Curry sauce
  1. 辣椒可以提味,可以改善咖喱汁的口感,但辣椒本身并不可口,把好辣椒放在不好的咖喱汁中也于事无补。

    Pepper adds taste and can improve a curry sauce but pepper alone is not tasty , and good pepper in a poor sauce will not do the trick .

  2. 以它为原料的小菜黏糊糊的,绝对适合练习你的筷子技术。糯米不但能美美的蘸着咖喱汁吃,更绝的是,它还能用来盖结结实实的塔楼。

    It 's a glutinous side dish that 's perfect for practicing your chopstick skills , for sopping up curry sauce and , amazingly , for building really strong pagodas .

  3. 斯诺登不慎把一点鸡肉咖喱汁洒到了羽绒被上,他带着歉意用纸巾拭去。

    Snowden spills a bit of chicken curry on the duvet and apologetically mops it up with a towel .

  4. 他表示:如果让我用印度烹饪方法来打比方,那么可以把多边协议比作品质优良的咖喱汁,地区性协议则是其中的辣椒。

    If you allow me an analogy with Indian cuisine , regional trade agreements are the pepper in a good curry sauce which is the multilateral agreement , he said .